Set 31 Flashcards
foamy, foaming, frothy, sparkling (of wine)
el espumoso, el vino espumoso, el vino espumante
the sparkling wine
el baño espumoso
the bubble bath
la marga, el loam
the loam
sanear el terreno, margar algo, fertilizar algo, fertilizar algo con marga
to loam something (apply loam to something)
la puja, la postura
the bidding (act of making bids)
las órdenes, los mandatos
the bidding (orders/commands)
la declaración
the bidding (in card games), the statement, the testimony, the declaration, the tax return, the outbreak (appearance - eg of disease, a fire), the declaration of love
el llamado, la invitación, la licitación
the bidding (invitation/summons; last is for a job, others are general)
a la orden de alguien, bajo orden de alguien
at someone’s bidding
hacer la voluntad de alguien, obedecer las órdenes de alguien
to do someone’s bidding
subir la puja
to push up the bidding (at an auction - force bidding amounts to increase)
el acta de declaración (f)
the affidavit, the witness statement, the (witness) statement
la declaración anual
the annual tax return
la declaración bajo fe de juramento
the sworn declaration, the sworn testimony, the statement under oath, the testimony under oath
la declaración, la declaración de amor
the declaration of love
la declaración de bienes
the statement of assets, the declaration of assets, the estate declaration
la declaración de culpabilidad
the guilty plea (in court), the confession (to police)
la declaración de derechos
the bill of rights
la declaración de herederos
the declaration of heirs, the declaration of official heirs, the declaration of legal heirs, the declaration of inheritors, the declaration of official inheritors, the declaration of legal inheritors
la declaración de impuestos
the tax declaration, the filing of income taxes
la declaración de inocencia
the plea of not guilty, the not-guilty plea
la declaración de insolvencia, la declaración de quiebra
the declaration of bankruptcy
la declaración de la acusación
the statement of charges, the prosecutor’s statement
la declaración de la recusación
the declaration of challenge (in court - challenging a case)
la declaración de renta, la declaración de la renta
the income statement, the tax return
la declaración de suspensión de pagos
the declaration of suspension of payments (alternative to bankruptcy that enables traders to deal with temporary financial difficulties by authorizing them to suspend payments to creditors for given time period)
la declaración in artículo mortis, la declaración in extremis
the declaration in articulo mortis, the statement in articulo mortis, the deathbed statement
la declaración jurada
the sworn declaration, the sworn statement
la declaración patrimonial, la declaración de bienes
the declaration of assets
la solicitud de declaración de quiebra
the bankruptcy filing, the filing for bankruptcy
suscribir la/una declaración
to sign the/a declaration
la toma de declaración
the taking of a statement (in court)
tomar declaración
to take a statement (legal)
tomarse algo con calma, tomarse algo con filosofía, tomarse algo con soda (Argentina)
to take something in stride
inculcar algo en alguien, imbuir algo en alguien
to ingrain something in someone
de hilo teñido
ingrain (adj - made of dyed yarn)
incrustado/incrustada en algo/alguien
ingrained in something/someone (literal - embedded), embedded in something/someone (literal), set in something/someone (literal - embedded), lodged in something/someone (literal - embedded)
arraigado/arraigada en algo/alguien, empedernido/empedernida en algo/alguien, enraizado/enraizada en algo/alguien
ingrained in something/someone (figurative - rooted)
el fondo, el ñame, los lerenes
rock bottom (last is rural)
tocar fondo, irse hasta el ñame, irse hasta los lerenes
to hit rock bottom, to reach rock bottom, to hit bottom (last Spanish is rural)
trustingly, confidently
confiado/confiada, creído/creída
trusting (in others/something)
de mutua confianza
trusting (honest)
en breve, dentro de poco, en seguida, ahorita (México), pronto, despuesito
shortly (soon; 1st is formal)
bruscamente, secamente, de modo cortante
shortly (curtly)
en una palabra, por un momento
shortly (briefly)
poco después de algo, apenas después de algo
shortly after something
poco antes de algo, justo antes de algo
shortly before something
ponerle una mano encima a alguien
to lay a hand on someone
el bote salvavidas, la lancha de salvamento
the lifeboat (1st is stored on ship or used by rescue crew, 2nd is only used by rescue crew)
la marca de mordida, la marca de mordedura, la marca de mordisco
the bite mark
las marcas de mordida, las marcas de mordedura, las marcas de mordisco
the bite marks
desalmado/desalmada, cruel, insensible, sin corazón, despiadado/despiadada, inhumano/inhumana
heartless (of a person - unkind)
el desalmado/la desalmada
the heartless person, the swine (person), the rat (person), the scoundrel, the bastard, the SOB
insensible, inhumano/inhumana, desalmado/desalmada
heartless (of speech/an action - lacking compassion)
rayar algo, marcar algo, arañar algo
to scuff something
la rozadura, el rasguño, la marca, el rayón
the scuff (scuff mark)
la marca, el rasguño, el rayón
the scuff (scuff mark), the scuff mark
la pantufla
the scuff (slipper), the scuff slipper
el gallinero, los generales (Argentina), la gayola (México)
the peanut gallery (cheapest seats in a theater)
mi momento de brillar, mi hora de brillar, mi tiempo para brillar
my time to shine
poner a un lado algo, apartar algo, interrumpir momentáneamente algo
to set something aside (put something away)
ahorrar algo, dejar algo
to set something aside (save something; 1st is money, 2nd is time)
reservar algo, guardar algo, apartar algo
to set something aside (put something aside)
dejar a un lado algo, dejar de lado algo, apartar algo, aparcar algo (España)
to set something aside (temporarily disregard)
anular algo
to set something aside (legal), to cancel something (legal or an event or financial), to annul something, to rescind something, to repeal something, to declare something null and void, to disallow something (in sports), to destroy something (exceed - eg defeat in sports), to nullify something, to void something, to overshadow something, to defeat something
el anular, el dedo anular
the ring finger
ring-shaped, partial (of an eclipse)
to cancel each other out, to fade into the background (figurative - become insignificant), to keep quiet (figurative - become insignificant)
anular a una persona
to stun someone, to leave someone stunned (both figurative - shock someone)
anular un examen, cancelar un examen
to cancel a test, to cancel an exam
anular un gol
to disallow a goal (in sports)
el dedo anular
the ring finger, the annualry finger
el divo/la diva
the star (famous person), the diva (famous person or used as an insult)
estudiar la situación
to take stock (study a situation), to study the situation
evaluar algo
to take stock of something (appraise/evaluate something), to evaluate something, to assess something, to appraise something
los criterios a evaluar
the criteria to evaluate, the criteria to assess
la tosquedad, la brusquedad
the offhandedness
indiferentemente, ligeramente, informalmente
improvisado/improvisada, informal, de pasada
offhand, off-hand, offhanded (casual/careless)
improvisadamente, sin preparación, sin pensarlo bien
offhand, off-hand (without preparation)
de manera descortés, distraídamente
in an offhand way (casually)
cuantificar algo
to quantify something, to quantize something
el sidecar
the sidecar (of a vehicle)
el cóctel sidecar
the sidecar (drink)
la banda sonora, el soundtrack (Argentina)
the soundtrack (music in a movie)
el sonido, la pista de audio
the soundtrack (actual audio track of a movie)
la cuantificación, la cuantización
the quantization
el yak, el yac
the yak (animal)
el cotorreo, la charleta
the yak (chatter; 1st is informal)
cotorrear, charlar
to yak (to chatter)
el blablablá, el parloteo, la cháchara
the yakety-yak, the yackety-yak (incessant talk/chatter)
la maquinaria pesada
the heavy machinery
sin ningún orden en particular, en ningún orden particular, en ningún orden en particular
in no particular order
la palabra de seguridad
the safe word
to be astonished, to be amazed, to be stunned, to be dazed, to be stupefied, to be bewildered, to be left with one’s mouth open (figurative)
indefinido/indefinida, indeterminado/indeterminada
indefinite (not fixed OR in grammar)
indefinido/indefinida, impreciso/imprecisa
indefinite (not defined)
el indeterminado, el indefinido
the indefinite article (grammar)