Set 38 Flashcards
el alminar, el minarete
the minaret
la estocada
the stab, the thrust, the stab wound, the sword thrust (in bullfighting), the death blow (in bullfighting)
la cúpula
the cupola, the dome, the turret (on a ship), the leadership, the leaders, the upper echelons
el espadachín
the swordsman, the swashbuckler
escaso/escasa, exiguo/exigua, insuficiente
scant (insufficient)
sucinto/sucinta, corto/corta, pequeño/pequeña, estrecho/estrecha
scant (skimpy - of clothes)
escaso/escasa, poco/poca
scant (both are little in quantity, 1st is also in short supply) (both are used before noun)
desatender algo
to scant something (ignore something), to neglect something, to disregard something, to ignore something, to shrug something off
escatimar algo
to scant something (limit/hold something back - eg details), to skimp on something, to be sparing with something, to stint with something (skimp on), to spare something (skimp on - eg spare no expense), to be unstinting in something (NOT skimp on - when used in the negative)
un poco menos de algo, casi algo
a scant something (slightly less than something)
escaseando, que escasea(n)
in scant supply
desatender a alguien
to neglect someone, to disregard someone, to ignore someone
no escatimar gastos, no escatimar en gastos, no reparar en gastos
to spare no expense
escasamente (+adjetivo)
scantily (+adjective) (NOT used for clothing), barely, hardly, scarcely, slightly, sparsely, poorly, with difficulty
insuficientemente vestido/insuficientemente vestida, ligero de ropas/ligera de ropas, medio desvestido/medio desvestida, con poca ropa, ligero de ropa
scantily clad, scantily-clad, scantily dressed, scantily-dressed (last is adverb)
la obertura
the overture (in music)
la insinuación, la propuesta, la proposición
the overture (proposition to someone - 1st is sexual, others can be general or sexual)
esta noche, hoy en la noche
tonight (today after sundown)
esta noche, hoy por la noche
tonight (today in the evening)
esta noche
tonight (today after sundown, today in the evening, this day’s night, or this day’s evening), last night
el armónico, el sobretono
the overtone (in music - acoustical frequency of an instrument)
el tinte, el matiz, la connotación, la alusión, la insinuación
the overtone (connotation)
el trasfondo, el mensaje de fondo
the undertone (underlying quality/meaning)
la voz baja, el tono bajo
the undertone (low voice)
decir algo en voz baja, decir algo en tono bajo
to say something in an undertone
el matiz
the undertone (muted color or scent), the overtone (connotation), the tinge (nuance in meaning), the nuance (meaning), the touch (nuance in meaning), the subtle difference (nuance in meaning), the shade (slight color or shadow), the hue (slight color or shadow), the tint (slight color), the aspect (part of something - especially part of meaning/perspective)
la alta abstención de votantes, la baja participación de votantes, el bajo número de votantes, la baja participación electoral
the low voter turnout
el gran número de votantes, la alta participación de votantes, la alta participación electoral, la elevada participación electoral, la elevada participación de votantes
the high voter turnout
la concurrencia de votantes, la participación de electores, la participación electoral, la participación de votantes, la participación de los votantes
the voter turnout
el bombardero
the bombardier (air soldier who drops bombs), the bomber (plane that drops bombs)
bombardero/bombardera, de bombardeo
bombing (1st is that drops bombs, 2nd is related to bombing)
el caza-bombardero, el cazabombardero, el avión de cazabombardero
the fighter-bomber (military plane)
el bombardeo
the bombardment (literal or figurative - torrent of something - or in physics - intense stream of high-energy particles directed at a substance), the bombing, the shelling, the air raid, the air attack, the barrage (figurative - torrent of something), the volley (figurative - torrent of something)
apuntarse a un bombardeo
to be game for anything, to be up for anything
el bombardeo publicitario
the advertising blitz, the publicity barrage
bombardear algo/a alguien, acribillar algo/a alguien
to bombard something/someone (1st is literal or figurative - barrage with something - 2nd is only figurative) (both can be used with con + noun)
la Mancomunidad, la Commonwealth, la Comunidad Británica de Naciones
the Commonwealth (former members of British Empire - eg Canada)
el estado
the Commonwealth (US State - Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia), the state (condition OR country OR part of country OR in physics), the condition, the statement (in finance), the status (online), the phase (in physics), the stage (in physics)
el Estado, la Mancomunidad, el estado libre asociado, el territorio autónomo
the Commonwealth (self-governing part of US - eg Puerto Rico)
la Comunidad
the Commonwealth (former members of Soviet Union)
la Commonwealth
the Commonwealth (former members of British Empire OR federal union of states - eg Commonwealth of Australia), the Commonwealth of Nations (British-controlled countries), the British Commonwealth (British-controlled countries)
la República
the Commonwealth (United Kingdom), the republic (when lowercase)
de la Commonwealth
Commonwealth (of the British Commonwealth)
la CEI (la Comunidad de Estados Independientes)
the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) (former Soviet states)
el país de la Commonwealth, el país miembro de la Commonwealth
the Commonwealth country (nation in British Commonwealth)
la Mancomunidad de Australia, la Commonwealth de Australia
the Commonwealth of Australia
la Mancomunidad de Naciones
the Commonwealth of Nations (countries of former British Empire)
el MREMN (el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y de la Mancomunidad de Naciones)
the FO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) (government agency in UK)
el Estado
the state (country), the nation
la comunidad
the community (society OR group of people), the association, the service charge (used in Spain), the service fee (used in Spain)
la comunidad autónoma (España)
the autonomous community, the autonomous region
la comunidad científica
the scientific community
la comunidad de bienes
the joint ownership (of a property), the community property
la Comunidad de Madrid
the Community of Madrid, the Autonomous Community of Madrid
la comunidad de propietarios
the residents’ association, the homeowners’ association
la comunidad de vecinos
the neighborhood association, the homeowner’s association
la comunidad educativa
the educational community (students, teachers, parents, school administrators, as well as businesses, charitable organizations, and neighborhoods that are interested in the wellbeing of the school)
la comunidad escolar
the school community (students, teachers, parents, school administrators, as well as businesses, charitable organizations, and neighborhoods that are interested in the wellbeing of the school)
la comunidad humana
mankind, the human race
vivir en comunidad con alguien
to live in a community with someone, to commune with someone
Bulgaria, la República de Bulgaria
Bulgaria, la República de Bulgaria
Irán, la República Islámica de Irán
Portugal, la República Portuguesa
la presidencia de la república
the presidency of the republic (rule of head of state of a republic)
la República Checa, Chequia
the Czech Republic
la República Dominicana
the Dominican Republic
Sierra Leona, la República de Sierra Leona
Sierra Leone
Sudáfrica, la República de Sudáfrica
South Africa
Túnez, la República Tunecina
Tunisia, Tunis (capital of Tunisia)
la gravedad, la seriedad
the severity (seriousness - eg of an illness)
la severidad, el rigor, la gravedad
the severity (harshness - eg punishment, winter)
la intensidad
the severity (intensity - eg of pain), the intensity (strength/power OR vehemence OR of sound), the strength (intensity - eg of an earthquake - OR of electricity), the heaviness (intensity - eg of rain), the brightness (of a color OR electricity/light), the passion (of feelings), the force (intensity), the acuteness (of pain/illness), the vehemence, the passion, the poignancy, the volume (of sound), the amplitude (of sound)
la austeridad
the severity (austerity), the austerity, the frugality, the simplicity (austerity)
la severidad
the severity (harshness - eg of punishment, winter - OR austerity OR seriousness/sternness OR gravity - eg of an illness), the harshness (intensity), the strictness, the sternness (austerity - eg of someone’s expression)
la seriedad
the severity (seriousness - eg of an illness - OR seriousness in expression), the seriousness (eg of an illness OR earnestness), the gravity (seriousness - eg of an illness), the responsibility (sense of responsibility), the sense of responsibility, the reliability
la intensidad horaria
the workload, the hours per week (of work)
severamente, con severidad, duramente
severely (strictly - eg severely punished)
gravemente, seriamente
severely (critically - eg severely damaged)
duramente, severamente, cruelmente
severely (rigorously/harshly - eg severely criticized)
severely (plainly - eg severely dressed), austerely, sternly
severamente, gravemente, seriamente
severely (extremely/seriously - eg severely high)
severo/severa, duro/dura, riguroso/rigurosa, fuerte, grande, difícil
severe (1st is of punishment/criticism, 2nd is of punishment/criticism OR weather/winter OR situation/training, 3rd is of rules OR weather/winter, 4th is of pain or frost, 5th is of pain or shortage, 6th is of situation/training)
severo/severa, serio/seria, grave, de pocos amigos
severe (stern - of a look or expression)
sobrio/sobria, austero/austera
severe (plain - 1st is of style, 2nd is pejorative and is of style or suit)
fuerte, serio/seria, severo/severa
severe (very bad/intense - eg of illness)
serio/seria, grave
severe (serious/stern)
la prueba extrema, la dura prueba
the severe test (ordeal)
separarse de algo, escindirse de algo, abrirse de algo (Argentina)
to secede from something (1st can also be intransitive)
la secesión (de algo), la separación (de algo)
the secession (from something) (1st is US Civil War or general, 2nd is general)
la sezession, la secesión
the Secession (modernist arts movement from Germany and Austria)
retroceder, alejarse, recular
to recede (to move further away - eg of a river)
desvanecerse, esfumarse, borrarse
to recede (to fade - eg of memories)
tener entradas, ralear
to recede (to be going bald)
verse hundido/verse hundida
to recede (to slope backwards - eg of a chin), to look sunken (immersed or deep-set), to look deep-set, to look depressed, to look downcast
la recesión
the recession (financial OR movement of a planet away from the sun OR figurative - step backwards), the step backwards (figurative)
el retroceso, la retrocesión, la regresión
the recession (act of receding)
la doble recesión
the double dip, the double-dip recession (relatively rare economic phenomenon where a recession is followed by a brief recovery and then another recession)
hacia la recesión, camino de la recesión
recession bound, recession-bound (heading for economic downturn)
el titular/la titular
the incumbent, the holder (of an object or a position), the owner (of an object), the titleholder (owner of a property)
incumbirle a alguien hacer algo, corresponderle a alguien hacer algo, ser deber de alguien hacer algo, deber hacer algo
to be incumbent upon someone, to be incumbent on someone (to be necessary) (last uses person as subject)
actual, de turno, en funciones, en ejercicio
incumbent (of a person - currently in office)
el actual senador/la actual senadora, el senador de turno/la senadora de turno, el senador en funciones/la senadora en funciones, el senador en ejercicio/la senadora en ejercicio
the incumbent senator
el titular, el encabezado
the headline (1st is title of main news article OR main news item, 2nd is only main news item)
permanent (of a person - tenured), principal (of a music director), chief (of a music director)
titular algo algo
to title something something, to entitle something something, to call something something
titularse algo
to be called something, to be titled something
titularse en algo
to graduate in something, to graduate from somewhere, to receive a degree from somewhere
el académico titular/la académica titular
the member of the academy (eg member of Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)
el asegurado titular/la asegurada titular, el asegurado/la asegurada, el titular de la póliza/la titular de la póliza, el tomador de la póliza/la tomadora de la póliza
the (insurance) policy holder
el docente a cargo/la docente a cargo, el docente titular/la docente titular
the head teacher, the teacher in charge
el juez titular/la jueza titular
the presiding judge, the acting judge, the incumbent judge
encabezar el reparto de algo, encabezar la lista de algo, encabezar algo, ser el/la artista principal de algo
to headline something
el resumen de noticias
the headlines (outstanding news), the news brief, the news roundup, the news summary, the news digest
el titular
the headline (main news item OR title of main news article), the banner headline (main title on newspaper)
el fraude electoral
the election fraud, the electoral fraud, the vote rigging
en funciones, en el poder, en el cargo
in office
la permanencia en el cargo
the tenure in office (a leader’s term in power)
el mújol, el salmonete
the mullet (fish - live or cooked; 1st is red, 2nd is gray)
el mullet, el playero, las greñas (España), el peinado corto por delante y largo por detrás
the mullet (hairstyle)
el salmonete
the mullet (red fish - live or cooked), the red mullet, the goatfish
memorablemente, recordablemente
memorable, sobresaliente
memorable (notable/impressive)
recordable, fácil de recordar
memorable (easy to remember)
la notabilidad
the noteworthiness, the notability (noteworthiness), the notable person
notable, digno de atención/digna de atención, considerable, digno de ser tenido en cuenta/digna de ser tenida en cuenta
notable por algo, digno/digna de tener en cuenta por algo, conocido/conocida por algo
noteworthy for something
echar leña al fuego, echarle leña al fuego
to fan the flames, to add fuel to the fire, to add fuel to the flames, to fan the fire, to make things worse, to make a situation worse, to make it worse
estoy en camino a matar a alguien, estoy de camino a matar a alguien
I’m on my way to kill someone
este, esto (España), hm, um
fond of walking, restless
el andarivel
the (nautical) lifeline, the cable ferry, the rope bridge, the rope barrier, the lane (of a pool)
andar en automático
to perform as if on autopilot, to do things unconsciously due to habit, to perform an action automatically by force of habit
decir mentiras, mentir, meter paquetes, meter embustes
to tell lies
él/ella me quiere por quien soy, él/ella me quiere por lo que soy, él/ella me ama por quien soy, él/ella me ama por lo que soy
he/she loves me for who I am
la cuenta regresiva, el conteo regresivo
the countdown
estar en la cuenta regresiva (para algo)
to be countdown (to something - a day)
estamos ya en la cuenta regresiva para la Navidad
it’s now the countdown to Christmas
está en cuenta regresiva
it’s counting down
sharp (pointy eg of a weapon - or intense - eg of pain - or of words/comments), stabbing (intense - eg of pain), shooting (intense - eg of pain), biting (of words/comments), caustic (of words/comments)