Set 32 Flashcards
sin rastro, sin dejar pista, sin dejar huella
without a trace (all often used with “dejar”)
unfriendly, unpleasant, disagreeable, obnoxious, nasty (mean), mean, not nice
la galleta salada, el pretzel
the pretzel
corretear, correr, apresurarse, apurarse
to scurry (dash around; last 2 are typically followed by “a” or “para”)
el correteo, la corrida, la carrera, la huida, la escapada
the scurry
apresurarse (a/para), apurarse (a/para)
to scurry (move hurriedly), to scurry along (move hurriedly)
corretear, correr deprisa, precipitarse, ir a toda mecha, poner pies en polvorosa
to scamper (1st is of children - to run playfully; rest are of animals - to move quickly)
dificultado/dificultada, complicado/complicada
hampered (adj)
el cesto, el canasto, la cesta, el hamper, la cesta de la ropa sucia, el canasto de la ropa sucia
the hamper (laundry basket)
la cesta, la canasta
the hamper (food basket)
dificultar algo, obstaculizar algo, entorpecer algo, obstruir algo, enlentecer algo, lentificar algo
to hamper something (slow progress of something; last 2 are not commonly used)
impedir algo, obstaculizar algo
to hamper something (slow/dampen something - eg vision)
el hamper, el canasto de la ropa sucia, el canasto para lavar, la cesta de la ropa sucia
the clothes hamper
traer justicia a una ciudad asediada por el crimen
to bring justice to a crime-ridden city
va por libre, tiene vida propia, anda cuando quiere
it has a mind of its own
el pringue, la pringue, la porquería, la mugre, el menjunje, la baba, la sustancia viscosa
the goo (slime)
el sentimentalismo, las cursilerías, la sensibilidad, la sensiblería
the goo (sentimentality)
helado/helada, gélido/gélida
ice-cold (cold to the touch)
frío/fría, impasible
ice-cold (emotionless)
apaciguar a alguien, calmar a alguien
to pacify someone (calm someone)
pacificar algo, llevar la paz a algo, traer la paz a algo
to pacify something (bring peace to something)
apaciguar a alguien, calmar a alguien, tranquilizar a alguien
to pacify someone (appease someone)
el bobo, el chupete, el chupón
the pacifier
la ocurrencia
the idea, the bright idea (used sarcastically), the witty remark (wisecrack), the funny remark (wisecrack), the witticism (wisecrack), the case (event - eg in case of an emergency), the occurrence
tener la ocurrencia
to be witty
la mugre, la suciedad, la porquería, la embarrada, el embarre
the grime
mugriento/mugrienta, sucio/sucia
la base, la imprimación, el tapaporos, la primera mano
the primer (1st coat of paint)
el manual básico (de algo), la cartilla (de algo)
the primer (on something) (introductory textbook)
el abecedario, la cartilla, el libro para niños
the primer (child’s reading book)
el cebo, el iniciador, el detonador
the primer (of an explosive - device that sets off explosion)
indigerible, difícil de digerir
indigestible (1st is both literal and figurative, 2nd is only figurative)
la indigestión, el jaleo de estómago, el embuchado, el embuchamiento, el embuche
the indigestion
el embuchado
the indigestion, the indigestion and stomachache
pegajoso/pegajosa, viscoso/viscosa, mantecoso/mantecosa, empalagoso/empalagosa
gooey (sticky; last is only of sweet things, rest are general)
empalagoso/empalagosa, sensiblero/sensiblera, cursi
gooey (sentimental)
bien merecido/bien merecida, bien ganado/bien ganada
bien merecido/bien merecida
well-earned, well-deserved
la branquia, la agalla
the gill (for breathing)
el cuarto de pinta (de algo)
the gill (of something) (unit of measurement)
quitarle las agallas al pescado
to gill the fish (remove gills from the fish)
el trasmallo, la red de enmalle, la red de deriva
the gill net (wall of net that hangs in the water)
el opérculo
the operculum, the gill cover (fish body part that covers gills)
duro/dura, masticable, correoso/correosa, latigudo/latiguda (Chile)
chewy (difficult to chew)
correoso/correosa, gomoso/gomosa
chewy (of toffee/similar candies - not soft)
el elitista/la elitista
the elitist
elitista (m y f), pijo/pija (España), fresa (m y f)(México)
elitist (1st is of a person or institution, 2nd and 3rd are only for people)
elitista (m y f)
elitist, exclusive, snobbish
la subida
the rise (increase or hill or figurative ascent), the increase, the climb (ascent or hill), the ascent (literal or figurative), the hill, the upload
registrar una subida
to go up (increase), to record an increase, to record a rise
la subida de tensión
the power surge, the voltage increase, the voltage surge
subido de tono/subida de tono
adult (of a movie/TV show), risqué, raunchy
el distrito policial, la jurisdicción policial
the precinct (police district)
la comisaría, la delegación (México), la delegación de policía, la estación de policía (México), la comisaría de policía (España)
the precinct (police station)
el distrito electoral, la circunscripción
the precinct (electoral district)
los límites de algo, el recinto de algo, los alrededores de algo
the precincts of something, the something precincts (the grounds of a place)
el precinto policial
the precinct house (police station)
el complejo residencial
the residential precinct (housing estate)
el peatonal comercial, la calle de los negocios
the shopping precinct (used in United Kingdom)
gentil, refinado/refinada, elegante, afectado/afectada
genteel (of a person; last is used as an insult)
gentil, elegante, refinado/refinada, fino/fina
genteel (stylish/elegant)
esperar el momento, aguardar el momento
to bide one’s time
el punto medio, el punto central, la mitad
the midpoint (1st and 2nd are in space, 3rd is in time)
el ualabí
the wallaby
el biombo
the flashing light, the folding screen, the room divider, the police, the cops, the rotating beacon
el parpadeo, el tintineo, la intermitencia
the flashing (flicker; last is of lights, others are general)
el exhibicionismo
the flashing (exhibitionism), the exhibitionism, the indecent exposure
el tapajuntas
the flashing (in architecture - weatherproofing of joints)
flashing, sporadic, intermittent
el biombo, la luz intermitente, el intermitente
the flashing light
el intermitente
the flashing light, the turn signal, the blinker, the blinking light
la pinza, el broche (Argentina), el perrito (Chile), el gancho (Andes/Centroamérica/México), el palillo (Uruguay), la pinza de la ropa, la prensa de ropa (Costa Rica)
the clothespin
tardar algo (en)
to take something (to) (an amount of time - eg 2 hours)
to take too long, to be long (take long), to be late
to be long (take long), to take a long time
tardar dos horas en llegar
to take 2 hours to arrive, to take 2 hours to get here, to take 2 hours to get there
tardar en hacer algo
to be late doing something, to take a long time doing something
tardarse en hacer algo
to take long doing something, to take long to do something, to be late doing something
a más tardar
at the latest, no later than
a más tardar el 20 de noviembre
on November 20th at the latest, no later than November 20th
sin tardar
without delay, immediately, in a flash
tardarse lo suyo en hacer algo (m y f)
to take one’s time doing something
el descaro
the impertinence, the nerve (impertinence), the cheek (impertinence), the insolence
tener el descaro de hacer algo
to have the gall to do something
shameless, sassy, cheeky, impertinent, blatant, barefaced (blatant), brazen, impudent
el descarado/la descarada
the insolent person, the rude person, the shameless person
to be cheeky, to get fresh with someone (be cheeky with someone; followed by con), to have a real nerve
el lomo, el filete, el solomillo
the tenderloin (1st is of pork/beef, 2nd is of beef, 3rd is of pork/beef)
los bajos fondos
the tenderloin (deprived urban area)
el lomo de cerdo
the pork tenderloin
unpleasant, disagreeable, bad
unpleasantly, revoltingly, disgustingly, nastily, meanly, harshly, sourly, ill-naturedly
el plancton
the plankton
el imperdible, el alfiler de gancho (Cono Sur), el seguro (México/Centroamérica), el gancho (Andes), el alfiler de seguridad (México), el gancho de nodriza (Colombia), la gacilla (Costa Rica/Nicaragua)
the safety pin
la haltera, la pesa
the barbell
encontrarse en el medio, encontrar un punto medio
to meet in the middle
la sala, la sala del tribunal
the courtroom
el motivo de ruptura, el factor innegociable, el factor no negociable
the deal breaker
no tengo a dónde ir, no tengo adónde ir
I have nowhere to go, I don’t have anywhere to go
el aguafiestas/la aguafiestas
the killjoy, the party pooper, the spoilsport, the wet blanket (spoilsport), the grouch, the buzzkill
la grieta, la fisura
the crevice
ese huevo quiere sal, cuidado, ten cuidado
watch your back
arrojar algo, lanzar algo, tirar algo, aventar algo (México)
to fling something (throw something)
cerrar una puerta de golpe
to fling a door shut (slam a door shut)
echarse la ropa, ponerse la ropa deprisa
to fling one’s clothes on
quitarse rápidamente la ropa, quitarse la ropa de prisa
to fling one’s clothes off
abrir una puerta de golpe
to fling a door open (throw a door open)
meterse de lleno en algo (m y f), lanzarse de lleno a algo (m y f), emplearse a fondo en algo (m y f)
to fling oneself into something (become wholeheartedly involved in something)
entrar (en algo) hecho una furia/entrar (en algo) hecha una furia
to fling (into something) (enter brusquely)
salir (de algo) hecho una furia/salir (de algo) hecha una furia
to fling (out of something) (leave brusquely)
la aventura amorosa, la aventura, el rollo
the fling (love affair)
tirarse a una piscina, echarse a una piscina
to fling oneself into a pool
abalanzarse sobre alguien, tirarse sobre alguien, echarse sobre alguien
to fling oneself at someone (try to become romantically involved with someone)
la aventura, el lanzamiento
the fling (1st is period of enjoyment, 2nd is act of throwing something)
el intento en algo, la prueba de algo
the fling at something (attempt at something)
tirar algo a algo, echar algo a algo, lanzar algo a algo, aventar algo a algo (Colombia/México/Perú)
to chuck something at something (throw something; can also be used with “le” + person)
botar algo en algo, tirar algo en algo
to chuck something in something (throw something away)
dejar algo, plantar algo (coloquial)
to chuck something (give something up/stop something - eg a job)
cortar con alguien, plantar a alguien (coloquial), botar a alguien (Chile/Centroamérica)
to chuck someone (break up with someone)
la comida, el morfi (Río de la Plata), la manduca (España)
the chuck (food)
la aguja, la paleta, la espaldilla
the chuck (cut of beef)
el portabrocas, el mandril
the chuck (in mechanics - specialized type of clamp used to hold an object with radial symmetry)
la palmadita
the chuck (playful pat), the little pat, the little clap, the pat, the tap (of the hand), the light slap
devolver, guacarear (México), vomitar, potar (España)
to chuck (to vomit)
darle una palmadita a alguien, acariciar a alguien
to chuck someone (pat someone)
descartar algo, desechar algo, excluir algo, eliminar algo
to chuck something away (throw something away)
tirar algo, botar algo, desechar algo, descartar algo
to chuck something out (throw something out)
echar a alguien, expulsar a alguien (formal), desalojar a alguien, echar cagando a alguien (Chile/Argentina), sacar a patadas a alguien
to chuck someone out (evict someone)
poner a alguien nervioso/nerviosa, poner nervioso/nerviosa a alguien, aturdir a alguien, aturullar a alguien
to fluster someone
el aturdimiento, la confusión, la conmoción, el revuelo
the fluster (confusion/agitation)
nervioso/nerviosa, aturullado/aturullada
alegrar en demasía a alguien, llenar de alegría a alguien, hacer muy feliz a alguien
to overjoy someone
encantado/encantada, deleitado/deleitada, contento/contenta, contentísimo/contentísima, rebosante de alegría, encantado de la vida/encantada de la vida
overjoyed (last is ironic)
silencioso/silenciosa, sin palabras, sin hablar
wordless (1st is nonverbal, 2nd and 3rd are without words/speaking)
sin palabras, sin hablar
wordless (without speaking/words), wordlessly (without speaking/words)
el fanfarrón/la fanfarrona, el charlatán/la charlatana, el echador/la echadora (México/Venezuela/Cuba), el hablador/la habladora
the blusterer (person who makes empty threats)
jactancioso/jactanciosa, arrogante
blusterous (loud and self-important)
el blofe, el bluff, las bravatas, las fanfarronadas, la bravata, la fanfarronada, la hablada (México), la jactancia
the bluff (empty boasting)
echar bravatas, fanfarronear
to bluff (make threats)
rugir, bramar, soplar
to bluff (of wind - to blow strongly)
la racha, la ráfaga
the bluff (gust of wind)
tempestuoso/tempestuosa, ventoso/ventosa, de mucho viento
blustery (windy; 3rd is only preceded by “día”)
moverse, caminar, desplazarse
to get around (move around)
viajar, viajar con frecuencia, moverse bastante, correr, entrar a rodar
to get around (last 2 are to circulate - eg of a rumor - rest are to travel)
pasar alrededor de algo, dar la vuelta completa a algo, completar algo
to get around something (go around something; last is of a circuit, others are general)
eludir algo, evitar algo, sortear algo
to get around something (bypass something)
esquivar hacer algo, evitar hacer algo
to get around doing something (avoid doing something; 1st is of answering a question)
cuando corrió la voz de que estaba haciendo eso . . ., cuando entró a rodar la voz de que estaba haciendo eso . . .
when word got around that he/she was doing that . . .
sacar el tiempo para hacer algo, encontrar el tiempo para hacer algo, decidirse a hacer algo
to get around to doing something
entender algo, encontrarle la vuelta a algo
to get one’s head around something (understand something)
arreglárselas, apañárselas
to get by (to cope)
pasar, salvarse, ser pasable
to get by (to be acceptable)
defenderse en un idioma, arreglárselas en un idioma, hacerse entender en un idioma
to get by in a language (make oneself understood in a language)
pasar (algo/a alguien)
to get by (something/someone) (to move past - can be transitive/intransitive)
pasar por delante de alguien sin ser visto/vista
to get by someone (pass someone without being noticed)
sobrevivir con algo
to get by on something (survive on something), to survive on something
estar sin palabras, quedarse sin palabras
to be at a loss for words, to be speechless
la ráfaga, el chaparrón
the flurry (1st is of snow, 2nd is of rain)
el frenesí, la oleada
the flurry (1st is frenzy, 2nd is large/sudden number of something)
arremolinarse, neviscar, nevar ligeramente
to flurry (of snow - to swirl)
la marmota, la marmota americana
the woodchuck (2nd is technical)
la quemadura química
the chemical burn
la laca, la laca para el pelo, la laca de peinado, la laca en spray
the hairspray
el gel para el cabello, el fijador, la gomina (España), el gel
the hair gel
desgarbado/desgarbada, larguirucho/larguirucha
gangly, gangling (gangly)
la seña de pandilla, la seña entre pandilleros
the gang sign (both used with hacer)
la pasiva impersonal
the impersonal passive (in grammar)
fríamente, despegadamente
impersonally (in an unfriendly way)
objetivamente, imparcialmente, desapasionadamente
impersonally (in an objective way)
personal (individual - eg personal experience - OR physical - eg personal hygiene - OR in person OR for a single person’s use OR in grammar - of a person), individual, private
personal, privado/privada, confidencial
personal (private)
en persona, personal
personal (in person)
el anuncio personal
the personal (type of advert used by single people looking for a partner), the personal ad, the singles ad
personal, individual
personal (for a single person’s use)
próximo/próxima, cercano/cercana, íntimo/íntima
personal (1st and 2nd are very close - eg of a relationship - 3rd is intimate)
la acción personal
the personal action (law - an action brought for the recovery of debts, personal property, or damages arising from any cause), the personal lawsuit, the action in personam, the actio in personam
la ambición personal, la meta personal
the personal ambition (goal)
el aspecto, la apariencia personal, el look, la presencia personal
the personal appearance
el asistente personal/la asistente personal, el ayudante/la ayudante (coloquial)
the personal assistant
las posesiones, las pertenencias
the personal belongings
el cuidado personal, el aseo personal, la higiene personal
the personal care (hygiene)
los efectos personales, las pertenencias
the personal chattels (belongings)
la opción personal, la elección personal, la opción propia, la libre elección, el libre albedrío
the personal choice (free will)
la computadora personal, la computadora, el computador, el ordenador (España)
the personal computer
el conflicto interno, el dilema
the personal conflict
la correspondencia personal, las cartas personales
the personal correspondence
los datos personales, la información personal
the personal data, the personal information (1st is also personal details)
los efectos personales, las pertenencias, las ocas, los artículos personales
the personal effects (belongings)
la computadora de bolsillo
the PDA, the personal digital assistant
el patrimonio personal
the personal estate (personal property), the personal assets
el beneficio personal
the personal gain, the personal benefit
el cuidado personal, el aseo personal, el aspecto, la presentación
the personal grooming (1st is specifically for appearance, 2nd is specifically for cleanliness, rest are general)
la higiene personal
the personal hygiene, the personal care
el número de identificación personal
the personal identification number (4-digit passcode), the PIN
la propia iniciativa, la iniciativa propia, la iniciativa individual
the personal initiative
las lesiones
the personal harm, the personal injury
la carta personal
the personal correspondence (usually used in plural), the personal letter
la responsabilidad personal, la responsabilidad civil (España)
the personal liability (law - personal liability insurance covers the costs of a lawsuit if you’re sued for injuring someone or destroying someone’s property)
la libertad individual
the personal liberty, the civil liberty
el pronombre personal
the personal pronoun
las pertenencias, la propiedad privada, la propiedad individual
the personal property
la ropa de seguridad, el Equipo de Protección Personal
the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
el perfil, las características personales, las cualidades
the personal qualities (character traits)
las referencias, la referencia personal
the personal referral (recommendation by another individual - eg for work)
la relación personal
the personal relationship
el albacea/la albacea
the personal representative (law - executor/executrix - person who administers a person’s estate upon their death), the executor/executrix, the guardian (of something), the keeper (of something - eg a secret)
la responsabilidad personal, la responsabilidad individual, la responsabilidad civil, la propia responsabilidad
the personal responsibility
el asistente de compras/la asistente de compras, el personal shopper/la personal shopper
the personal shopper (worker who shops for someone else)
el espacio personal
the personal space
el ensayo de presentación, la presentación, el escrito de presentación
the personal statement (college essay)
el estilo personal, el estilo propio, la originalidad
the personal style (fashion sense)
el terapeuta individual/la terapeuta individual
the personal therapist, the individual therapist
el personal trainer/la personal trainer, el entrenador personal/la entrenadora personal
the personal trainer
la moto de agua, la moto acuática
the personal watercraft (jet-propelled boat for one or two people)
el EPI, el EPP, el equipo de protección individual, el equipo de protección personal
the PPE
los bienes tangibles
the tangible personal property (law - physical possessions)
cara a cara, frente a frente, íntimamente
up close and personal
el personal
the staff (personnel), the personnel, the people (used in Spain)
a título personal
personally, in a personal capacity, on a personal basis
la acción real y personal
the mixed action (law - lawsuit having two purposes: to recover real property and to obtain monetary damages), the action in rem and in personam, the actio in rem et in personam
el arreglo personal
the personal care, the grooming
el artículo de uso personal
the personal item, the personal object (item for personal use)
el aseo personal, el cuidado personal
the personal care, the personal hygiene
la asignación de personal
the staff allocation, the assignment of personnel
el asunto personal
the personal matter, the private matter
la atención personal
the personal (medical) assistance
la autonomía personal
the personal autonomy (independence)
la baja de personal
the downsizing, the personnel cuts
la búsqueda personal
the personal search (introspection), the introspection
la capacitación de personal
the personnel training, the training of personnel
la contratación de personal
the hiring of personnel, the staff recruitment
contratar personal
to take on staff, to hire personnel
la cuenta personal
the user account, the online account, the personal account
de carácter personal
private, personal, confidential, of a confidential nature, of a personal nature
el desarrollo personal
the personal development, the personal growth
el estatuto personal
the legal status, the immigration status
la historia personal
the personal history (biography)
el jefe de personal/la jefa de personal
the personnel manager (work/company), the head of personnel (work/company) the personnel officer (military/police)
la obligación personal
the personal obligation
la pregunta personal
the personal question
el recorte de personal
the downsizing, the layoffs, the reduction in workforce, the reduction in force
la reducción de personal
the reduction in force, the staff cutback
la rotación de personal
the staff turnover, the employee turnover, the staff rotation
la selección de personal
the recruitment, the staff selection
la superación personal
the personal development, the personal growth
el toque personal
the personal touch (personalized detail)
la transferencia de personal
the personal transfer (benefits received by persons for which no current services are performed)
las relaciones personales
the personal relations (mingling with people), the personal relationships
personally (individually OR in person OR in my opinion)
personalmente, en persona
personally (in person)
personalmente, en mi opinión
personally (in my opinion)
personalmente, íntimamente
personally (intimately/closely)
en carne y hueso, en persona
in the flesh
el carrete de fotos, el rollo de la cámara
the camera roll (strip of film for cameras)
¡Basta de hablar de mí!
Enough about me!
la frialdad, la frigidez
the frigidity (1st is of a smile/demeanor/atmosphere, 2nd is lack of sexual desire)
frigid (unresponsive to sexual stimuli OR very cold), freezing (very cold)
glacial, frío/fría
frigid (unfriendly)
glacial, frígido/frígida, helado/helada
frigid (very cold)
la absolución, la exculpación, la exoneración
the acquittal
la sentencia absolutoria
the judgment of acquittal (not-guilty decision)
absolver a alguien, exculpar a alguien, exonerar a alguien
to acquit someone
ya absuelto/ya absuelta
autrefois acquit (previously acquitted)
la carta de pago, el recibo
the acquittance (law - debt settlement record)
demoníaco/demoníaca, demoniaco/demoniaca
demonic (influenced by a demon - eg demonic possesion)
demoníaco/demoníaca, demoniaco/demoniaca, diabólico/diabólica
demonic (fiendish)
demoníaco/demoníaca, demoniaco/demoniaca, maligno/maligna, malévolo/malévola
demonic (wicked/evil)
la ribera, la orilla del río, el margen del río
the riverbank (edge of a river)
la ribera, la orilla
the riverbank (land at edge of a river)
el lanzamiento, la tirada, el tiro
the toss (throw)
el sorteo de moneda, la tirada de moneda, el volado (Bolivia/México), la tirada, el sorteo
the toss (of a coin), the coin toss
la sacudida
the toss (abrupt movement - eg of the head), the shake (act of shaking something), the shaking (act of shaking something), the blast (of an explosion), the tremor (of an earthquake), the jolt (sudden movement OR figurative - emotional shock), the jerk (sudden movement), the electric shock, the (emotional) shock
tirar algo, lanzar algo, echar algo, aventar algo (Andes/Centroamérica/México)
to toss something (throw something)
darle la vuelta a algo, echar algo, voltear algo
to toss something (flick something upwards - eg pancakes, coin, egg)
sacudir algo, zarandear algo
to toss something (shake something - eg the sea tossing boats)
sacudir algo/a alguien
to toss something (move something abruptly - eg the head - OR to shake something), to shake something (literal or figurative - emotionally shock someone), to shake something out (shake something), to beat something (smack something), to dust something (used in Mexico/Southern Cone), to shock someone (emotionally), to shake someone up
botar algo, tirar algo, desechar algo, deshacerse de algo
to toss something (throw something away)
mezclar algo, revolver algo
to toss something (mix something - eg a salad; 1st is only for salads, 2nd is general)
agitarse, sacudirse
to toss about (to be flung about - eg of a boat on the sea)
echarlo a cara o cruz, jugarse a cara o cruz, echarlo a la suerte, tirarlo a cara o cruz, echar un volado
to toss for it (flip a coin to decide)
dar vueltas, dar vueltas en la cama
to toss (sleep restlessly)
barajar algo, tirar algo (Argentina)
to toss something around (ideas)
zarandear algo/a alguien, sacudir algo/a alguien, tirar algo/a alguien de un lado para otro (coloquial)
to toss something/someone around (literal or figurative)
relegar a alguien, abandonar a alguien, apartar a alguien
to toss someone aside (abandon/stop caring for someone)
tirar algo, dejar algo de lado, desechar algo
to toss something aside (figurative - disregard/ignore something)
descartar algo
to chuck something out, to chuck something away, to toss something aside, to toss something away
recitar de memoria algo, recitar de carrerilla algo
to toss something off (recite something spontaneously)
hacer algo rápidamente, hacer algo sin esfuerzo, terminar algo rápidamente
to toss something off (produce something quickly)
soltar algo como por casualidad, soltar algo de repente
to toss something off (say something casually)
rechazar algo/a alguien, denegar algo/a alguien, dar al traste con algo/alguien (coloquial)
to toss something/someone out (reject/dismiss something/someone)
echar a cara o cruz
to toss up (throw a coin to decide), to flip a coin to decide, to flip a coin for, to flip for (all can be used with echarlo or with words like quién/qué)
discutir una decisión
to argue the toss (dispute a decision), to discuss a decision
perder a cara o cruz
to lose the toss (not win at heads or tails)
lanzar una moneda, tirar una moneda, echar a cara o cruz, echar a suertes
to toss a coin, to flip a coin
dar vueltas en la cama
to toss (sleep restlessly), to toss and turn
tirar una moneda (Argentina/Uruguay), hacer revolveo de una moneda, echar un volado (México), echar a cara o cruz
to have a toss-up (use a coin to decide)
la cincuenta-cincuenta
the toss-up (50-50 chance), the tossup (50-50 chance)
ganar a cara o cruz, ganar echándolo a suertes
to win the toss (win at heads or tails), to win the flip (win at heads or tails)
sacudirse algo
to shake something off, to shake itself dry (of a dog - usually followed by el agua)
sacudir el ganso (Argentina)
to masturbate, to rub one out (masturbate)
la crítica de algo, la reseña de algo
the critique of something
criticar algo, analizar algo
to critique something