Set 3 Flashcards
estilo imperio
el imperio
the empire (period or territories or political organization or commercial organization), the rule (dominance or legal), the haughtiness, the reign (under an emperor)
el imperio de la razón
the rule of reason
el imperio de la ley
the rule of law
empire (adjective - style)
el güimo/la güima, el conejillo de indias, el cobayo, el cobaya/la cobaya
the guinea pig (animal)
el conejillo de indias/la conejilla de indias
the guinea pig (subject of an experiment)
majestic, breathtaking, regal (majestic or like a king)
real, regio/regia
regal (relating to royalty)
regio/regia, majestuoso/majestuosa, suntuoso/suntuosa
regal (majestic)
real, majestuoso/majestuosa, regio/regia
regal (like a king)
suntuoso/suntuosa, ceremonioso/ceremoniosa
regal (stately)
el líder/la líder
the leader (general and in sports league rankings)
leading, top (leading)
el cabecilla/la cabecilla
the leader (general or of rebels), the ringleader (general or of a gang)
el primero/la primera
the leader (sports - eg in a race), the best (followed by en)
el oso hormiguero
the anteater, the ant bear (anteater)
la embriaguez
the drunkenness, the intoxication (literal and figurative), the inebriation, the elation, the rapture, the euphoria
la resaca, el jangóver, el marasmo, el hangover
the hangover
estoy como tusa, estoy verdoseado/verdoseada, tengo resaca, tengo jangóver, tengo marasmo, tengo hangover, me engomé
I’m hungover
la migraña, la jaqueca
the migraine
to vomit violently, to puke, to vomit due to drunkenness
rechazar algo
to reject something (general and medical), to turn something down (reject), to repel something, to drive something back (repel), to deny something (declare untrue), to make a save (in sports - followed by noun - eg ball), to keep something out (in sports - followed by noun - eg ball)
el riñón
the kidney, the heart (figurative - center)
los riñones, la parte baja de la espalda, la zona lumbar
the lower back (last is formal)
la plantación
the plantation (farming/estate/farm), the field (farming), the planting (act of planting)
la caña de azúcar, la caña, la japonesa
the sugar cane
el asentamiento, la colonia
the plantation (settlement)
la plantación, la hacienda, la finca
the plantation (estate/farm)
el poblado
the town, the village, the area, the place, the settlement
bushy (of hair), thick (of hair), populated, inhabited, full (followed by de to mean of)
poblado de/poblada de
populated with, full of, inhabited by
la hacienda
the plantation (property or estate), the hacienda, the estate, the ranch (farm), the wealth (assets), the fortune (wealth), the property (wealth)
the Internal Revenue Service (US), the IRS (US), the Inland Revenue (UK), the tax office, the tax collector
la finca
the property (rural real estate), the country house, the country estate, the ranch (property), the farm, the building (used in Spain), the plantation (property)
el trayecto
the route, the way (route), the journey (trip), the distance, the trajectory, the leg (of a trip)
ahora, empero, no obstante, sin embargo, aun así, de todos modos, de todas maneras
however (on the other hand)
sin importar (+lo ‘adjetivo’ que ‘subjuntivo’), por (+ ‘adjetivo’ ‘sustantivo’ que ‘subjuntivo’), independientemente de (+lo ‘adjetivo’ que ‘subjuntivo’)
however (independent of)
como (+subjuntivo), de la manera que (+subjuntivo), de la forma que (+subjuntivo)
however (by whatever means - eg however you want)
independiente de cómo (+indicativo), sin importar cómo (+subjuntivo), como quiera que (+subjuntivo)
however (in whichever way - eg however you dress)
¿Pero cómo nos encontraste?
However did you find us?
por más que (+subjuntivo/pretérito)
no matter how much (+verb), much as (+verb), as much as (+verb)
como tú quieras, como quieras
however you like, however you want
esforzarse, hacer esfuerzo
to strain (make effort)
tirar de algo, forcejear contra algo
to strain against something
forzar algo
to strain something (eyes or voice), to force someone (a alguien)/something, to force something open
forzar la vista
to strain one’s eyes, to strain one’s vision
colar algo, escurrir algo
to strain something (food)
tensar algo
to strain something (put strain on something), to tense something, to tighten something, to tauten something, to draw something (stretch something), to make something tense
el esfuerzo, la presión, el estrés
the strain (1st is effort, 2nd is compression, 3rd is pressure)
la raza, la variedad, la cepa
the strain (variant of something; 1st is animal, 2nd is plant, 3rd is virus)
la distensión, el esguince, el compás
the strain (1st and 2nd are in anatomy, 3rd is in music)
forzarse a hacer algo
to force oneself to do something, to be forced to do something, to make oneself do something
to tighten, to become strained
la tripulación, el personal, el equipo
the crew (1st is of a plane or ship, 2nd and 3rd are general - personnel, 3rd is also sport - rowing)
la banda, la pandilla, el grupo, el equipo, el corillo
the crew (colloquial - social group)