Set 37 Flashcards
la palpitación
the flutter (of a heart or eyelid), the fluttering (of a heart or eyelid), the (heart) palpitation
el revoloteo, el aleteo, el batido
the fluttering (1st is of a bird or butterfly, 2nd is of a bird, 3rd is of wings)
fluttering (lightly waving about - eg of a flag), rippling, undulating
que aletea, que se agita
fluttering (of wings - quickly flapping)
que cae balanceándose
fluttering (falling while flitting about - eg a leaf), swinging down
que late anormalmente
fluttering (of a heart - with an abnormal beat), beating abnormally, that beats abnormally
que da vueltas, que revolotea
fluttering (of a person - flitting about)
de crol
fluttering (of feet when swimming - moving up and down)
revoloteante, trémulo/trémula, que tremula, agitado/agitada
fluttery (1st 3 are flapping, 4th is nervous/jittery)
el desastre, la debacle, el fiasco
the debacle
el cholulteco/la cholulteca
the person from Cholula, Mexico
from Cholula, Mexico
solo porque…, tan solo porque…, solo por…
just because…
porque sí
just because, because I say so
el público
the audience (spectators or listeners OR in a theater/movie), the public, the crowd (onlookers), the spectators, the fans, the readership (of print or digital media), the listeners (radio), the viewers (TV)
la audiencia
the audience (on radio or TV OR a meeting with important figure OR legal hearing OR target group OR attendees), the hearing, the court (tribunal/entity), the market (target group)
el auditorio, el público
the audience (in a theater/for a movie)
los lectores
the audience (for literature), the readers, the foreign language assistants (used in Spain), the foreign language teachers
la audiencia, el público, los telespectadores
the audience (on TV or radio)
el atractivo para el público
the audience appeal
la sala de audiencias
the audience chamber (formal greeting room), the courtroom
la participación del público
the audience participation, the public participation
el rating, el índice de audiencia
the audience rating, the audience ratings (TV show - number of viewers)
la cuota de pantalla, el porcentaje de audiencia
the audience share (in broadcasting - average percentage of individuals watching a given tv channel or listening to a given radio channel out of the total individuals watching any television channel or listening to any radio channel during a specific time period)
en público, ante un público, ante el público
before an audience
la audiencia cautiva, el público cautivo
the captive audience
la atención mundial
the global audience, the global attention
los lectores potenciales
the reading audience (intended readers), the potential readers
el público presente en el estudio, la audiencia del estudio, la audiencia en el estudio, la audiencia de estudio
the studio audience
el público meta, el público objetivo
the target audience
la audiencia televisiva, los telespectadores
the television audience
public (open to all OR relating to the state OR generally known OR of education), famous, well-known
abierto al público/abierta al público
open to the public, opened to the public (preceded by fue)
el acusador público/la acusadora pública, el fiscal/la fiscal, la fiscalía, el procurador fiscal de la nación/la procuradora fiscal de la nación (Argentina)
the public prosecutor
la alteración del orden público
disturbing the peace, the disorderly conduct
el alumbrado público
the street lighting, the streetlight
el aparcamiento público
the public parking, the public parking lot
la apertura al público
the opening to the public (of a place)
apto para todos los públicos/apta para todos los públicos, apto para todo público/apta para todo público
suitable for all audiences
el arbolado público
the trees planted in public areas, the green zone, the green area
el asunto público
the public concern, the public matter
la atención al público, el servicio al cliente, el servicio de atención al cliente
the customer service
atender al público
to attend to the public, to deal with the public, to serve the public, to serve the customers, to wait on the customers
los bienes de dominio público, la propiedad pública
the public property
el bus público
the public bus, the city bus