Set 40 Flashcards
apretar algo, exprimir algo, estrujar algo
to squeeze something (press something; 1st is also to apply gentle pressure to - eg squeeze someone’s hand)
meter algo en algo, apretar algo en algo, meter a presión algo en algo
to squeeze something in something (cram something in something)
sacarle algo a alguien
to squeeze something out of someone (eg a confession), to get something from someone (eg a confession), to get anything out of someone (eg information/a confession), to straighten things out with someone
recortar algo
to squeeze something (reduce something), to cut something (hair OR reduce something), to trim something (hair or general), to trim something off, to cut something off, to cut something away, to cut something out, to reduce something, to cut down on something, to cut back something
meterse en algo, apretarse en algo
to squeeze into something (cram oneself into something - eg a car)
el apretón, el apretujón
the squeeze (literal - pressure; 1st is of hands, 2nd is crush of something/someone in tight space - eg it was a squeeze to get 5 people into the car)
la restricción, la reducción
the squeeze (financial restriction; 1st is of credit, 2nd is general)
el aprieto
the squeeze (restricted situation), the predicament, the difficult situation, the awkward situation, the tight spot (difficult/awkward situation)
el achuchón
the squeeze (hug), the shove, the push, the sickness, the malaise (sudden sickness) (le dio un achuchón = he/she got sick)
el novio/la novia, el amante/la amante
the squeeze (sweetheart)
el poquito, la pizca, el chorrito
the squeeze (small quantity)
sacarle jugo a algo, exprimir algo de algo
to squeeze something from something (juice from a fruit)
el chorro
the squeeze (amount squeezed - eg of fruit juice), the current (of seawater/river), the stream (spurt of liquid - eg blood - OR figurative - eg stream of income), the jet (spurt of liquid), the loads of something (abundance of something), the faucet, the tap (faucet), the thief (used in Southern Cone), the pickpocket (used in Southern Cone), the diarrhea (used in Mexico - me dio chorro = I got diarrhea), the throng (of people - chorro de gente), the crowd (of people - chorro de gente), the waterfall (used in Colombia)
meterse a los apretones entre algo, apretujarse entre algo, meterse a la fuerza entre algo, pasar a la fuerza entre algo
to squeeze through something (eg a crowd)
apretujarse en algo, apiñarse en algo
to squeeze into something (a small space)
apretujar a alguien, abrazar a alguien
to squeeze someone (hug someone)
embutir algo/a alguien, meter algo/a alguien a presión, apretujar algo/a alguien
to squeeze something/someone in (manage to fit something/someone inside)
hacerle un hueco a alguien, colar a alguien
to squeeze someone in (find time for someone)
meterse a presión, apretujarse
to squeeze in (manage to fit inside)
la restricción del crédito, la escasez de crédito
the credit squeeze (control of credit facilities as an instrument of economic policy, associated with restrictions on bank loans and overdrafts, raised interest rates, etc)
la botella de plástico que se aprieta
the squeeze bottle (squeezable plastic bottle)
estrujar algo de algo, exprimir algo de algo, sacar algo de algo
to squeeze something out of something (extract something - 3rd is more general, while 1st and 2nd are common for juice from a fruit)
excluir a alguien, exonerar a alguien
to squeeze someone out (exclude someone)
sacar a alguien de algo
to squeeze someone out of something (exclude/remove someone from something - eg a role), to get someone out of something, to take someone out of something, to remove someone from something
el toque suicida
the squeeze play, the suicide squeeze, the suicide squeeze play (all in baseball - a play executed when there is a runner on third base and usually not more than one out, in which the runner starts for home as soon as the pitcher makes a motion to pitch, and the batter bunts)
el toque seguro
the squeeze play, the safety squeeze, the safety squeeze play (all in baseball - the runner at third takes a lead, but does not run towards homeplate until the batter makes contact bunting)
to stand out, to show in relief, to be outlined, to be silhouetted, to get a haircut, to cut one’s hair
hacerse un chorro de humo (Costa Rica)
to make oneself scarce, to take off (make oneself scarce)
la propulsión a chorro
the jet propulsion
querer algo/a alguien un chorro, querer a chorros algo/a alguien
to love something/someone very much
sacar algo
to help chicks be born, to take something out, to get something out, to get something off, to get rid of something, to remove something, to make something (a copy), to extract something, to stick something out (eg tongue), to release something (publish something - eg an album), to get something (eg a prize/grade), to achieve something
sacar a alguien
to substitute a player in a baseball game, to take out a player in a baseball game, to bench someone (in baseball), to sub someone (in baseball)
sacar algo de algo
to take something out of something, to get something out of something, to get something off something, to remove something from something, to make something of something (make a copy of something), to extract something from something, to draw something from something (learn something from a discussion)
sacarle una foto a alguien, sacar una foto de alguien
to take a photo of someone, to take a picture of someone
to serve (in a sports game), to take (in soccer - kick)
sacarse algo, quitarse algo
to take something off (an article of clothing)
sacarse algo de algo
to take something off something (eg your feet off the table), to take something out of something (eg your hands out of your pockets)
¡Sácate de aquí! (México), ¡Fuera de aquí, ¡Sal de aquí!, ¡Lárgate de aquí!, ¡Salí de acá! (Argentina/Uruguay), ¡Rajá de acá! (Argentina)
Get out of here! (go away)
sacar a alguien de algo
to kick someone off something (a team), to throw someone off something (a team), to kick someone out of something (a club), to throw someone out of something (a club), to remove someone from something, to bring someone from something (eg ignorance/a bad situation), to get someone out of something (eg ignorance/a bad situation)
sacarle algo a algo
to subtract something from something, to take something away from something (subtract)
sacarle dos a cinco
to subtract two from five, to take two from five
lanzar a la venta algo, sacar a la venta algo
to launch something onto the market
quitarse de la cabeza algo/a alguien, sacarse de la cabeza algo/a alguien
to get something/someone out of one’s head, to get something/someone out of one’s mind, to banish any thought of something/someone