Set 24 Flashcards
fanático/fanática, recalcitrante
diehard (fanatical)
tradicionalista, conservador/conservadora, retrógrado/retrógrada
diehard (rigidly traditionalist + noun)
el intransigente/la intransigente, el retrógrado/la retrógrada, el conservador/la conservadora
the diehard (1st is fanatic, 2nd and 3rd are rigid traditionalist)
la tutela, el tutelaje
the tutelage
estar bajo la tutela de alguien, estar bajo el tutelaje de alguien
to be under someone’s tutelage
tutelado por alguien/tutelada por alguien, bajo la tutela de alguien, bajo el tutelaje de alguien
under someone’s tutelage
a vuelo de pájaro, al grano, en tema, hasta el punto (que +indicativo)
to the point (last is to the point where - moment in time - rest are on topic)
ir al grano, ir directo al asunto
to get to the point
¡Ve al grano!
Get to the point!
hasta el límite de sus fuerzas, hasta el cansancio
to the point of exhaustion
grouped, clustered, in a bunch, agglomerated
abucharar a alguien
to boo someone, to jeer at someone, to ostracize someone, to marginalize someone, to slate someone (criticize someone), to criticize someone, to put someone to shame, to embarrass someone, to exclude someone, to nag someone
quedarse abucharado/quedarse abucharada
to be left out, to be ostracized
abuchear a alguien
to boo someone, to jeer at someone
factible, posible, realizable, hacedero/hacedera
doable (last is formal)
la realización, el desempeño, el hecho, la acción
the doing (action itself)
las actividades, los ires y venires, los sucesos, los quehaceres (Venezuela)
the doings
la realización, el esfuerzo, la obra
the doing (1st is action itself or process of taking action, 2nd is effort, 3rd is result of an action)
la mesa de comedor, la mesa
the dinner table
durante la cena, a la hora de cenar, en la mesa, en la mesa de comedor
at the dinner table
del cual/de la cual/de los cuales/de las cuales, cuyo(s)/cuya(s)
of which
todo lo cual/todos los cuales/todas las cuales, todo(s)/toda(s)
all of which (every item mentioned)
todo, todo eso
all of which (everything mentioned)
hablando de lo cual, por cierto, a propósito
speaking of which (all followed by comma)
aparecer, aparecerse, dejarse ver
to show one’s face
la permanencia del objeto
the object permanence
hurra, yupi
la mirilla
the peephole, the spyhole, the viewfinder, the Judas hole (peephole), the Judas window (peephole), the viewer (viewfinder)
tener en la mirilla a alguien
to follow someone, to watch someone, to keep an eye on someone, to look after someone
mascar algo, masticar algo, morder algo de un bocado
to chomp on something (1st can also be intransitive)
masticar algo, mascar algo
to chomp something (1st can also be intransitive)
tascar el freno, morder el freno, roer el lazo
to champ at the bit (of a horse - to chew its restraints)
no ver la hora de (algo), comerse las uñas (Argentina), estar ansioso/ansiosa por (algo)
to champ/chafe at the bit (of a person - be impatient)
comerse las uñas por hacer algo, estar ansioso/ansiosa por algo
to be champing/chafing at the bit (impatient to do something)
cadavérico/cadavérica, mortal, sepulcral, de muerte
deathly (figurative - death-like)
mortal, letal, mortífero/mortífera
deathly (literal - fatal/deadly)
mortalmente, fatalmente, como la muerte
deathly (adverb - death-like; 1st and 2nd come before adjective, 3rd comes after adjective)
totalmente, completamente, horriblemente
deathly (adverb - completely)
mortalmente, fatalmente
deathly (adverb - fatally)
ser mortalmente alérgico/alérgica a algo
to be deathly allergic to something
el silencio sepulcral
the deathly silence, the deadly silence, the deathly hush
el completo silencio, el silencio sepulcral, el silencio absoluto
the deathly hush
mortalmente enfermo/mortalmente enferma, gravemente enfermo/gravemente enferma
deathly ill
lívido/lívida, mortalmente pálido/mortalmente pálida, blanco como la pared/blanca como la pared, completamente pálido/completamente pálida
deathly pale
callado como un muerto/callada como una muerta
deathly quiet
el silencio sepulcral, el silencio absoluto
the deathly quiet
de milagro
miraculously, by chance, narrowly, accidentally, unexpectedly, miraculous, by some miracle
la argolla
the hoop earring, the ring (jewelry or circular object), the wedding ring, the shackle (literal or figurative), the pull/sway (influence - used in Central America/Ecuador/Peru), the in-crowd (influential group - used in Central America/Ecuador/Peru), being chained to a post for public humiliation (medieval punishment)
el papel de argolla, el papel rayado, el papel con renglones
the lined paper
la manzanilla, la camomilla
the chamomile (plant or tea)
de manzanilla, de camomilla
chamomile (both are containing chamomile, 1st is also of tea)
la camomilla, el té de camomilla
the chamomile tea
famosamente, por todos conocido/conocida, como todo el mundo sabe, bien sabido/sabida
famously (notably/as everyone knows)
a las mil maravillas, divinamente, estupendamente
famously (excellently)
cómodamente, confortablemente
comfortably (physically)
holgadamente, tranquilamente
comfortably (1st is financially or without difficulty, 2nd is with ease)
sin problemas, holgadamente, cómodamente
comfortably (without difficulty)
acomodado/acomodada, desahogado/desahogada
comfortably off (fairly wealthy)
incómodamente, incómodo/incómoda
uncomfortably (1st is both physically and awkwardly, 2nd is only awkwardly)
uncomfortably (alarmingly), disturbingly
encender un fuego, iniciar un incendio, iniciar un fuego
to start a fire (purposefully begin a fire)
provocar un incendio, iniciar un incendio
to start a fire (cause a fire to begin - eg accident done by human or result of lightning strike)
la yaya (Chile/Cuba/Perú/Colombia)
the owie, the boo boo
poppa/nana, grandpa/grandma
el secreto, el misterio, la confidencialidad, la discreción, la reserva
the secrecy
en secreto
in secrecy, in secret, secretly
el voto de silencio, el acuerdo de confidencialidad
the secrecy undertaking (vow not to divulge something)
el secretismo, el halo de misterio
the veil of secrecy (figurative - barrier to knowing)
de modo indeterminado, indeterminadamente
indeterminable (impossible to determine)
la indeterminación
the indeterminacy (indefinite state)
el principio de incertidumbre
the uncertainty principle, the indeterminacy principle, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (all in quantum mechanics)
indeterminate (indefinite)
hairless (without body hair), beardless, smooth-faced, smooth-cheeked, clean-shaven, smooth-skinned (without body hair), glabrous (of plants - hairless)
respetar las reglas del juego, jugar respetando las reglas de algo, respetar el reglamento de algo
to play something according to the rules (a game or sports)
respetar las reglas, jugar respetando las reglas
to play by the rules (a game or sports), to play according to the rules (a game or sports)
jugar limpio, ser justo/ser justa
to play according to the rules (figurative - be fair), to play by the rules (figurative - be fair)
el garito
the gambling den, the dive (sleazy bar)
el airbag, la bolsa de aire
the airbag
hoy en día, hoy por hoy, en estos días, a día de hoy
in this day and age
las agarraderas, las manoplas, el agarraollas (Costa Rica)
the pot holder
el transcurso, el trascurso
the course (of time or an event), the passage (of time), the passing (of time)
en el transcurso de algo, en el trascurso de algo
in the course of something (during something)
to melt, to burn out (of electronics), to blow (of electronics), to go (of electronics - to burn out), to seize up (break down - eg of an engine), to go bust (go bankrupt), to merge, to join (merge), to unite, to fuse, to fuse together
fundirse con algo
to merge with something, to merge into something, to fuse together with something, to fade into something (in movies/TV - to transition)
fundirse algo
to blow something (spend something - money)
fundir algo
to melt something, to melt something down (coins/gold/jewelry), to smelt something (iron/steel/mineral), to cast something (mold something), to blow something (an electronic), to break something (an electronic), to merge something, to fuse something, to fade something (movie/TV scene), to blow something (spend something - money), to ruin something (literal - destroy something), to spoil someone (coddle - followed by a - used in Chile)
fundirse en algo
to blend into something, to merge into something, to merge to something
el daño a la propiedad, los daños a la propiedad
the property damage
el pelotón, la sección
the platoon
estremecerse, encogerse, encogerse de miedo, encogerse de dolor
to flinch (literal - recoil) (3rd is from fear reflex, 4th is from pain reflex, 1st and 2nd are general)
rehuir de algo
to flinch from something (figurative - avoid something)
encogerse ante algo, retraerse ante algo, resistirse a algo
to flinch from something (figurative - avoid something frightening)
el paso atrás, el estremecimiento
the flinch
rehuir algo/a alguien
to avoid something/someone, to shy away from something/someone (figurative - avoid), to run away from something/someone (figurative - avoid), to stay away from something/someone, to keep clear of something/someone
la beca
the scholarship (money for studies), the grant (money for studies)
la erudición, el estudio, la escolaridad
the scholarship (knowledge)
scholarship (adjective - having a scholarship)
la beca en memoria
the memorial scholarship (scholarship honoring someone dead)
la erudición, las becas para deportistas
the sports scholarship, the sport scholarship
becar a alguien
to give someone a scholarship, to give someone a grant, to award someone a scholarship, to award someone a grant
el descubierto, el saldo deudor, el sobregiro, el giro
the overdraft
el descubierto bancario
the bank overdraft
el competidor/la competidora, el rival/la rival, el opositor/la opositora
the competitor (in commerce)
el competidor/la competidora, el rival/la rival, el contrincante/la contrincante, el concursante/la concursante, el oponente/la oponente
the competitor (in sports)
el concursante/la concursante
the competitor (in sports or participant in a contest), the contestant, the candidate
concursante, que compiten, rival
competing (of businesses - trying to outdo each other)
competing (of businesses or general rivals), rival, enemy (adjective - in war)
competing (conflicting), controversial, troubled, conflict, difficult (controversial or troubled or causing trouble), unsettled, unsettling, troublesome (of a person), problem (of a person), delicate (controversial)
rival, que compiten
competing (in sports or a competition)
al fin de cuentas, a final de cuentas, a fin de cuentas, después de todo, básicamente, al fin y al cabo, en definitiva
when all is said and done
estremecerse, hacer un gesto de dolor, doblarse del dolor, retorcerse
to wince (cringe)
hacer un gesto de bochorno, avergonzarse, apenarse
to wince (1st is to briefly express embarrassment; 2nd and 3rd are to feel embarrassed)
la mueca de dolor, el gesto de dolor
the wince
el boca a boca
the word of mouth
boca a boca, de boca a boca
por boca de otros, por boca de ganso (Argentina), por radio macuto (España)
by word of mouth
el don (de algo), la facilidad (para algo), la habilidad (para algo), el talento (para algo)
the flair (for something) (talent for something)
el estilo, la elegancia, la clase
the style (stylishness)
la vena artística, el estilo
the artistic flair (1st is aptitude/talent for art, 2nd is uniquely stylish approach)
tener un don para algo, tener facilidad para algo, tener talento para algo, ser bueno/buena para algo
to have a flair for something (be talented in something)
unfortunately, regrettably, regretfully
el boletín, el boletín de notas, el boletín de calificaciones, la boleta de calificaciones (México), la cartilla de notas (España)
the report card
la llamada de broma, la broma telefónica
the prank call
la llamada de apareamiento
the mating call
el baile de cortejo, el baile de apareamiento, la danza de apareamiento
the mating dance
descorrer el pestillo de una puerta, descorrer el cerrojo de una puerta, abrir el pestillo de una puerta, abrir el cerrojo de una puerta, quitar el pestillo de una puerta, quitar el cerrojo de una puerta, alzar el pestillo de una puerta, abrir levantando el picaporte de una puerta
to unlatch a door
la llave, el llavín
the latchkey (key to outside door of house)
cerrado con pestillo/cerrada con pestillo
el cerrojo, el pestillo, la cerradura, el pasador, la perilla
the latch (door fastener)
echar el pestillo de una puerta, cerrar con pestillo, cerrar con pestillo una puerta, cerrar con pasador, cerrar con pasador una puerta, echar el pestillo
to latch a door
to latch (intransitive), to be closed (refuse to change - used with a + no article + noun), to become overcast (of weather), to fall (of night), to heal (of a wound), to close up (of a wound), to shut down (of a person - become uncommunicative), to dig in one’s heels, to refuse to budge,to cloud over (of weather)
el latch
the latch (electronic circuit)
prenderse, agarrarse, acoplarse
to latch on (of a baby - to grab a nipple) (intransitive)
cazar algo, agarrar algo, entender algo, pillar algo, captar algo, asimilar algo, pillarse de algo (Colombia), coger algo (España)
to latch on to something (figurative - understand/adopt something)
el cerrojo pasante, el cerrojo deslizante
the knob latch
la aguja de lengüeta
the latch hook (rug-making tool)
aferrarse a algo, agarrarse de algo, agarrarse a algo, pegarse a algo
to latch on to something (literal - cling to something)
colgarse de alguien, pegarse a alguien, pegarse como una lapa a alguien
to latch on to someone (figurative - follow someone around)
la cerradura de bloqueo, el pestillo de bloqueo
the night latch, the night bolt (both bolt inside a door)