Set 15 Flashcards
la base de operaciones
the home base (in military), the command center (in military), the base of operations (in military or general)
la base del bateador, el home, el plato
the home base (in sports)
la sede
the home base (of a business), the headquarters, the seat (of a government), the venue, the host (venue), the see (religious), the HQ, the Holy See
el lugar de residencia
the home base (colloquial - dwelling), the place of residence
la Santa Sede, la Sede
th Holy See (central governing body of Catholic Church)
con sede en
with its principal place of business in, with its headquarters in, located in, based in
la sede central
the head office, the headquarters, the central office
la sede de una universidad
the seat of a university
la sede social
the head office, the main office, the central office, the corporate headquarters
el cabecero, la cabecera, el cabezal
the headboard
la molécula
the molecule
la molécula gramo, la molécula-gramo
the gram molecule (the mass of one mole of a compound equal in grams to the molecular weight)
la biología molecular
the molecular biology
la genética molecular
the molecular genetics
el tamiz molecular
the molecular sieve
la prueba molecular, el test molecular
the molecular test
la masa molecular, el peso fórmula
the molecular weight
en estado salvaje, en su hábitat natural, lejos de la civilización
in the wild (1st and 2nd are in nature, 3rd is without civilization)
la uña del pie
the toenail
el trozo de uña del pie
the toenail clipping
Lilit, Lilith
la aguja
the stylus (part of a record player), the needle (syringe or for sewing or of a record player or of a pine tree), the hand (of a clock), the pointer (of a compass), the spire, the pine needle, the steeple
el lápiz óptico, el stylus
the stylus (pen for a touchscreen)
el estilete, el estilo
the stylus (engraving tool or old writing tool)
las catacumbas
the catacombs
el arcángel Miguel
the Archangel Michael
el arcángel
the archangel
la corriente dominante, la corriente principal
the mainstream
mayoritario/mayoritaria, dominante, convencional, establecido/establecida
integrar algo
to mainstream something, to make up something (form something), to form something, to integrate something, to incorporate something, to pay something (used in Southern Cone), to assimilate something, to incorporate something, to consist of something, to be made up of something
integrarse a/en algo
to fit into something, to integrate into something, to join something (become part of something)
integrar algo en algo
to integrate something into something, to incorporate something into something, to assimilate something into something, to internalize something into something
el caviar
the caviar
el coro, el grupo, la banda
the choir (1st is singing group or singers in a church, 2nd and 3rd are instrumental group)
el libro de cánticos
the choir book
el niño cantor, el niño de coro, el chico del coro
the choirboy
la corista
the choirgirl
el coro de la iglesia
the church choir
el coro femenino
the women’s choir
coléricamente, furiosamente, con rabia, con ira
colérico/colérica, iracundo/iracunda, airado/airada, furioso/furiosa, sacado/sacada (Argentina)
la ira de Dios
the wrath of God
la ira, la cólera, la rabia
the wrath
la orientación, el consejo, la guía, la dirección
the guidance (1st 3 are orientation/assistance, last is direction/leadership)
el consejero académico/la consejera académica, el asesor académico/la asesora académica
the guidance counselor
la orientación ejecutiva
the executive guidance (business counseling)
la terapia matrimonial, la terapia de pareja
the marriage guidance (counseling)
la fanega, la medida de áridos, el bushel
the bushel
serio/seria, imperturbable
mantener la seriedad, poner la cara seria, poner cara de póquer
to keep a straight face
la antigua cultura egipcia, la cultura del antiguo Egipto
(the) Ancient Egyptian culture
el Antiguo Egipto
Ancient Egypt
la antigua Grecia
Ancient Greece
bizarrely, grotesquely (tastelessly)
de forma repulsiva, de forma inapropiada
grotesquely (1st is unnaturally/repulsively, 2nd is inappropriately)
la grotesquidad
the grotesqueness
grotesco/grotesca, monstruoso/monstruosa, absurdo/absurda
grotesque (1st is genre, ugly/distorted, or monstrous; 2nd is monstrous; 3rd is shocking)
el grotesco, el monstruo
the grotesque (1st is genre or distorted person/thing, 2nd is distorted person/thing)
estar sentado/estar sentada, holgazanear, haraganear, gandulear (España), estar de brazos cruzados
to sit around (1st can be followed by en)
off-center, unsettled, disoriented, disorientated, eccentric
sacar del eje a alguien, descolocar a alguien, hacerle trastabillar a alguien, desorientar a alguien, confundir a alguien
to throw someone off center
el peróxido de hidrógeno, el agua oxigenada
the hydrogen peroxide
el peróxido de benzoílo, el peróxido de benzilo
the benzoyl peroxide (2nd is antiquated)
aborrecer algo/a alguien
to abhor something/someone, to detest something/someone, to loathe something/someone, to abandon something/someone, to forsake something/someone, to ditch something/someone, to dump something/someone, to drive something/someone insane
loathed, hated, detested, unpopular, insane, driven insane
abhorrent, detestable, loathsome
el rey Midas
King Midas
la alabanza, el elogio, los elogios, las alabanzas
the praise (all are adoration or words of admiration; 1st is also religious)
encomiable, loable, digno de elogio/digna de elogio, laudable
elogiar a alguien, felicitar algo, alabar algo
to praise something/someone (last is religious and all are to speak highly of; 1st is of a person, 2nd and 3rd of a thing)
encomiar algo/a alguien
to heap praise on something/someone, to praise something/someone, to pay tribute to something/someone, to flatter someone, to boast about something/someone
el salmo, el cántico de alabanza, la canción religiosa, el himno de alabanza
the hymn of praise (1st 3 are religious, last is general praise)
¡Gracias a Dios!, ¡Gracias al Señor!, ¡Alabado sea Dios!, ¡Alabado sea el Señor!
Praise God!, Praise the Lord!
alabar a Dios, alabar al Señor
to praise God
la rapsodia de alabanza
the rhapsody of praise
el autoelogio
the self-praise
la elogiabilidad, el mérito
the praiseworthiness
loablemente, de modo digno de elogio