Set 13 Flashcards
la pluma
the feather (in birds or on an arrow), the ballpoint pen, the faucet, the pluma (type of fish), the pluma porgy (type of fish), the pimento grunt (type of fish), the West Indian porgy (type of fish), the quill, the plume (ornamental bird feather), the writer (author), the writing, the boom (part of a crane), the tap (faucet), the hooker (used in Bolivia), the fountain pen, the authorship, the written word, the author, the shuttlecock, the coat (clothing - used in Spain)
emplumar algo/a alguien
to feather something (adorn with feathers), to adorn something with feathers, to tar and feather someone (method of torture), to cover something in feathers, to swindle someone, to defraud someone, to cheat someone
de plumas
feather (made of feathers)
la lengüeta
the feather (carpentry joint), the tongue (of a shoe), the reed (of a musical instrument)
cortar algo en capas, rebajar algo, degrafilar algo (México)
to feather something (hair)
a vuelapluma, a vuela pluma
like a flash, quickly, very quickly
bajo la pluma de alguien
by the pen of someone, by someone’s pen, penned by someone, in the writings of someone
botar pluma, botar plumas
to come out of the closet, to be as camp as Christmas (pejorative), to be flaming gay (pejorative)
la pluma, la pluma estilográfica, la pluma fuente
the fountain pen
to grow feathers, to escape, to molt, to leave, to run away, to flee, to break out
to caw (of a crow or raven or person), to croak (of a crow or raven), to quack (of a duck), to honk (of a goose), to squawk (of a person), to cackle (of a person)
el graznido
the caw (of a crow), the cawing (of a crow), the quack (of a duck), the quacking (of a duck), the croak (of a crow), the croaking (of a crow), the honk (of a goose), the honking (of a goose), the squawk (bad singing), the squawking (bad singing), the shrieking (bad singing), the wailing (bad singing), the croaking (bad singing)
la capucha, el hábito con capucha
the cowl (monk’s hood)
el cuello, la bufanda capucha
the cowl (neck warmer)
el sombrerete
the cowl (chimney cover), the little hat (of a mushroom), the cap (of a mushroom or wheel hub of a car), the bonnet (of a car)
el hábito, la cogulla
the cowl (monk’s outfit)
el cuello vuelto holgado, el cuello chimenea
the cowl neck (type of loose neckline)
holgado/holgada, chimenea
cowl-neck (of clothing - having a loose neckline)
el arándano, el arándano rojo, el arándano agrio
the cranberry
de arándano, de arándano rojo
cranberry (cranberry-flavored)
de color arándano, color arándano
cranberry (cranberry-colored)
el chicharrón
the pork cracklings, the curl (of hair - used in Venezuela), the flatterer (used in Cuba - feminine form ona), the pork rind
curly (of hair - used in Venezuela)
darle chicharrón a alguien
to kill someone, to get rid of someone, to bump someone off (kill someone), to ridicule someone, to hose someone down (kill someone)
la chicha
the chicha (alcoholic or nonalcoholic), the meat (used in Spain), the skin (on a person’s body - used in Spain), the maize liquor, the purple corn liquor, the maize drink, the purple corn drink
las chichas
the extra pounds (used in Spain)
la calma chicha
the dead calm (of the sea), the doldrums (of the sea), the stagnation (of the sea), the laziness
de chicha y nabo, de chichinabo
crappy, insignificant, meaningless, trifling
ni chicha ni limonada
neither fish nor fowl, neither one thing nor another
no ser ni chicha ni limonada
to not be worth a darn, to not be worth a damn, to not know one’s head from a hole in the ground, to not know one’s head from one’s ass, to be neither fish nor fowl
el ligue de una noche, el rollo de una noche (España), el sexo ocasional, la relación de una noche
the one-night stand (sexual)
la representación única
the one-night stand (in music or theater)
el autodiagnóstico
the self-diagnosis
la central eléctrica, la planta eléctrica, la casa de máquinas
the powerhouse (power plant)
el centro neurálgico, la fuerza motriz, la fuente inagotable, el puntal
the powerhouse (person/thing that influences)
ve y sé libre, vaya y sea libre
go and be free (1st is informal, 2nd is formal)
la cúrcuma
the turmeric (plant or spice)
seguir, continuar, durar, perdurar, aguantar
to go on (to continue; last is colloquial)
seguir haciendo algo
to go on doing something (keep doing something)
pasar a algo
to go on to something (proceed to something)
basarse en algo, guiarse
to go on something (be guided by something)
tener cerca de algo, ser cerca de algo
to go on something (be close to - eg age or time)
entrarle, colocar
to go on (to fit)
pasar, ocurrir
to go on (to happen)
hablar de algo, hablar sin parar de algo, dar la tabarra sobre algo (España), soltarse sobre algo (México)
to go on about something (talk forever about something)
salir a escena
to go on (in theater - to perform/go onstage)
prenderse, encenderse
to go on (to turn on - eg of lights)
subirse a algo
to go on something (get on/ride), to get on something, to ride something
ir de viaje, partir, salir, ir
to go on a trip
anda, venga, sigue
go on (1st and 2nd are encouragement, 3rd is continue)
entrar a algo
to enter something, to go on something (a website)
gruñir, resoplar
to grunt (of humans)
gruñir algo, mascullar algo, resoplar algo
to grunt something
el gruñido
the grunt (sound - of a pig or person - or complaint), the growl (of a dog or bear), the grumble (complaint), the grumbling (complaint)
el soldado de infantería/la soldado de infantería, el machaca/la machaca
the grunt (slang for type of soldier)
gruñir, refunfuñar
to grunt (of animals)
el machaca/la machaca, el obrero/la obrera, el currito/la currita
the grunt (unskilled worker; last is colloquial)
el trabajo monótono
the monotonous work, the grunt work (repetitive work)
comportarse de manera destructiva, hacer alboroto, comportarse violentamente
to go on a rampage
la palanca
the crowbar, the lever, the influence, the leverage, the contact (influential person), the diving board, the springboard (in sports), the tall person (used in El Salvador/Honduras)
tener onda con alguien
to click with someone, to get along very well with someone (usually with the intention of trying to go out with them)
la desnudez, el traje de Adán
the birthday suit
como Dios lo/la/me (etc.) trajo al mundo, en cueros, en pelotas, como su madre lo trajo al mundo, tal como vino al mundo
in one’s birthday suit
estar en cueros (México), estar en bolas, estar en pelotas, estar calato/estar calata (Perú), estar encuerado/estar encuerada (México), estar pilucho/estar pilucha (Chile)
to wear one’s birthday suit
shitty (that shits a lot), wussy, wimpy, poopy (that poops a lot), chicken (wimpy), wimpish
el cagón/la cagona
the wimp, the shitter (person who shits a lot), the wuss, the killjoy (used in Costa Rica), the buzzkill (used in Costa Rica)
el chamanismo
the shamanism
el chamán/la chamana, el brujo/la bruja, el hechicero/la hechicera, el yerbatero/la yerbatera
the shaman
el contraataque
the counterattack
to counterattack
contraatacar algo/a alguien
to counterattack something/someone
la tuberculosis
the tuberculosis
los estudios para descartar tuberculosis, los estudios para detectar la tuberculosis
the tuberculosis screening
resacoso/resacosa, con resaca, con cruda (Bolivia/México/Centroamérica), crudo/cruda (México), de goma (Centroamérica), con ratón (Venezuela), con guayabo (Colombia), con caña (Chile), enratonado/enratonada (Venezuela), verdoseado/verdoseada
imperfecto/imperfecta, ordinario/ordinaria, tosco/tosca, bruto/bruta
rough around the edges
la humanidad, el género humano, el hombre, la especie humana
la vulnerabilidad, la indefensión
the defenselessness
defenseless, vulnerable
el defensor/la defensora, el defensa/la defensa
the defender (1st is general, 2nd is in sports)
las defensas
the defenses
el abogado defensor/la abogada defensora
the defense lawyer
el milenio
the millennium
la llegada del nuevo milenio
the new millennium
meter el chambón, pisar el chambón
to put the pedal to the metal
vender algo de puerta en puerta, vender algo, pedalear algo, patear algo
to peddle something (sell something; last 2 are colloquial)
diseminar algo, esparcir algo, regar algo
to peddle something (spread something - eg lies)
Let’s get going!, Put the pedal to the metal!, Let’s go! (let’s get going)
la puya
the goad (pointed stick), the gibe, the spear, the lance, the sharp object, the pointed object, the güiro rasp
la musaraña
the shrew (animal), the speck (in the eye - colloquial), the face (facial expression - colloquial), the bug, the creepy-crawly, the vermin, the pest, the foolishness, the nonsense
el chamaco/la chamaca
the kid, the boyfriend/girlfriend, the son/daughter (used in Mexico), the child, the teenager
who works imperfectly and boorishly
la experiencia humana
the human experience
el martillo de demolición, la bola de demolición
the wrecking ball
los restos, los restos del naufragio, el pecio
the wreckage (all are of a shipwreck, 1st is also of any vehicle)
las ruinas, los restos, los escombros
the wreckage (ruins of something destroyed; last is of a building)
el naufragio, los restos del naufragio, los restos, el pecio
the wreck (shipwreck)
la ruina, los restos, los despojos
the wreck (something badly destroyed)
la ruina, el vejestorio, el despojo
the wreck (person)
el cacharro, la tartana, el trasto, la carcacha
the wreck (bad car)
el accidente, el choque
the wreck (collision; 2nd is specifically of cars, 1st is general)
destrozar algo, destruir algo, arruinar algo
to wreck something (destroy something; all are of vehicles, 2nd and 3rd are also to ruin something - eg plans)
arruinar algo, echar por tierra algo, destrozar algo
to wreck something (ruin something; 1st is of career, life, or plans; 2nd is of plans or hopes; 3rd is of family or marriage)
hundir algo, hacer naufragar algo
to wreck something (a ship)
to wreck (to have a shipwreck), to be shipwrecked (describing people who got in a shipwreck), to get shipwrecked, to sink (to have a shipwreck), to flounder (of a business), to fail (of a business), to go under (of a business)
arruinar algo, manchar algo, destrozar algo
to wreck something (a reputation)
el estilete
the stiletto (short dagger), the stylus (on a record player), the probe (medicinal)
el tacón de aguja, el taco de aguja (Perú/Cono Sur)
the stiletto (part of a shoe)
el zapato de tacón de aguja, el zapato de taco de aguja (Perú/Cono Sur), el tacón de aguja, el tacón aguja
the stiletto (type of shoe)
de aguja, aguja
stiletto (of a shoe)
apuñalar a alguien con un estilete
to stiletto someone (stab someone with a stiletto)
los tacones de aguja, los tacos aguja (Argentina), los tacos altos, los tacones altos, los zapatos de taco alto, los zapatos taco aguja
the stiletto heels
pisar el chambón
to put the pedal to the metal, to accelerate a vehicle
clumsy, klutzy, lucky, butter-fingered, gawky, unskilled, fortunate, slovenly, disorderly, carelessly, botched (used in Colombia/Cuba/Bolivia), shoddy (used in Colombia/Cuba/Bolivia)
el chambón/la chambona, el torpe/la torpe, el patoso/la patosa (España), el ganso/la gansa, el negado/la negada
the klutz
el desastre completo
the hot mess, the complete disaster
terriblemente, horriblemente, espantosamente
horrifically (terribly)
sumamente, tremendamente
horrifically (extremely)
horroroso/horrorosa, horrible, espantoso/espantosa, espeluznante, horrífico/horrífica
el cosmopolita/la cosmopolita
the cosmopolite
el cosmopolitismo
the cosmopolitanism (cultural openness)