Retainment Overrides Flashcards
Reactor power is > 24% AND Steady-State FLFWTR > 1.00 *
INITIATE Corrective Action within
15 minutes.
RESTORE Feedwater temperature to the
analyzed region within 2 hours
OR REDUCE RTP to less than 24% of
WITHIN the next 4 hours
Failure of Main Turbine to runback on
a Loss of Stator Water Cooling for
more than 15 seconds.
REDUCE Recirc Pump speed to MINIMUM.
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
Loss of Stator Cooling
for > 2 min.
AND Reactor Power > 18% **
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to MINIMUM.
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
II.C TRIP the Main Turbine.
Bearing 1–10 Vibration ≥ 11 mils @
1800 RPM *
Bearing 11–12 Vibration ≥ 7 mils @
1800 RPM *
IF Reactor Power is ≥18%**
THEN PERFORM the following:
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to MINIMUM.
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
IMMEDIATELY TRIP the Main Turbine.
EHC Pressure ≤1200 psig
AND Lowering (multiple indications)
AND EHC is required to maintain the
Main Condenser as a heat sink.
IF the Reactor is not shutdown,
THEN LOCK the Mode Switch in
Steam Tunnel Cooler Inlet
Temperature (A2541) OR any
TWO channels of Main Steam
Tunnel Temperature NUMAC
readings are rising AND
expected to exceed 155°F.
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
Steam Tunnel Temperature
>145ºF at CRIDS point A2541
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
Any unanticipated Main Steam
Tunnel Damper closure as a
result of increased room
temperature with indication of a
break from a High Energy
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
Reactor Power reduction cannot restore
and maintain condenser pressure < 6.5”
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to MINIMUM.
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
Turbine Load <30%,
Condenser Pressure > 5.0” HgA.
IF Reactor Power is ≥18% *
THEN PERFORM the following:
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to MINIMUM.
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
TRIP the Main Turbine. [CD-896E]
Total Loss of Circ Water
AND the Main Condenser is being used
as a Heat Sink.
IF the Reactor is not shutdown,
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to MINIMUM.
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
AND Steam Line Drains
1-KA-HV-7595 is CLOSED
Instrument Air Header Pressure
≤ 70 psig. (PI-7603A(B) or A3016)
Instrument Air Header Pressure
continues to Lowe
IF the Reactor is not shutdown,
REDUCE Recirc. Pump speed to
LOCK the Mode Switch in
Instrument Gas Pressure ≤ 70 psig
CLOSE Instrument Air Shutoff Valve
IF Instrument Air was cross-tied in
Operator Action Step A.4.a.
Instrument Gas Pressure ≤ 50 psig
REDUCE Recirc. Pump Speed to
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
PLACE RCIC and/or HPCI in service to
control Reactor Pressure and Level.
CLOSE the Inboard MSIVs.
CLOSE the following:
● HV-5124A
● HV-5124B
Drywell Pressure is ≥ 1.5 psig
and rising.
REDUCE Recirc. Pump Speed to
LOCK the Mode Switch in Shutdown.
Drywell Pressure is ≥ 1.68 psig.
TRIP the Recirc Pumps
within 5 minutes.
Complete and sustained loss of TACS.
REDUCE Reactor Recirculation
pumps to minimum speed.
LOCK the Reactor Mode Switch in
PERFORM Condition ‘C’ actions.
Total Loss of RACS has
occurred (multiple indications)
CANNOT be restored.
REDUCE Recirc. Pump Speed to MINIMUM.
LOCK the Mode Switch in Shutdown.
TRIP both Reactor Recirculation Pumps.
TRIP both CRD Pumps.
TRIP both RWCU Pumps.
EDG Auto Start
AND Offsite Power is
SECURE EDG’s EXCEPT EDG’s supplying power
to ECCS Pumps that are ensuring Adequate Core
Cooling by pressing BOTH Emergency Stop
Pushbuttons for the respective EDG’s.
Multiple systems are indicating signs of
spurious activation AND the CRS
CANNOT maintain positive control of
the plant from the control room.
Control Room Environment.
Smoke OR Toxic Gases are
ENTERING the Control Room from an
Outside source.
PRESS the ISOLATE PB for the
I/S Control Room Ventilation Train.
PRESS the RECIRC PB for the I/S
Reactor Pressure < 900 psig
Charging Water Header
Pressure < 940 psig
ANY WITHDRAWN Control Rod Scram
Accumulator INOPERABLE.
LOCK Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
Control rod is drifting IN OR OUT
BYPASS the RWM (as necessary)
FULLY INSERT the drifting control
ENTER Condition C
Level in SDV 85%.
REDUCE Reactor Recirculation pumps
to minimum speed.
LOCK the Reactor Mode Switch in
Affected Recirc Pump seal cavity
temperature greater than 220° F*
REDUCE the affected Recirc pump
speed to minimum,
TRIP the affected Recirc pump and
enter Condition A
Reactor Water Level ≤ 15” OR ≥ 50”
LOCK the Mode Switch in
Primary Condensate Pump Suction
OR Discharge Valve validated * to be closing.
TRIP respective Primary
Condensate Pump
Secondary Condensate Pump Suction Valve
validated * to be closing.
TRIP respective Secondary
Condensate Pump
Reactor Pressure ≥ 1030 psig
LOCK the Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN.
Uncontrolled Depressurization
with Reactor Shutdown
Reactor Pressure lowers to
550 psig
CLOSE the following to control
Cooldown Rate: [T/S]
* MSIV’s
* HV-F016
* HV-F019
Offgas Pretreatment Radiation Level
≥ 10 R/hr
(150,000 µCi/sec by grab sample).
REDUCE Reactor Power as necessary
to maintain Offgas Pretreatment
Radiation Level < 10 R/hr
(150,000 µCi/sec by grab sample).
VALID Main Steam Line HI HI
Radiation condition exists
(3X Normal).
LOCK the Reactor Mode Switch in
CLOSE the MSIVs AND Main Steam
line drains F016/F019.