IOP Purposes Flashcards
IO 1 Refueling to Cold Shutdown
This procedure provides a sequence for placing the plant in a configuration required for
CONDITION 5). This sequence ensures conformance with T/S requirements, integration
of plant personnel Refuel Floor activities, personnel and equipment safety and compliance
with the station ALARA program. This procedure also addresses system operability
requirements when lowering the Reactor Cavity level, or installing the cavity gates while in
IO 2 Preparations for Plant Startup
This procedure provides guidelines for placing all systems necessary for the startup
(hot OR cold) of the plant in their required mode of operation. This procedure ensures that
the surveillances required for the reactor startup have been performed and provide plant
alignment and direction for pressure testing of components with the Reactor not “Critical”,
using Decay and/or Non-Nuclear heat.
IO 3 Startup from Cold Shutdown to Rated Power
This procedure provides guidelines for the startup of the plant from a cold shutdown
condition to rated power. It is also applicable to startups from conditions other than
cold shutdown with the Shift Manager/Control Room Supervisor/Work Control
Center Supervisor (SM/CRS) determining the steps, which are not applicable.
IO 4 Shutdown from Rated Power to Cold Shutdown
This procedure provides guidelines for the shutdown of the plant from rated power to
a Cold Shutdown condition.
IO 5 Cold Shutdown to Refueling
This procedure provides a sequence for placing the plant in a Refueling configuration
This sequence ensures conformance with T/S requirements, integration of plant
personnel refuel floor activities, personnel and equipment safety and compliance with
the station ALARA Program. [CD-443X]
This procedure partially satisfies an NRC commitment for the License Renewal ASME
Section XI IWE Aging Management Program (AMP) activities.
IO 6 Power Changes during operation
The purpose to this procedure is to provide guidance when making routine power changes during operation above 45% POWER, until HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0004(Q), Shutdown From Rated Power to Cold Shutdown is implemented.
IO 7 Operations in Hot Standby
This procedure provides guidelines for the following operations:
Maintaining Hot Standby (with the MSIVs closed)
Maintaining Hot Standby (with the MSIVs open)
Plant Shutdown from Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown
Plant Startup from Hot Standby.
Plant Shutdown from Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown (MSIVs Open)
IO 8 Shutdown from Outside the Control Room
This procedure provides guidelines for the shutdown of the plant from outside the Control
Room, AND for re-establishing control in the Control Room.
IO 9 Refueling Operations
This procedure provides a mechanism for ensuring that the TECH SPEC / UFSAR
requirements are satisfied prior to conducting CORE ALTERATIONS. In addition this
procedure provides a means of identifying and coordinating in-vessel activities with other
plant activities while the plant is in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 - Refueling.
IO 10 Scram Recovery
This procedure provides the guidance for aligning systems required for plant startup,
following a Reactor Scram, to facilitate re-starting the plant. This procedure also ensures
that the surveillances required for the Reactor Startup have been performed or are being
performed. This procedure is intended to be used when the cause of the Reactor Scram is
KNOWN, and that cause has been or is being corrected, and will not inhibit or affect the
safe operation of the Reactor