Fuel Pool Cooling and Clean-up Flashcards
What is the design heat load of the system?
Design heat load – (17 x 106 BTU/Hr) 16 consecutive reloads based on 1/3 core every 18 months
1. Both Pumps/HXs operating
What is the maximum heat load of the system?
Maximum heat load – (43 x 106 BTU/Hr) Entire core offload with the fuel from the previous 13 reloads.
1. FPCCS operated in parallel with RHR.
What is the design Keff?
What are the design temps?
Design temperatures
1. Normal Max - 135F – Maintain water clarity and ensure proper operation of F/D.
2. Maximum -150F – Keep fission product gases in solution
How do we maintain isolations between different sections of the fuel pool?
Isolation between reactor wet well and fuel pool maintained by inflatable seals.
1. Normal air supply is service air
2. Air bottles installed as a b/u (normally valved in)
What are the FPC pump trips?**
Lo-Lo Skimmer Surge Tank Level (22”)
**These two trips can be bypassed by starting the pump via the keylock switch on the breaker.
What is the Fuel Pool F/D hold pump auto start?
F/D Flow (< 215 gpm)
What are the filter demin chemistry setpoints?
- Conductivity - < 1 umho/cm.
- Chlorides - < 0.05 ppm.
- pH - 6.0 - 7.5.
These are PCIS Isolations → - Heavy Metals - < 0.05 ppm.
- Maintained to prevent attack on the aluminum fuel support pieces.
- Silica < 0.05 ppm
What is the TWCU pump trip?
Low Flow (300 gpm / 15 sec)
What are the TWCU/SUP Pool isolation valves isolation signals?
Reactor Level 2 (-38”)
Hi Drywell Pressure (1.68#)
RB Hi Rad (1x10-3uci/cc)
*HV-4652,4679,4680,4681 MOVs Close on the primary isolation signal (NOT the AOVs)
These are PCIS isolation signals
What are the Fuel Pool F/D Isolation Valve isolation signals?
Loss of air or power
Lo-Lo Skimmer Surge Tank Level (22”)
*On a loss of air/power, the FPC pumps will trip on low flow if F/D is not bypassed.
What is the skimmer surge tank makeup level?
Opens at 49”
What is the F/D high temp alarm?
Where are the leak detection taps?
- Spent fuel liner
- Dryer separator pool liner
- Reactor well liner
- Cask pool liner
What are the sources of make up water?
- Condensate Transfer/Demin Water
- Suppression Pool via RHR LPCI Mode during Refueling
- Fire Water Systems
- Service Water A OR B(From RHR A or B, entirely from MCR)
Describe the operation of fuel pool cooling assist.
- A / B loops ONLY
- Uses RHR to supplement cooling when high heat loads are present.
- Requires an orifice to be installed in the RHR system.
How is the FPCC system cooled?
Cooled by SACS
1. SACS can be cross-tied to allow one SACS loop to supply cooling water to both heat exchangers, however cross tied sacs auto isolates on:
* RPV level 1 (-129”)
* High drywell pressure (1.68 psig)
* Core Spray Manual Initiation
* Triple low level in SACS expansion tank
What are the water level requirements of the FPCC system?
Minimum Water Level
1. At least 23 feet of water shall be maintained over the top of irradiated fuel assemblies in fuel pool
* (different from 22’2” above FLANGE in OPCON 5 – but still for 99% of 10% iodine gap activity)
* The depth of the spent fuel storage pool is 40 feet which provides 25 feet of water above resting fuel assemblies and 10 feet of water above a fuel assembly in-transit
* This depth ensures sufficient water to remove 99% of the assumed 10% iodine gap activity released from the rupture of an irradiated fuel assembly.
* On FPCPP suction break, min FP lvl is 199’ 4”
What are the FPC pumps power supplies?
212 & 222 buses.
What are the make up sources of water?
- CST.
- Fire water.
- Both SSW loops.
- RHR (if flooded up).