Mendel inheritance 4 Flashcards
True Bred (Breding True)
Means traits don’t change from generation to generation they stay the same (seen with homozyygous dominant)
When you cross two homozgyous geneotypes (homozygous dominant & homozygous recessive) what is the result?
A heterozygous genotype
Single factor cross (monohybrid cross)
Cross between one gene with two different allele
The 3:1 ratio is consistent (agrees) with what law?
Law of segregation
Law of Segregation
States that the two copies of a gene (the singular chromosomes in a pair) segrate (seperate) from each other during transmission from parent to offspring
Type of genes (alleles) an individual has
Traits that are expressed
The law of segregation predicts a phenotype ratio of what?
3:1 ratio (3 dominant trait, 1 recessive trait)
A ____________ is used to predict the phenotype (& the ratio) of a cross or self-feritlization
Punnett Square
In a __________ the genotype for both male & female is the same
Self- fertilization
In a ___________ when crossing between 2 genes have 4 alleles
Dihybrid cross
______________ is a cross between 2 genes (4 alleles)
Dihybrid cross (two factor cross)
Recombinant genes (non-parental genes)
Phenotype that are different from the parent
Law of independent assortment
States two different genes randomly assort their alleles during the formation of haploid cells
What is the expected phenotype ratio when dealing with the law of independent assortment?
9:3:3:1 ratio (& recombiant genes)
How do you make a punnett square?
- Need to know the genetoype being crossed
- List out all the possible genotypes
- Make a square & cross the genotypes
Punnett sqaure can be used for independent assortment of genes (genes on different chromosomes) but not ) __________
Linked Genes (Genes on the same chromosome)
How does the law of segregation relate to chromosome transmission?
Relates to Meiosis 2 (Segregation of the sister chromatids)
A punnett square can only be used with 3 or less genes when there is more than 3 genes have to use __________ or ___________
Product rule or sum rule
Chromosome theory of inheritance
States that the inheritance patterns of traits can be explained by the transmission patterns of chromosomes during meiosis
___________ contains only one set of chromosome (have one chromosome per set not two )
The likelihood that an outcome will occur
What is the forumla for probability?
P = # of times an outcome will occur / total # of possible outcomes
Product rule (AND rule)
The probability that two or less events will occur together
How do you use the product rule?
- Calculate the individual probabilities
- Multiply all the individual probabilities together
Sum rule (OR rule)
Probability that an event will occur without affected others
How do you use the sum rule?
- Solve for the individual probabilities
- Add all the individual probabilities together
_____________ is used to predict how valid a hypothesis is (is the observed experminent similar to the expected)
Chi square test
How do you use the chi square test?
- Form a hypothesis
- Calculate E
- Apply the chi square formula
- Convert the value from the chi square into P (probability) fromt he chi square table
Null Hypothesis (H0)
States that O (observed) is similar to E (expected)
A __________ chi square value means that O is similar to E
A ___________ chi square value means the O isn’t similar to E
When you convert the chi square value into P if P is less than or equal to 0.05 then it means what?
That O isn’t similar to E (the observed data isn’t consistent with the hypothesis)
When you convert the chi square value to P & the P value is greater than 0.05 then what does that mean?
That O is similar to E & the observed is consistent with the hypothesis
Test cross
It test independent assortment where the genotype ratio is 1:1:1:1
What type of genotype are involved in a test cross?
When you cross a heter. with a homo.
When you cross two heter. with each other what is the expected phenotype ratio?