Genetics of Bacteria 3 Flashcards
What are the 3 ways bacteria transfer genetic material?
- Conjugation
- Transduction
- Transformation
Involves a direct physical interaction between two bacterial cells where one bacteria cell acts as a donor & the other acts as the acceptor
A virus infects a bacterium & then transfer bacterial genetic material from that bacterium to another
Process where genetic material is relased into the environment when a bacterial cell dies & the genetic material is taken up by another bacteria cell
Plasmids that can turn into a chromosome
Fertility plasmids (F factor)
Allows bacteria to conjugate with each other (A bacteria that doesnt have it can’t start conjugation process)
Resistance plasmids (R factor)
Contain genes that confer resistance agaisnt antiobiotics & other toxins
Degradative plasmids
Carry genes that enable the bacterium to utilize an ususual susbstance
Contains genes that encode colicins which are proteins that kill other bacteria
Virulence Plasmids
Carry genes that turn a bacterium into a pathogenic strain
Hfr Strains (Hugh frequency of recombinations)
Result when the bacterial DNA fragment is incorporated into the chromsome via homologous recombination
During cojugation of ________ the bacterial chromosome is transfered linerly to the recipient strain (transfer in order of genes)
If conjugation occurs for a ___________ than the recipient cell recieves a short segement of chromosomal DNA from the donor
Short time
If conjugation is ____________ the recipient cell will recieve a longer segment of chromosomal DNA from the donor
Bacteriophages (Phages)
Viruses that bind to bacterial cells & infect them
_____________ transfers genetic material from one bacterial cell to another via transduction
Steps of transduction
- A phage infects a bacterial cell by injecting its genetic material into the cell
- The bacterial chromosomal DNA is broken into fragments
- New phage proteins & DNA are made & begin to assemble into new phages where a mistake could happen where a piece of bacterial DNA assembles with a phage (A transducting phage (How a transducting phage trasnfer genetic material )
- The bacterial cell is lysed & releases newly made phages into the environment
- After the relase the transducting phage binds to a living bacterial cell & injects its genetic material into the bacterium
- The DNA fragment that came from the phage recombines with the recipient cell’s chromsomes
______________ can be used to map genes that are close together
When two genes are close together along the chromsomes a bacteriophage can package a piece of the chromosome that carries both genes & transfers that piece to another bacterium
The likelihod of two genes to cotransduce depends on ____________ they are
How close they are, where if they are far apart it wont happen
What are the two common phages?
P1 & P22
What is the equation for cotransduction frequency?
Cotransduction frequency = (1-d/L)3
d- distance between two genes in mintues
L- the size of the chromsomal pieces that the phage carries during transduction
Natural Transformation
Tranformation that occur natural
Artifical transformation
Tranformation that occur due to experimental treatments where the bacteria cells are forced to take up DNA
During ____________ a living cell takes up DNA that is released from a dead bacterium
Competent cells
Bacteria cells that are able to take up DNA naturally
Steps of transformation
- A large fragment of DNA binds to the surface of the bacterial cell where competent cell express DNA receptors that promote such binding
- Endonuclease (enzyme) cuts the DNA into smaller fragments before it enters the cell
- To enter the cell the DNA strand enter via uptake
- The DNA is then incorporated into the bacterial chromosome where homologous recombination occurs
- The foregin DNA replaces one of the chromosomal strands of DNA
Homologous recoombination
If the DNA strand hasa sequence that is similar to a region of DNA in the bacterial chromosome
Horizontal gene transfer
Process where an organism incorporates genetic material from another organism without being the offspring of that organism (Ex. conjugation, transduction, transformation )
Acquired antibiotic resistance
Strain becoming resistant to a certain type of antibiotics