Extranuclear inheritance, imprinting, & maternal effect Flashcards
Genes that follow the mendelian pattern follow what four rules?
- The genes obey mendel’s law of segregation
- Except in the case of rare mutation the genes are passed unattered from generation to generation
- The expression of the genes in the offspring directly influence
- For crosses involving two or more genes & th genes obey mendel’s law of independent assortment
Nuclear genes
Genes located in the nucleus
Extranuclear inheritance (Cytoplasmic inheritance)
Type of non-mendelian inheritance pattern that involves genes that are not located in the cell nucleus & where the inheritance of organellar genetic material (from the chloroplast & mitochondria)
Chloroplast contains ___________ chromosomes with many genes
Circular chromosomes
Where the genetic material of the chloroplast is loacted at
Extranuclear inheritance produces _______________ results in reciprocal crosses
Inheritance of ______________ genetic material doesn’t display mendelian pattern because chloroplast & mitchondria are not sorted during meiosis (& don’t segregate into gamtes as nuclear chromosomes do)
Reciprocal Cross
The phenotype of the maternal (mom) & paternal (dad) parents are reversed
Maternal inheritance
The maternal phenotype determines the offspring phenotype
chloroplast usually inherits traits from the __________ parent
Maternal parent (because the egg provides the genetic material)
To predict the phenotype of extranuclear offsprings can’t use a punett square instead have to look for what two things?
- Need to know if the offspring inherits the gene from the mom, dad or both
- Need to know if heteroplasmy (carries both normal & mutant genes) is present & who transmit the extranuclear gene
(ex. If a gene is inherited from the mother & the mother has white leaves than can predict that the offspring will have white leaves)
The primary role of the mitochondria is to provide cell with _______
The transmission of the mitochondria usually follows the _______________
Maternal inheritance (the female determines the offsprings phenotype)
Many human diseases are caused by ________________
Mitochondrial mutations
Disease can occur in what two ways?
- Mitochondrial mutations that cause disease may be transmitted from mother to offspring
- Mitochondrial mutation may occur in somatic cells & accumulate as a person ages
A symbiotic relationship in which the symbiont actually lives inside the host
Endosymbiosis theory
Indicates that the acient origins of chloroplast was initated when a cyanobacterium took up residence within a primordial eukaryotic cell
Epigenetic inheritance
A pattern in which a modification occurs to a nuclear gene or chromosome that atters gene expression
_______________ results of DNA & chromosomal modification that occur during oogenesis, spermatogensis, or early stages of embroyogensis
Epigentic inheritance
Genomic impriting (impriting)
A type of epigenetic inheritance wherre a modification occurs to a nuclear gene that atters gene expression
The _____________ of an imprinted gene depends on the sex of the parent from which the gene was inherited
_______________ is a segment of DNA that is marked & that mark is retained & recognized throughout the life of the organism inheriting the marked DNA (depends if htey get the mark from mom or dad)
Genomic imprinting
To predict the phenotype of offsrping from a imprinted gene can’t use a punett square instead need to know what?
- Need to know if the offspring expresses the allele that is inherited from the mother or the father
- Need to know which allele was inherited from the mother & which allele was inherited from the father
The imprint is established during ______________
At the cellular level imprinting occurs in what 3 stages?
- Established of the imprinting during gametogensis
- Maintenace of the imprinting during embryogensis & in adult somatic cells
- Erasure & reestablishment of imprint in the germ cell
The imprinting of genes & chromosomes is a molecular marking process that involves _______________
DNA methylation
DNA methylation
The attachment of a methyl group onto a cytosine base in DNA
Genomic imprinting involves an _________________ which contains binding sites for one or more proteins that regulate the transmission of the imprinted gene
Imprinting central region (ICR)
Maternal effect
An inheritance pattern for certain muclear genes in which the genotype of the mother directly determines the phenotype of her offspring