idiom unit 2 des c1c2 Flashcards
(sth) go to your head
if sth goes to your head, it makes you think that you are more important or better than what you really are or people around you
eg: don’t let success go to your head, you are just a drop in the ocean
have your wits ABOUT you
be able to think and react quickly in dangerous or emergency situation
be in the dark about sth
not knowing any information or facts about a situation, usually because other people keep it secret from you
know what’s what
know the important facts about a situation and therefore be able to judge a situation or a person well (biết điều, biết cái j là đúng là sai và biết cái j có quan trọng hay ko)
not have a leg to stand on
not have any argument to support your point of view
not see the wood for the trees
not know the important facts about a situation and therefore concentrate too much on detail
put two and two together
guessing what is happening based on what you hear, see or the evidence that you have
ring a bell
be familiar but you cannot remember the exact detail
be quick/slow on the uptake
nhanh hiểu, chậm hiểu
drive sb round the bend
to make sb crazy
split hairs
vạch lá tìm sâu, bới lông tìm vết
take stock of sth
to think carefully about sth before decide what to do next