Female Reproduction Flashcards
What is the hormone that is synthesized in the hypothalamus, travels to the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and causes the release of gonadotropin?
gonadotropin – releasing hormone (Gn – RH)
What are the three vessels/plexuses that transport hormones from the hypothalamus to the pituitary?
The primary capillary plexus, the hypophyseal portal veins, and the secondary capillary plexus
What are the cells in the anterior pituitary the secrete FSH and LH? Are they acidophils or basophils?
Gonadotropes - basophils
What are the two hormones that affect ovarian function?
LH and FSH
What does FSH stimulate?
the maturation of an ovarian follicle and prepares the enclosed oocyte for ovulation.
What part of the oocyte produces estrogen and progesterone?
Granulosa cells
What is the function of the estrogen and progesterone produced by the oocytes?
Synthesis of the endometrial lining
When do LH ad SH levels spike? What coincides with this?
Day 13 (midcycle), release of the oocyte
What does FSH do?
Stimulate the maturation of folicles in the ovary
What happens to the remaining granulosa cells after the ooyte leaves the ovary?
Turn into Corpus Luteum
What does LH do?
Stimulates the formation of the Corpus luteum
What are the relative levels of progesterone and estrogen from day 1-12ish?
When do estrogen levels spike?
Day 12, falls, then rises after day 15.
When do progesterone levels spike?
Day 15
What are the three layers of the uterus?
What is the function of the corpus luteum?
Produces estrogen and progesterone
What happens to the corpus luteum if there is implantation? What if there is not?
No implantation = degenerates after 14 days, to become the corpus albuginea
Implantation = sticks around and does its thing until late pregnancy
What is the signal for the corpus luteum to stick around? What produces this?
hCG from the syncytiotrophoblast
What is below the endometrium? Is this layer shed?
Basal layer, which is not shed
What are the two types of cells that comprise the CL, and secrete estrogen/prgesterone?
Follicle granulosa and Theca cells
What is the epithelium of the ovary called? What type of epithelium is it?
Germinal epithelium
Simple squamous or cuboidal epithelium (mesothelium).
What is the whitish capsule that surrounds an ovary? What is it made of?
Tunica albuginea made of dense, irr CT
What is region that is immediately deep to the tunica albuginea? What is contained within this region?
Cortical region made up of the stroma and ovarian follicles
What is the stroma of the ovarian? What is it made of?
CT layer of the cortical region made of smooth muscle fibers
Where do oocytes matures?
In the cortical region of the ovary
What is present in the medulla of the ovary?
Loose CT, blood and lymph
What happens to the surface of an ovary as women mature?
Dimples d/t deposition of collagen where follicles were
What is the process by which mature ova are produced?
What layer do ovarian CAs usually develop from?
The germinal epithelium
How is DNA content written?
1d, 2d or 4d
What does 1 d mean?
amount of DNA in 23 single chromatid chromosomes
What does 2d mean?
= amount of DNA in 23 double chromatid
OR amount of DNA in 46 single chromatid chromosomes
What does 4d mean?
amount of DNA in 46 double chromatid chromosomes
How many meiotic divisions are necessary for meiosis?
What happens prior to meiosis I in oocyte development?
S phase duplicates to form 46 double chromatids. (then G2)
When does meiosis I begin in oogenesis?
When does meiosis I stop prenatally? When does it resume?
Stops at prophase. Resumes just prior to ovulation.
When a primodial germ cells enters meiosis I, what is it then called?
A primary oocyte
How many follicles mature during ovulation? How many are released (normally)?
Many mature, 1 released
What is the DNA composition of a primary follicle (in terms of D and N number)?
2n, 4d
What is the DNA composition of a seondary follicle (in terms of D and N number)?
What is the cell that results at the end of meiosis I on oogenesis?
Secondary oocyte
When does Meiosis II begin in oogenesis?
Right after Meiosis I
When does Meiosis II stop in oogenesis?
Metaphase II
What is released into the uterine tube: a primary or secondary oocyte? Which part of meiosis is it suspended in? What are the associated N and D numbers?
Secondary oocyte suspended at metaphase II
When does meiosis II resume from stopping at metaphase II in the secondary oocyte?
When it is fertilized by a sperm
What is the N and D number associated with a mature ovum?
1n, 1d
When is the first polar body formed in oogenesis? What about the next two?
First one at end of meiosis 1, next two during meiosis II
When does follicle development begin in a human?
At puberty
What is the next cell type in the process of oogenesis after primordial germ cell? What are the N and D numbers associated with this stage? What is the process that occurs after this?
Oogonia, 2n-2d
S phase is next
Where do primordial germ cells arise from?
Umbilical vesicle
What happens after an oogonia undergoes S phase?
Turns to a primary oocyte with 2n, 4d
What comprises an ovarian follicle?
Oocyte surrounded by a layer of epithelial (follicular/granulosa) cells
What stimulates follicles to be released?
What type of oocyte is present in primoridal follicles? Primary and secondary follicles?
Primary oocyte stuck in prophase I
What are the stages of maturation of a follicle?
- Primordial follicle
- unilaminar primary follicle
- Multilaminar primary follicle
- Antral follicle
- Mature (graafian) follicle
What chemical stimulate a primary/unilaminar follicle to mature?
What is the first step in maturation of a follicle after it has been activated?
What is the zona pelludica?
an acellular, gel-like (viscous) membrane that begins to form in the primordial follicle, and grows throughout the maturation process