8. Neurological diseases in cattle Flashcards
Neurological diseases in cattle?
- Congenital
- Viral
- Prion
- Bacterial
- Parasitic
- Metabolic
- Miscellaneous
Neurological Ocurence, treatment, prognosis control and CNS signs?
- Encephalopathies are rare
- Myelopathies are extremely rare
• Rarely successful
• Unfavourable to poor
- Elimination of the disease
- Measured for epidemic control
- Prevention
- Prevention of zoonoses
CNS signs
- Pushing head against wall
- Unable to respond to sensory reflexes
- Just standing in paddock
Hydrocephalus and cerebellar hypoplasia
Lysosomal storage disease (inherited)
Hydrocephalus and cerebellar hypoplasia?
Hydrocephalus and cerebellar hypoplasia
• Hydrocephalus: genetical origin, can be inherited intrauterine virus infection (bluetongue virus in lambs,
Akabane virus in calves)
• Cerebella hypoplasia (+pons, + cortex, +optic nerves) genetical origin, can be inherited or intrauterine BVD
Clinical signs
o Stillbirth or perinatal death
o Depression, blind, paralysis + domed cranium, protruded eyes, nystagmus, recumbency or attempts
of uncoordinated movements, extended neck, and legs
Differential diagnosis
o A hypovitaminosis, infectious, nutritional diseases
Lysosomal storage disease?
Lysosomal storage disease (inherited)
• Storage of metabolites
o Gangliosides, sphingomyelin, lipofuscin, glucoproteins
§ Atrophy or neurons, necrosis
o Young lambs, calves, foetal outcome
o In small breeds inherited lysosomal hydrolase enzyme deficiencies
o Chronic, progressive cerebral-myeloid symptoms
Other degenerative diseases?
Other degenerative diseases
- Inherited cerebellar dystrophy (Suffolk sheep) ataxia
- Bovine progressive ataxia (Charolais motoric disturbances)- oligodendroglia dysplasia
- Hypomyelogenesis (jersey, Hereford, shorthorn)
- Cerebral oedema, oedema of the neurons, motoric disturbances, spasmophilia
Aujeszky disease
Louping ill
Lenti viruses
- Rabies
Source of infection
• Fox, dog, cat
Transmission of infection
• Blood sucking bat
Incubation period
• 2 weeks – 4 months
Course of the disease
• 3-6 days
Clinical signs of rabies?
Clinical signs
- Abnormal behaviour, attacking people and animals
- Hypersexuality, colic
- Loud, hoarse, donkey-like bellowing
- Signs of bulbar paralysis
- Ascending paralysis of the limbs
- Danger of human infection
Diagnosis of rabies?
- History, clinical signs
- Course
- Histology
Aujeszkys disease?
Aujeszky’s disease
• PHV-1
• 2-6 days
• 1-3 days
Clinical signs
- High fever 41-45°c
- Tachypnoea, dyspnoea
- Excitation, shivering, paraesthesia
- Convulsions, +/- bellowing
- Paralysis, recumbency
- Automutiliation
Louping ill?
Louping ill (ovine encephalomyelitis)
- Flavivirus
- Sheep
Clinical signs
- Can be inapparent
- Acute course
o Hypersensitivity, tremor, rigidity of the muscles and incoordination, stiff movements and bounding
Diseases caused by lentiviruses?
Diseases caused by lentiviruses
Neurological Manifestation of Maedi= Visna
- Cause: lentivirus
- Occurrence: sheep, especially Iceland
- Pathology: progressive demyelinating encephalomyelitis
Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE)
- Cause: lentivirus
- Clinical Signs: ataxia, paraplegia, tetraplegia
Other viral diseases?
Other viral diseases
Bovine malignant catarrh
- Cause: herpesvirus- OHV-2
- Pathology: rhinitis/sinusitis, meningitis, encephalitis
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
- BHV-1
- Pathology: encephalitis in 5-25% of infected calves