What Are The Causes Of Globalisation And it’s accelerating pace Flashcards
What is globalisation
Basically means everything goes global trade goes global
companies go global communication goes global
culture goes global
What is economic integration
Economies are coming more more connected through trade and the movement of goods and capital
What does economic integration motivate
Improve transport and communication and spreads culture
What are the positives of economic integration
Opportunities to be able to buy and sell any country in the world the
growth of global marketing finance
opportunities for labour and capital to locate anywhere in the world
How does the movement of TNCS to lower cost areas affect the consumer market?
More choice a lower price is providing incentives for competitiveness
What can exports stimulate
Job creation - earning valuable foreign currency
What does FDI stand for
Foreign direct investment
When was the General agreement on tariffs and trade signed
How many countries agreed to the general agreement on tariffs and trade in 1948
23 countries route 45,000 Thai concessions in US$10 billion of trade
By 1973 how many countries are joining GATT agreement
102 countries agreed in tariff reductions worth more than US$300 billion
When was the world trade organisation founded
How many governments agreed to the WTO Tariff reductions
123 countries agreed major reductions in tariffs and agricultural subsidies
What did the WTO agreement allow access to
Full access for textiles and clothing from developing countries and an extension of intellectual property rights
When was the Doha development round created
What are the main disagreements in reducing trade barriers in the present day
US and the EU and emerging economies like Brazil disagree over agricultural subsidies which are viewed as a type of trade barrier
What factors might have accelerated globalisation
transport costs
computer/Internet technologies international organisations
Why are TNCs considered the architects of globalisation
They invest abroad and build links between the places that make products and the places That consume the goods and services
What happened in the 19 century reduce the cost of moving goods internationally
What led to further reduce transport and handling costs in the 20th century?
Containerisation and aviation/airfreight
How can manufacturing and diversification to be coordinated
By providing a wide range of new services, features or products to customers in a new market
What is the name of the creation of recognisable global brands?
Brand recognition
Why do companies invest in new markets
To make profits more consumers create more potential sales in this higher potential profits
As they are able to sell goods to a whole new area
What are examples of some current new markets
India and China has encourage businesses to invest money in the hope of generating more sales
When were the earliest computers developed
In top-secret by the US and UK during World War II
What were the early computers used for
Used To break enemy code and to develop the nuclear bomb
Who designed the very first computer?
Alan Turing at station X Bletchley Park to break the German enigma code
How many computers were in the UK by the end of the war
10 of the colossus computers working 24 hours a day break in German Italian in Japanese code
When were the computers used in the war finally declassified
In the 1970s
Who invented the integrated circuit chip
Jack Kilby 1958
When was the first micro processor chip invented
What has happened to processing power every year since 1971
It has doubled
What is containerisation
A system of intermodal freight transport using standard containers that can be loaded onto ships, railways, planes and lorries
When did containerships begin operating
In the 1950s
What percentage of a number cargo is transported by containers today
What is TEU?
20 foot equivalent units. It is based on the volume of a 20 foot long intermodal container a standard size metal box
What are the advantages of containerisation
More secure cargo
 Improvements import handling efficiency = lower costs = increase trade flows
What is the cost of shipping a TV from China to the UK
What is the cost of shipping a bottle of wine from Australia to the UK
How much have costs changed on goods since the 1950’s for containerisation
100% reducing the friction of distance
What are boats that use containers also known as
Box boats they carry the majority of the worlds manufacturing
What do containerisation prompt
The global shift of manufacturing in China from HIC to a NEE s
What was the TEU of the largest container ship in 1980
What is the TEU of the Emma maersk 
Is 15,200
When was the Boeing 707 introduced
1959 it was the first narrow body jet
What aircraft was introduced in 1970 as a first wide-body aircraft
Boeing 747 that seats 524 people
When was the first double-decker wide-body aircraft introduced
2007 called the airbus A380 seats 853 people and uses 20% less fuel per passenger
What does it mean until the 1970s most major airlines were flag carriers
It means a response by the government and protected from competition
What create a competition in choice for the consumer in regards to air travel
The open skies agreement
What were cheaper airlines do to make sure they still make a profit
Instead of having an expensive flight with all inclusive they may charge for luxuries like food priority boarding seat allocation and baggage
What percentage of goods by volume and value are transported by air
5% by volume
36% by value
What are fibre-optic’s?
Technology Associated with the transmission of information as light passes along a glass or plastic strand or fibre
What are fibre optics designed for?
Long-distance very high performance data networking and telecommunications this has led to the cost of data transmission becoming cheaper due to global fibre-optic cable network
When was the first GPS satellite launched
In the 1970s
How many satellites are situated in the atmosphere today
24 situated 10,000 km above earth
What does GPS satellites do
Continuously broadcast position and time data usage throughout the world
Why do companies use GPS satellites
Deliveries can be tracked using vehicle tracking systems help in the growth of global production of networks
How did the Internet begin its life
Part of a scheme funded by the US defence Department during the Cold War it was designed you in the 1960s as a way of linking vital research
What is the Doha round?
A trade negotiation of the WTO
What was the objective of the Doha development round?
objective was to lower trade barriers around the world, and thus facilitate increased global trade.
What has allowed for easier and fast communication between areas?
Social media such as WhatsApp