Rates Of Assimilation Vary Flashcards
What is ethnicity?
Differentiates people based on learnt or cultural differences
What is race?
Differentiates people on the grounds of physical characteristics
What is culture?
The way of life of a people, their beliefs, values and practices, it is what is passed onto the next generation by learning
What are some examples of culture?
Social norms
Moral principles
What is cultural assimilation?
A process through which immigrant communities lose their cultural distinctiveness by adjusting to the values, allegiances and lifestyle of the host society
How is cultural assimilation a 2 way process?
As it leads to changes in the immigrant and host communities to produce a hybrid culture
How are migrants treated in a assimilation host nation?
Migrant as treated as an insider if they conform to the host nations culture
How are migrants treated in pluralism host nations?
Migrant is treated like an insider but is allowed and encouraged to retain cultural uniqueness
How was migrants treated in polarisation host countries?
Migrant is treated as an outsider
Little social interaction with host society
What countries use full assimilation?
What are the positive perceptions from full assimilation?
Integrated and homogenous society
Society enriched by the best elements of each other
What is full assimilation also known as?
Melting pot idea
What are the negative perceptions of full assimilation?
Loss of traditional cultures and languages
Immigrant forced to conform and adopt the culture of the host country
When is full assimilation made easier?
When the ethnic and racial differences between the host and migrant communities is small
What is the pluralism/ multicultural view on migrants?
Political philosophy which celebrates cultural diversity
Where is pluralism mainly adopted?
What are the positive perceptions of pluralism?
Cultures learning form each other and enriching each other
Strengthening cultural understanding
Inclusive society
Where uniqueness is celebrated
What are some examples of pluralism in the UK?
Ethnic cuisine
Indian words used in English language
What are some examples of Indian words used in the English language?
What are the negative perceptions of Pluralism?
Fractured communities
Conflict ridden identity politics
Threat to national unity
What is social polarisation?
Immigrants are permitted work but never allowed to become a citizen
Where is social polarisation commonly used?
Gulf Co-operation Council states (GCC) using Kafala system
What do migrants have to be in order to work with Kafala system?
Sponsored by an employer
What are the positive perceptions of social polarisation?
Socially very accepting of high levels of migration as don’t feel threatened
Economically benefit room cheap migrant labour
What are the negative perceptions of social polarisation?
Kafala system is criticised by NGOs and human rights groups as modern slavery
Employers can deport migrants and control if they can change jobs
What are some indicators of cultural assimilation?
Socio-economic status of migrant
Spatial segregation or mixing
Social interaction
Proficiency of host language
Inter-ethnic relationship/ marriage
Name change by migrant
Perception of national identity
How can socio-economic status be an indicator of cultural assimilation?
Comparing migrant status to indigenous population (income, occupation, education)
What might the negative perception of a migrant changing their name to assimilate be?
Changing name to ‘fit in’ is seen as ‘betraying’ your own culture and heritage
What are 2 celebrity examples of them changing their name?
Nicolas cage= Nicolas Coppola
Bruno Mars= Peter Gene Hernandez
What are the 2 types of factor that affect the rate of assimilation?
What are internal factors that affect the rate of assimilation? (definition)
factors within the migrant community
What are external factors that affect the rate of assimilation?(definition)
Influences outside the migrant community
What are some examples of internal factors that affect the rate of assimilation?
English proficiency
Number of migrants in the area
Cultural differences
Education levels
How well hey mix with host population
Forced of voluntary migration
Length of residence in host country
Endogamous marriage encouraged
What is endogamous marriage?
marrying within a specific ethnic group class or social group rejecting others as being unsuitable for marriage
What are some examples of external factors that affect the rate of assimilation?
Job availability/ level of job
Acceptance of host to embrace migrants
Ease of learning the language
Pressure from host government to assimilate
Cultural differences
What is the degree of “otherness”?
the willingness of both the receiving society to absorb and the migrants to embrace the culture of the new home partly depends on the degree of otherness
What affects the feeling of otherness?
Physical appearance (race and clothing)
Belief systems and practices
What is an example of physical appearance affecting the feeling of otherness?
Muslims living in Europe can appear as other in their appearance due to beards and veils.
What is the difference between the Western and Islamic belief system?
Western- Secularism, Moral relativeness, orthodoxy
Islamic- Theocracy, Fundamentalist, Orthopraxy
What is secularism? (western belief)
Religion should be private and not intrude on secular (worldly) affairs
What is moral relativeness? (western beliefs)
No absolute moral values (abortion in UK not USA)
What is Orthodoxy? (western belief in terms of Christianity)
Religion requires correct belief
What is theocracy? (Islamic belief)
religious authority should prevail over political
What is fundamentalism? (Islamic belief)
Certain principles are recognised as essential truths that have unchallenged authority
What is orthopraxy? (Islamic belief)
Religion requires correct behaviours