Economic Migration Flashcards
What is urbanisation?
An increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas compared to rural areas
What is rural-urban migration?
The movement of people from countryside to city areas
What is urban sprawl?
Rapid expansion of the geographic extent of cities and towns often characterised by low density residential housing, single sue zoning, and increased reliance on private vehicles
What is hyper-urbanisation?
Very rapid increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas often coupled with mass infrastructure expansion and the creation or so called mega cities
What is a megacity?
A city that has a population over 10 million people
What causes the rapid growth of megacities?
Rural to urban migration
What is a push factor?
Something about a persons home life/current location that makes them want to leave
What are some examples of push factors?
Few services
Lack of job opportunities
Unhappy life
Poor transport links
Natural disasters
Shortage of food
What is a pull factor?
Can often be (but not always) the opposite of the push factor which caused a person to leave their home
What are some examples of pull factors?
Access to services
Better job opportunities
More entertainment facilities
Better transport links
Improved living conditions
Hope for a better way of life
Family links
What does fast population growth in rural areas result in?
Underemployment (depressed wages)
Scarcity of goods
Loss or degradation of farmland
What can cause/ accelerate the loss of farmland (economic migration)?
Land grabs
What has meant there are fewer obstacles to movement?
Growth of mass transport
Improved communications
How does productivity affect quality of life?
High productivity means higher wages, more tax, more investment in area improving QOL
What provisions do cities have? (compared to rural)
Better provisions in terms of healthcare and education services
What creates a greater rate of migration?
A bigger perceived contrast in opportunities between rural and urban areas
What is Lee’s migration model?
A model that accounts for push and pull factors and the intervening obstacles in order to predict migration patterns
What does Lee’s migration model advocate?
That intervening obstacles can block migration to certain areas, while push and pull factors can promote migration from a old to a new area
What are some examples of intervening obstacles on the Lee model?
Lack of capital
Military service
Political differences
Family pressures
National policy
travel costs
Immediate job opportunities
What did Ravenstein suggest?
Migrants are only inclined to move short distances (DISTANCE DECAY) and those migrating longer distances are likely to be heading towards a larger city ( GRAVITY MODEL).
Where are megacities common?
Newly emerging economies and are becoming more common in Low income countries
What is natural increase?
Difference between a country’s birth rate and death rate
Why might natural increase be high in countries with high rates of urbanisation?
May be because many migrants are young adults- women of childbearing age
What is the result of half the worlds population being below 25 years of age?
All of these people have the opportunity to have children meaning that natural increase will continue to increase
What has the UN predicted Asia’s urban population will be by 2030?
Will rise form 1.4 billion to 2.6 billion
How much has the UN predicted Africa’s urban population will rise to by 2030?
From 300 million to 750 million
How much has the UN predicted that Latin America and the Caribbean’s urban population will rise by 2030?
Form 400 million to 600 million
what must happen for someone to benefit from moving to a megacity?
Only benefit if their productivity gains exceed the cost of living
What problems arise from a rapidly growing megacity?
Congestion infrastructure hasn’t caught up
Informal housing
Informal work
High crime
Poor services
Lack of proper policing
Increased pop density greater risk of loss form natural disaster
where is white horse village?
west china
what is the problem facing white horse village?
what is the main source of income/ work in white horse village?
what is the saying in white horse village?
back to the sky face to the ground
why are the locals against the development in Whitehorse village?
as their homes and land are being taken away and they are being relocated to densely packed temporary housing
why do many people leave Whitehorse village?
they leave to get jobs in the city where they can earn a higher income and provide more money for their family
How will tradition be affected by the development of Whitehorse village?
the graves of peoples ancestors will have to be removed
How will tradition be affected by the development of Whitehorse village?
the graves of peoples ancestors will have to be removed
how will the people of Whitehorse village suffer after the development of their area?
they wont have the necessary skills to adapt to the new work sectors so will struggle to find a job
how ill the development of white horse village affect the rest of china?
china has a growing population so a greater reliance on food to feed the population by developing on productive farmland they are reducing their food production and food security
why was white horse village hard to access in the past?
you had to travel u river on small boats
How will white horse village be made easier to access?
highways/ motorways are going to be built
what sector will dramatically increase in the white horse village area?
real estate as people will want to move in the up and coming area
Where is Karachi located?
What is Karachi defined by?
How has migration affected Karachi?
Millions of urdu-speaking Indian Muslims arrived in 1947
Many people arrived after the invasion of Afghanistan and 9/11
How are neighbourhoods divided in Karachi?
Along ethnic lines
How many people currently live in Karachi?
15 million people
What types of crime are prevalent in Karachi?
Street violence and turf wars for land and power
What is frustrating the citizens of Karachi?
The failure of the local government and law enforcement to protect them
Is there informal housing settlements in Karachi?
What happened to Karachi after failing to respond to globalisation?
What is the economy like in Karachi?
First world economy in a third world country
What areas have been privatised in Karachi?
Urban services
Why is homelessness prevalent in Karachi?
There have been no new housing or development schemes
What is occurring in the inner city slums of Karachi?
What is the difference between the high and low waged people in Karachi?
Big gap formed
Where are many of the wealthy people in Karachi moving to?
Gated communities
Where is Mumbai located?
What have local government and law enforcement failed to do in Mumbai?
Failed to protect the city from murderous violence and bombings
What is the geographical area like in Mumbai?
Occupies a long narrow peninsula
Next to Arabian Sea
On the west coast of India
How much has the population in Mumbai increased by over the last century?
By nearly 12 times
What % of people in the slums of Mumbai don’t have access to water?
What is the current population in Mumbai?
21 million people
What is a global hub?
A highly globally connected city
What are some other names for global hubs?
Smart cities
World cities
What are some examples of global hubs?
New York
São Paulo
What are characteristic of most global hubs?
Strong infrastructure
Large number of TNC’s
A range of jobs in the tertiary and quaternary sector
What make global hubs influential?
Contain a large population
Highly skilled workforce
Range of TNC’s
How are global hubs recognised?
How influential they are
What is New York’s niche?
Financial- home to Wall Street, major accountancy & legal firms as well as HQ for TNC’s
What is Londons niche?
Business- where much of Europe’s TNC HQ are based
What is Dubai’s niche?
Financial & resource rich - home to 8% of global oil reserves and the main regional base for many TNC’s in the Middle East
What is the niche of Paris?
Culture- major global culture hub with HQ of multi-million fashion chains
What is the niche in Beijing?
Trade- major manufacturing hub with 1000’s of the worlds TNC’s and 40% of Asia’s investment
What is the niche in Washington?
Political- home to IMF, World Bank, pentagon
What is the niche in Mumbai?
Service- home of many of the largest telecommunications HQ, cultural home of Asia
What is the niche in São Paulo?
Innovation- centre for innovation and quaternary design and technology
What is the niche in Tokyo?
Employment- high % of residents employed in the services sector and information sector
What is the niche in Los Angeles?
Regional- home to financial HQ, a stock exchange, major financial institutions, HQ’s of several TNC’s
What are other names for elite migration
Millionaire migration or Oligarch migration
What is an elite migrant
Minority population group with some combination of high levels of wealth, social status, Political influence, cultural influence
What are some examples of elite migrants
Footballers, politicians, High skilled professionals, academics, musicians actors and writers and financial sector workers and entrepreneurs 
What percentage of the UAE’s population is migrants