The optimal mating time in the bitch Flashcards
The optimal time for mating is likely to be?
During or immediately preceding the fertilisation period, and the period of peak fertility for natural matings ranges from 1 day before to 5 or 6 days after the LH surge. Determination of the time to breed could therefore be based upon methods for estimating the time of the LH surge.
The LH surge is a good marker of ascertaining peak fertility but why is it so hard to measure?
Measurement of plasma concentrations of LH is a reliable and accurate method of determining the optimum time to mate. However, there is no readily available commercial assay for canine LH, and at present measurement requires radioimmunoassay, a technique that is time-consuming and expensive. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has recently been described for the measurement of LH concentration in fox plasma, but has yet to be evaluated in the dog and a key challenge in measuring LH is the fact that concentrations peak and return to basal within a short period of time, necessitating daily sampling.
What would be a good hormone to measure that would point to a time near the LH surge and peak fertility?
Plasma progesterone concentrations begin to increase towards the end of pro-oestrus at the time of the LH surge. The progesterone is produced by luteinising follicles, and therefore, serial monitoring of plasma progesterone concentrations allows anticipation of ovulation. Since progesterone concentrations rise slowly prior to ovulation daily sampling is not necessary. Commercial test kits designed to measure the concentration of plasma progesterone by ELISA are available. These kits have been shown to be useful for predicting the optimum mating time in the bitch. Progesterone concentration may also be measured using this method on whole blood and vaginal fluid. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that progesterone can be measured in faeces allowing the potential for non-invasive monitoring of the time of ovulation.
What can be used to monitor the oestrus cycle?
Examination of exfoliative vaginal cells is commonly used to monitor the oestrous cycle.
During pro-oestrus, increased plasma oestrogen concentrations cause thickening of the vaginal mucosa, which becomes a keratinised squamous epithelium.
How can vaginal cells be monitored?
Vaginal epithelial cells may be collected either using a moistened swab or by aspiration.
The relative proportions of different types of epithelial cells can be used as a marker of the endocrine environment. Several methods for staining of cells and various indices of cornification and keratinisation have been suggested as markers for the stage of the cycle. In general, the fertile period can be predicted by?
calculating the percentage of epithelial cells that appear cornified using a modified Wright–Giemsa stain.
Howd does oestrus appear in vaginal cytology?
Polymorphonuclear leucocytes are absent from the vaginal smear during oestrus because the keratinised epithelium is impervious to these cells. Their reappearance during late oestrus reflects the breakdown of this epithelium. The return of polymorphonuclear leucocytes to the vaginal smear has been used by some workers as an indicator of the time of optimum fertility.
When should breeding be attempted according to vaginal cytology?
Breeding should normally be attempted throughout the period when more than 80% of epithelial cells are cornified . Whilst this is a good guide, some bitches reach peak values of only 60% cornification, whilst in others there may be two peaks of cornification . Some bitches demonstrate poor cellular changes in the vaginal smear and sometimes polymorphonuclear leucocytes may be found throughout the entire oestrous period; the extent of these variations has not been quantified.
Evaluation of the anuclear cell index of cells aspirated from the cranial vagina was found to?
- Increase the pregnancy rate and litter size of a group of bitches compared with a similar group mated only on the basis of the onset of proestrus.
- The technique is particularly useful for bitches with irregular oestrous cycles and those with prolonged pro-oestrus or prolonged oestrus.
How does anoestrus appear on cytology?
How does pro-oestrus appear in cytology?
How does oestrus appear in cytology?
How does early met-oestrus appear on cytology?
Discuss Canine Vaginoscopy: Cyclical Changes?
The hormonal changes which occur during the onset of proestrus, oestrus and the early luteal phase have a direct effect upon the vaginal epithelium resulting in an initial proliferation and oedema of the mucosa, a subsequent reduction in oedema, and finally sloughing of the epithelium. These changes can be readily detected with vaginoscopic examination.
How does the vagina appear on vaginascope in prooestrus?
During proestrus, increased plasma oestrogen concentrations cause thickening of the vaginal mucosa which becomes a keratinised squamous epithelium.
This is essentially a mechanism to protect the normally thin vaginal mucosa from potential trauma at the time of mating. Under the influence of oestrogen there is also significant oedema of the vaginal wall.