Small Animal Final Year

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Burrows. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (317)

CRS 1 Revision
Draw the wigger s diagram to show...,
What events happen to generate th...,
What events happen to result in t...
13  cards
Infectious Respiratory Disease in Small Animals
What would you suspect with this ...,
What does felv predispose to 2,
What age are diseases more severe 3
74  cards
Bonzo has a cough..
What are the differentials of the...,
What are the differentials of the...,
What are the differentials of the...
17  cards
Freddie has Nasal Discharge
As with any patient it is importa...,
You can test airflow from nostril...,
Write a damnitv for differentials...
26  cards
A difficult pet show
What is stertor 1,
What is stridor 2,
Case 1 in the middle of the after...
9  cards
ECG revision
What is convention for recording ...,
How should ecg leads be applied 2,
How should the ecg be taken 3
26  cards
What are some indications for tra...,
What are some causes of an urt ob...,
Placement of a tracheostomy tube ...
10  cards
Coughing in SAs
Name some presenting signs typica...,
When presented with a coughing an...,
What is a cough why do we cough g...
39  cards
Foxy Eosinophilic bronchpneumopathy
Questions to ask about the coughi...,
What is foxy problem list 2,
What view is this 3
16  cards
Help my dog can't breath
In normal patients the thorax and...,
As respiratory effort increases t...,
With severe inspiratory effort of...
32  cards
Radiology quiz
What are the standard views for r...,
Descriibe rl radiograph normals 2,
Discuss normal radiographic appea...
16  cards
Thoracic Imaging 2
List imaging modalities and when ...,
To image or not to image if none ...,
Discuss normal variations 3
63  cards
Thoracic imaging 3
Discuss lung patterns further 1,
Be careful of these common errors 2,
Discuss the mediastinum 3
38  cards
Respiratory Tract Neoplasia in SA
How are tumours sub classified 1,
For epithelial tumours 2,
For mesenchymal tumours 3
50  cards
SA Airway Disease
What can cause pulmonary parenchy...,
What are some reasons why we woul...,
Name some things that can cause a...
45  cards
Approach to LRT Disease in SA
What is the structure of the mamm...,
How do we approach animals with l...,
How should i approach this lrt ca...
48  cards
Diseases and Conditions of the Avian Respiratory System
Acute presentation of avian respi...,
Chronic presentation 2,
Normal respiratory effort in the ...
47  cards
Thoracic Radiography Quiz
4 year old medium crossbreed me d...,
10 year old dsh fn cat 2,
12 year old dsh mn cat 3
8  cards
Lung Disease Gross Pathology
Where can respiratory disease aff...,
What are the classes of respirato...,
What type of disease is this and ...
25  cards
SA surgery and nasal disease Wrap Up
What is sturtor 1,
What is stridor 2,
What is reverse sneezing 3
30  cards
Respiratory Tract Disease in Small Animals
What would you expect to see clin...,
What will you see clinically in a...,
Is inspiratory or expiratory phas...
28  cards
Pleural Disease
What is the serosa 1,
What is the serosal membrane call...,
What is the serosal membrane call...
54  cards
Respiratory Endoscopy
When is a trans tracheal wash goo...,
What do you need for a ttw 2,
What can we use to get a sample o...
35  cards
Lower Airway Disease in Cats
What is the signalment of lower r...,
What is the clinical history for ...,
What questions should we ask 3
42  cards
Feline Asthma (SDL)
Jim 5 yo mn dlh cat biop from a k...,
What investigations would you lik...,
Jim is booked in for thoracic rad...
15  cards
Chest Drains
What does thoracic drainage aid 3 1,
What can needle thoracocentesis b...,
What equipment is needle for thor...
20  cards
Sam The Dog Can't Breath
What is wrong here 1,
What is wrong here 2,
How to perform thoracocentesis th...
6  cards
Lung histopathology
What are the air conducting porti...,
What is the respiratory portion o...,
How is the air conducting portion...
18  cards
Small Animal respiratory parasites
O osleri is a cause of 1,
A vasorum is an increasingly comm...,
A abstrusus is a rare cause of 3
39  cards
Blood Pressure SDL
What is the systolic and diastoli...,
What is the systolic and diastoli...,
What is the systolic and diastoli...
8  cards
Dysrhythmias SDL
What is the correct way to interp...,
What is a normal sinus rhythm nsr 2,
What does a normal sinus rhythm l...
41  cards
SA Endocardial Disease
Why is valvular disease important 1,
What is the most common cause of ...,
Describe what can be seen on this...
58  cards
The Ascitic Dog Cases
What can cause muffled heart soun...,
What can cause poor peripheral pu...,
What can cause ascites 10 3
11  cards
Dysrhythmias Management
Think of this big picture stuff 1,
Consider the causes of dysrhythmi...,
How can we document dysrhythmia d...
25  cards
Feline Cardiomyopathies
Discuss myocardial disease in the...,
What is the definition of hypertr...,
How is hypertrophic cardiomyopath...
52  cards
What can cause persistently eleva...,
Define the hypertension values 2 ...,
What does diagnosis of persistent...
57  cards
Canine Myocardial Disease
What can cause primary myocardial...,
What can cause secondary myocardi...,
What is dilated cardiomyopathy ch...
53  cards
Collapse, Weakness, Exercise Intolerance
What is the problem with a collap...,
What kind of information do you w...,
If collapse is associated woth ex...
31  cards
Cardiac Radiography
What are the indiciation for thor...,
What does radiography not identify 2,
What type of heart failure is rad...
50  cards
Congenital Cardiac Disease
What do we mean by congenital hea...,
Does congenital heart disease hav...,
Which chd congenital heart diseas...
48  cards
Define cyanosis 1,
What causes cyanosis 2,
What are the 2 broad categories o...
35  cards
Radiography of CRS
Which non cardiorespiratory struc...,
What is the issue here 2,
What is the issue here 3
8  cards
Management of Heart Failure
With regards to patient managemen...,
Is left or right side heart failu...,
With heart failure what develops ...
78  cards
Heart Failure Problems
What is a gallop rhythm 1,
What is responsible for the addit...,
What makes gallop sounds audible ...
10  cards
Management Of Heart Failure 2
What is the effect of hypothyroid...,
How does cushing s disease afffec...,
What co existign diseases affect ...
23  cards
Echocardiograpy Images
What is the view and abnormality 1,
What is the view and abnormality 2,
What is the view and abnormality 3
10  cards
Pericardial disease in SA
What is the pericardium 1,
Look at this diagram of the heart 2,
What can be seen here 3
37  cards
How to echo
What equipment do we ned for echo...,
What 3 things are involved in the...,
What probe size do we use for 3
33  cards
Why do we do pericardiocentesis 2 1,
How do you position for a pericar...,
What other therapies monitoring m...
5  cards
Thoracic Surgery
What are the 2 ways we access the...,
What can be seen in these images 2,
Name the surgical conditions of t...
14  cards
Cardiac Cases
13 year old me cocker spaniel 1,
13 year old me cocker spaniel 2,
18 month old me west highland whi...
6  cards
Discuss felixs history 1,
Discuss felix s physical exam and...,
What are felix s clinical problems 3
11  cards
AB selection for respiratory disease
What are the principles of antimi...,
Discuss kinetics of antimicrobials 2,
Blank 3
37  cards
ECG generation
Describe the generation of the no...,
What is the normal membrane poten...,
Discuss dipoles 3
14  cards
ECG interpretation
What can ecg show us 1,
What is the rate of this ecg 2,
What is the rate of this ecg 3
27  cards
What are the warning signs of car...,
How can you diagnose cardiopulmon...,
What are the causes of cardiac ar...
32  cards
What is triage briefly 1,
The following emergencies come in 2,
What are some important aspects t...
58  cards
Emergency and Critical Cases
Two cats present simultaneously 1,
Haematology to ascertain type of ...,
An owner calls about their cat th...
12  cards
Important factors to consider in the emergency and critical care patient
What do you think are important f...,
What is kirby s rule of 20 2,
When considering the emergency an...
27  cards
Traumatic Brain Injury
What is a traumatic brain injury 1,
What is a primary traumatic brain...,
What is a secondary brain injury 3
38  cards
Important factors to consider in the emergency and critical care patient COPY
What do you think are important f...,
What is kirby s rule of 20 2,
When considering the emergency an...
27  cards
Nutrition for critically ill patients
Discuss nutrition in the critical...,
What is the goal of enteral nutri...,
Often hospitalised patients have ...
54  cards
Anaesthesia For The Critical Patient: Is It Different?
Why is anaeasthesia different in ...,
What doo we need to do differentl...,
Why are emergency pateints challe...
31  cards
Critical patients monitoring
What is the most important monitor 1,
Discuss pulse oximetery 2,
What affects the accuracy of puls...
37  cards
An 8 year old 25 kg dog is having...,
An 8 year old 25 kg dog is having...,
An 8 year old 25 kg dog is having...
20  cards
Formative questions
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia is a...,
Taking ventro dorsal radiographs ...,
In congestive cardiac failure aft...
46  cards
Adrenal glands
The sympathetic supply for the ad...,
What is the main hormone produced...,
What are the three groups of horm...
6  cards
About 20 of the pancreatic endocr...,
Name the other hormones produced ...,
How does the venous drainage of t...
4  cards
Pituitary gland
Which anatomical features lie adj...,
Name the functional regions of th...,
How are the adenohypophysis and n...
11  cards
Thyroid and parathyroid
In which species are the left and...,
Which hormones are produced by th...,
In mammals how many pairs of para...
7  cards
What are the 2 types of dm and ho...,
High plasma creatinine concentrat...,
We now recognise that horses that...
7  cards
Canine hypoadrenocorticism
Describe the anatomy of the adren...,
Draw a flow diagram detailing glu...,
Describe the actions glucocortico...
30  cards
Canine hyperadrenocorticism
What controls glucocorticoid rele...,
What do different parts of the ad...,
Show how important cholesterol is...
37  cards
Hepatic lipidosis/ketosis/farm
Define negative energy balance wi...,
Ketosis in cattle is not the same...,
Why are cows at risk of ketosis 3
16  cards
Feline DM
What are the 2 most common endocr...,
What type of dm is more common in...,
Describe the cycle of insulin res...
34  cards
Canine diabetes mellitus
Outline the effects of insulin 1,
What are the actions of insulin a...,
Describe the types of diabetes as...
45  cards
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
What is the pathophysiology of di...,
What are the d dx of dka 2,
Summarise how dka happens 3
27  cards
What are the clinical signs of hy...,
What factors might make a blood g...,
What are the main differentials f...
23  cards
Feline hyperthyroidism
Draw a exaggerated picture of a c...,
How does feline hyperthyroidism d...,
What causes hyperthyroidism 3
37  cards
Canine hypothyroidism
Outline types of hypothyroidism 1,
What is used as a diagnostic test...,
What is the pathophysiology of pr...
34  cards
Calcium disorders in SA
Use a diagram to illustrate calci...,
Draw an in depth diagram of how c...,
What forms of calcium are there i...
25  cards
Give 5 functions of the skin 1,
Identify these organisms found on...,
What is the most common bacterial...
64  cards
Endocrine cases
Adrenal case interpret these test...,
Adrenal case name timber age 11 y...,
Adrenal case name socks age 12 yr...
29  cards
Pu pd has endocrine and non endoc...,
From this history and physical ex...,
So how do we define polydipsia 3
21  cards
Uncommon endocrine disorders
Pituitary dwarfism is a growth di...,
Pituitary dwarfism is a growth di...,
What is the difference between pr...
15  cards
Bacterial skin disease
Outline the classes of bacteria t...,
Give examples of transient and re...,
Give examples of transient and re...
43  cards
Fungal skin disease
What are the diagnostic technique...,
How are mycotic infections classi...,
Name organisms of veterinary inte...
22  cards
Viral and protozoal skin disease
Name large animal vesicular disea...,
What are the genera clincal signs...,
Name 2 other notifiable diseases ...
23  cards
Parasitic skin disease
Insects we re concerned about 1,
Discuss flea allergic dermatitis 2,
What is this a classic pattern of 3
49  cards
Autoimmune and immune mediated diseases of the skin
Outline at what points in the imm...,
What is a primary immuno deficien...,
What is a secondary immuno defici...
32  cards
Practical information
What inflammatory cell is this 1,
What inflammatory cell is this 2,
What inflammatory cell is this 3
14  cards
Pattern analysis
Why biopsy the skin 1,
Biopsy sampling do s 2,
Do a review of normal histology o...
21  cards
Allergic skin disease: pathophysiology and presentation
Allergic skin disease is a common...,
What is the classic definition of...,
What is pathogenesis of canine at...
18  cards
Management of allergic skin disease
How can flea allergic dermatitis ...,
How can cutaneous adverse food re...,
Describe the interrelationships o...
29  cards
Clinical signs of and approach to pruritus
What is pruritus 1,
How important is pruritus 2,
How do dogs show they have prurit...
22  cards
Appraoch to cutaneous masses
When presented with a cutaneous m...,
Define a nodule and a cyst 2,
Remember swellings of non dermato...
35  cards
Feline eosinophillic granuloma complexes
Most likely underlying causes for...,
The egc does not represent a spec...,
What is the practical relevance o...
11  cards
Cytology of cutaneous masses
Why is cytology not a substitute ...,
How can cytology help us 2,
Draw a flow diagram for cutaneous...
28  cards
FNA cytology practice
Case 1 think about this case 5yo ...,
Case 2 think about this case 3 yo...,
Case 3 think about this case 9yo ...
7  cards
Non-neoplastic masses
What is a haematoma 1,
Check this out 2,
What are inflammatory infectious ...
21  cards
Approach to alopecia
Define alopecia 1,
What are the mechanisms of primar...,
Define true and apparent alopecia 3
27  cards
Approach to pustular, papular, scaling and crusting skin disease
Define papule 1,
Define pustule 2,
Pustules are not always in same p...
36  cards
Draw normal ear structure 1,
Label the tympanic membrane 2,
What types of ear disease are the...
48  cards
Otitis available treatments and choice
What is osurnia florifenicol 1,
What is aurizon marbofloxacin 2,
What is posatex orbifloxacin 3
15  cards
Otic surgery
Draw a diagram of the external ear 1,
Draw a diagram of the inner and m...,
What are the primary causes of ot...
33  cards
Dermatological therapeutic case discussion
Dermatophytosis key points consid...,
Dermatophytosis topical and syste...,
Discuss dermatophytosis environme...
7  cards
Feline specific aspects of dermatology
Major cutaneous reaction patterns...,
What is known to cause the feline...,
Create a table for the ddx of fel...
18  cards
Dermatology cases
Case 1 tigger is a 5 year old mn ...,
Case 1 tigger is a 5 year old mn ...,
Is pododermatitis due to immune m...
18  cards
SA Anatomy Refresher
Recap the anatomy and function of...,
What enzymes are released from th...,
How does the anatomy of the pancr...
17  cards
Year 2 Formative (Revision)
Megaoesophagus can occur in patie...,
Complete the following sentence r...,
What is the total number of sporo...
46  cards
Name some clinical signs of gastr...,
What are the indications for endo...,
When do you avoid endoscopy 3
5  cards
Clinical Approach To GI Disease in SA
Define diarrhoea 3 1,
Where does water absorption occur...,
Name 3 signs of si disease in dog...
34  cards
Sickly Dog
Mrs chambers presents the family ...,
Create a problem list from 2,
Draw up differentials for rocky u...
35  cards
Vomiting In Dogs and Cats
What is the prodromal phase of vo...,
What happens during the retching ...,
What happens during the expulsion...
54  cards
Gastric Disease in Dogs and Cats
Name 5 causes of sudden onset vom...,
Why are dogs and cats normally re...,
When do problems arise with bacte...
57  cards
Diagnostic Imaging of GI
Label the following radiograph 1,
Explain the course of the oesopha...,
Identify each of the following nu...
15  cards
Practical: Dog anatomy
Label linea alba and rectus abdom...,
Label external internal and trans...,
Label the inguinal canal and crem...
32  cards
SA GI radiography and Ultrasonography
What are the advantages and disad...,
Describe radiographic technique c...,
Describe good radiographic techni...
71  cards
Management of SA oesophageal and gastric SA disease
Which gastric and oesophageal dis...,
When would you not investigate ga...,
What general supportive care can ...
39  cards
Is the endocrine or exocrine panc...,
What is the difference between th...,
What are the locations of the pan...
43  cards
Intro To Intestinal Disease
Define digestion 1,
What are the two phases of digest...,
Define absorption 3
72  cards
SI Disorders in Dogs and Cats
Name some causes of acute diarrho...,
Where are viral parasitic and bac...,
Name some viruses that are likely...
61  cards
Chronic Diarrhoea in SA
What is ard 1,
What is sibo 2,
Discuss quantitive microbiology g...
50  cards
Management Plans for Vomiting SA
Create a problem list 1,
Outline your approach to this cas...,
Discuss jordans radiograph 3
16  cards
Devising a Plan
Bow is an eight year old entire f...,
What are the 5 broad categories o...,
Name 4 tissue causes of abdominal...
12  cards
SA Large Intestinal Disease
Define tenesmus 1,
What is the function of the li wi...,
What is the function of the large...
49  cards
Why Is This Patient Vomiting Cases
Are there any questions you would...,
How worried are you about jeffers...,
What are your main differentials ...
27  cards
Approach to abdominal radiography
How can you get the most out of y...,
Discuss abdominal radiography 2,
Discuss this case case 1 10 year ...
21  cards
Abdo surgery: intro and biopsy techniques
What does good surgery require 1,
Discuss the yankauer suction tip 2,
Discuss poole suction tip 3
38  cards
Abdominal Palpation
Prior to physical exam what shoul...,
What is the first step in approac...,
When looking at the oral cavity a...
9  cards
Sedation and GI plans for GI patient
Investigations are also useful if...,
Case 1 a 7 year old mn dsh cat ha...,
Do the following blood test resul...
15  cards
Abdominal radiology cases
Case 1 a 6 year old m doberman wa...,
Case 1 a 6 year old m doberman wa...,
Case 2 a 13 year old fn shetland ...
10  cards
Weight loss and ascites
Name3 chronic diseases cachexia c...,
What are 2 things cachexia is cha...,
Define sarcopenia 3
58  cards
Feline Liver Disease
What 3 diseases are more common i...,
What is the relationship anatomic...,
What are the metabolic difference...
72  cards
Liver Disease Introduction
What does the classic liver lobul...,
What is the significance of zones...,
Which zone is primarily affected ...
71  cards
Chronic Liver disease in dogs
Name causes of chronic liver dise...,
Discuss copper associated liver d...,
Discuss chronic liver disease cau...
51  cards
SA Acute Liver Disease
What are some examples of toxic d...,
What are some examples of infecti...,
How can the clinical signs severi...
49  cards
What Is Wrong With These Patients?
Why are we so worried 1,
Billy s owners are upset and blam...,
Billy s is young and at risk of a...
19  cards
GDV and Gastropexies
What is the aetiology of gdv 1,
What are some extrinsic factors a...,
What are some intrinsic factors a...
54  cards
Small Animal Acute Abdomen
Define acute abdomen 1,
What is an acute abodment often a...,
Name gi system differentials for ...
60  cards
Abdominal surgery
What is the ideal suture material...,
What is the ideal suture material...,
What is the ideal suture material...
13  cards
Feline infectious peritonitis
What causes fip 1,
Discuss feline enteric coronaviru...,
Discuss disinfection of fecv 3
40  cards
Gastrotomy, Enterotomy and Enterectomy
Define gastrotomy 1,
Define enterotomy 2,
Define enterectomy 3
38  cards
Liver, biliary tract and portosystemic shunts
Discuss indications for liver sur...,
What is a portosystemic shunt 2,
Discuss bypassing the liver circu...
48  cards
Surgical Diseases of The Oesophagus
Name 4 common fb in oesophagus in...,
Name 3 common fbs in the oesophag...,
Are oesophageal fb more common in...
25  cards
Anal and Rectal Conditions
Name some common diseases of the ...,
What is the normal perineum of a ...,
What are some general considerati...
66  cards
Hernias & Ruptures
What is a hernia 1,
What is a rupture compared to a h...,
What can be seen here 3
47  cards
Oral tumours, oral surgery & stick injuries
Give an overview of oral tumours 1,
Discuss tumour diagnosis 2,
Look at some of these examples of...
50  cards
Rabbit Dental Disease
What is psadd and what are the co...,
Why has the incidence of dental d...,
What are some early signs of prog...
15  cards
Common Intoxications
What is the mechanism of action o...,
Name the 2 benefiical effects of ...,
What is the source of an iburprof...
58  cards
Peridontal Disease
What factors predispose dogs to p...,
What factors predispose cats to p...,
What are the periodontal tissues 3
10  cards
Toxiocology cases
Define poison 1,
Name hepatotxins the use and the ...,
What are the top toxic agents in ...
32  cards
Extraction Technique
What type of et tube should we us...,
What could we use in extraction t...,
What analgesia will we give 3
28  cards
Oral surgery: surgical extraction technique
Discuss raising a st flap and rem...,
Discuss intra sulcular releasing ...,
Discuss flap creation 3
34  cards
GI Disease in Herbivorous Rodents
What is food selection in rabbits...,
How are end products of digestion...,
Where does microbial fermentation...
53  cards
You are presented with an 18h col...,
A 4 month old puppy presents with...,
An 11 year old mare with depressi...
27  cards
Developmental and Genetic Dental Abnormalities
What is this 1,
What is this 2,
What is this 3
9  cards
Supporting the Poison Case
What are the general principles w...,
How can we minimise exposure to i...,
How can we minimise exposure to d...
34  cards
Clinical Case
Polo 13 yrs mn dsh only cat in th...,
Physical examination bright and a...,
Physical examination bright and a...
10  cards
Feline Oral Disease
Name some common problems of feli...,
What is gingivitis what causes it 2,
What is the juvenile form of ging...
23  cards
Pancreatic disease
What are the main digestive enzym...,
What is a zymogen and why are the...,
Discuss neutralisation of duodena...
16  cards
Bella and her liver
Current history bella presents wi...,
What broad categories of disease ...,
A venous blood sample was taken f...
16  cards
Oral cavity exam
What does an oral exam include 1,
Discuss conscious oral investigat...,
Oral investigation under ga 3
33  cards
Oral cavity trauma and infection
What can be seen here 1,
What can be seen here 2,
What can be seen here 3
32  cards
Introduction COPY
What is he lymphoid system 1,
What is the mononuclear phagocyte...,
What is the lymphoreticular system 3
4  cards
What are the components of blood 1,
What are the functions of blood 2,
What are reticulocytes 3
110  cards
What are the parts of this blood ...,
Where and what are the steps in n...,
What are the 3 main steps in cell...
62  cards
Leukaemia and Lymphadenopathy
What is leukaemia 1,
What are the clinical signs of le...,
What is the classification for ac...
28  cards
What 3 things can anaemia be defi...,
Name 2 normal occassions there wo...,
Name 2 normal occassions there is...
54  cards
Pathology of Lymphoid System
What is this 1,
Discuss the differences between t...,
What is this 3
58  cards
Haemostatic Disease
What is the process of haemostasis 1,
Name clinical signs of primary ha...,
Name clinical signs of secondary ...
67  cards
Diagnosis and Management of Lymphoid Diseases
What is lymphoma 1,
Name breed predilection to lympho...,
What are the 3 types of lymphoma ...
96  cards
Immune Mediated Disease
Do immune mediated diseases occur...,
What does the initial presentatio...,
Name a multi system involvement i...
64  cards
Viruses and Lymphoid System
Name a virus cause by alpharetrov...,
What virus is caused by betaretro...,
Name a virus caused by gammaretro...
44  cards
Blood Transfusions
Define blood transfusion 1,
What are blood products 2,
What is oxyglobin 3
41  cards
Formative assessment
The forelimb is attached to the t...,
When obtaining radiographs for as...,
Musculoskeletal diseases of the b...
87  cards
Revision practical
On this micrograph of a bone iden...,
Identify the following areas 2,
What group of muscles is this 3
16  cards
Bone pathology
Bone tissue is formed by 1,
What is the organic and inorganci...,
What does loss of inorganic matri...
51  cards
Bone: Diagnostic Imaging
Is an mri or a ct more expensive 1,
When is the right time to x ray t...,
What 6 things are altered for a g...
70  cards
SA MSK Radiography and Radiology
What must the screens used for vi...,
What radiographic signs can be us...,
How should you orientate a radiog...
20  cards
Spine Head and Neck Imaging
What are some basic principles of...,
How should the area of interest b...,
Label the blue squares on this im...
37  cards
What is immune mediated polyarthr...,
What systemic signs are seen with...,
Where does immune mediated polyar...
37  cards
Principles of Fracture Management 1
What are the 3 best ways of achie...,
What are the 9 ways of classifyin...,
Which 2 orthogonal views do we ta...
125  cards
Principles of fracture management 2
Name some different types of scre...,
What is the size of the screw mean 2,
What is the thread of a screw 3
100  cards
Case: Bony swelling in dog
Tyron is a 7 year old male neuter...,
Create a differential diagnosis f...,
Make a plan for a step by step in...
16  cards
Define pharmacokinetics 1,
Define pharmacodynamics 2,
What is the therapeutic window of...
58  cards
Examination of the Lame Dog and Cat
Name 3 things which may limit the...,
What would you put on your differ...,
What would you put on your differ...
49  cards
SA Joint Dx and OA
What is the difference between pr...,
Is primary or secondary arthritis...,
What are you likely to see in the...
51  cards
Sprains and luxations
What do ligaments do 1,
What are ligaments 2,
How inelastic are ligaments befor...
46  cards
Joint Treatment
List the three core components of...,
List the main reasons for unsucce...,
List adjunctive oa management to ...
6  cards
Decision making in Diagnostic Tests CR
How do you choose your diagnostic...,
What are some advtanges and disad...,
What are some advtanges and disad...
11  cards
Beta lactams a bactericidal or ba...,
How many times a day would you gi...,
How many times a day would you gi...
51  cards
Bones and Joint Histology (and a few pics)
What are the 3 bone cell types 1,
What cell type is this 2,
When osteoblasts are done they ar...
28  cards
Why would we do arthricetesis 6 1,
Name 3 ways we can do synovial fl...,
What do you look at with synovial...
7  cards
Joint - Inflammatory Conditions
What are the different types of n...,
What are some infectious inflamma...,
What are some sterile inflammator...
60  cards
SA bandaging
External coaptation is defined as...,
What must owners be aware of when...,
When is use of external coaptatio...
30  cards
Triage COPY
Define triage 1,
What are the classes of triage 2,
What is involved in the telephone...
19  cards
Soft Tissue Trauma
What is triage 1,
What are the 4 categories to tria...,
What are the 3 things we use tria...
65  cards
Radiology wrap up
Case 1 what is the image orientat...,
Case 1 what is your technical ass...,
Case 1 what is your image assessm...
25  cards
Orthopaedic infections
There are 3 main underlying cause...,
If only bone is infected it is cl...,
If bone marrow is infected it is ...
46  cards
CSGTR Flat Cat
A 1 year old mn silver tabby is p...,
You decide to radiograph the cat ...,
What premedicants are licensed in...
10  cards
SA developmental disease
What is hip dysplasia 1,
How comon is hip dysplasia 2,
Who is effected by hip dysplasia 3
66  cards
SA Developmental Disease Part 2
Is developmental bone disease mor...,
What is the process of normal bon...,
How can abnormal bone development...
60  cards
Small Animal Distal Limb
Label 1,
Label 2,
What can go wrong in the metacarp...
78  cards
Surgical Planning
What 6 things does a successful s...,
What is the 4 point system to sur...
2  cards
Restricting Exercise
Potential pros and cons of restri...,
For a dog 2,
For a dog 3
8  cards
SA Muscle Disease
Idiopathic polymyositis 1,
Idiopathic polymyositis 2,
Idiopathic polymyositis 3
27  cards
Muscle Pathology
A 2 year old golden retriever pre...,
Based on the previous answer you ...,
Why is masticatory myositis only ...
10  cards
Post Op Managment
What 3 things do we look at in a ...,
What is the allignment in open bu...,
Do you deserve cereal in melted c...
60  cards
SA Hindlimb
What are the d dx for hip joint p...,
What is canine hip dysplasia dete...,
At birth how do dogs genetically ...
51  cards
SA Forelimb
What are some potential problems ...,
What are some shoulder soft tissu...,
What is the treatment for the sho...
63  cards
SA Trauma
What is the first thing you shoul...,
Why is analgesia essential for a ...,
What should all animals involved ...
55  cards
Salvage Procedures
Define arthroplasty 1,
Define arthrodesis 2,
What are the 2 types of arthropla...
48  cards
Neurodegenerative Disease
Define spondylosis 1,
Is spondylosis diagnostically sig...,
Define discospondylitis 3
33  cards
Vascular Disease
Define embolus 1,
Define thrombus 2,
Define ischaemia 3
35  cards
Neurology Infectious Diseases
What are the 3 potential routes o...,
What are the bacteria types affec...,
Define meningitis 3
84  cards
Ophthalmic Exam
What are westies predisposed to 1,
What are terriers predisposed to 2,
What is hyphaema 3
85  cards
Conjunctiva and KCS
What is the anatomy of the conjun...,
Label 2,
Of the conjunctiva what is the 3
60  cards
Corneal Ulcers
Label the corneal anatomy 1,
How much of the cornea is stroma 2,
Why are there nerve endings in ep...
58  cards
Pain Assessment
Name clinical signs of pain 1,
Why are stress hormones unreliabl...,
Name some pain behviours 3
17  cards
Non-Notifiable Viral Disease
Name 2 viruses which may occur to...,
Other than neuro signs name other...,
When do calves need to be infecte...
44  cards
Notifiable Neuro Viruses
Name 5 notifiable viruses 7 1,
What does the image show 2,
Wha is the genus of rabies 3
26  cards
What is epilepsy characterised by 1,
How can we classify epilesp 2,
What are the 3 possible causes of...
47  cards
Eye and Disease
Name some uveitis associated dise...,
Name uveitis associated diseases ...,
Name uveitis associated diseases ...
30  cards
Feline Ophthalmology
What are the signs of conjunctivi...,
Name some causes of conjunctivitis 2,
Chlamydia felis a what is it a tr...
32  cards
What are the 5 freedoms 1,
What are the differentials 2,
What is the treatment plan 3
21  cards
Ocular Emergencies
Define emergency 1,
Define ocular emergency 2,
Define globe prolapse 3
40  cards
Ocular Pharmacology
A what is the delivery volume for...,
What is the issue of giving more ...,
Name 3 common topical anti bacter...
81  cards
What can neuroexcitatory toxins c...,
What can neuroinhibitory toxins c...,
How can you decontaminate gastroi...
72  cards
Inflammatory Disease
Name 4 infectious inflammatory cn...,
Name 5 non infectious cns inflamm...,
Label 3
59  cards
Pain Treatment
Define pain 1,
Define chronic pain 2,
What is nociception 3
16  cards
What is this 1,
What is this 2,
What is this 3
36  cards
Name a time you would do decompre...,
Name a time you would do fusion s...,
What are these different surgery ...
37  cards
Exotics Neurology
What is floppy rabbit 1,
What are the differentials for fl...,
What are the differentials for a ...
17  cards
Pharmacological Control Of Pregnancy and Parturition
What are the 3 stages of paruriti...,
How is parturition initiated 2,
What are the hormones 4 involved ...
25  cards
Formative COPY
Infection with bvd virus during w...,
Which of the following organisims...,
Which of these statements regardi...
43  cards
Principles of Pregnancy Failure
Consider what the important conse...,
Concerning the general causes of ...,
Give examples of non infectious c...
14  cards
Intro to repro pathology
Why is the reproductive system im...,
Portals of entry for pathogens 2,
Defense mechanisms of repro tract 3
137  cards
Principles of Cycle Manipulation
Cluck was rescued at the weekend ...,
What is the ovulation positive fe...,
What species have anoestrus and a...
32  cards
Bitch and queen when to spay and why?
Belle is presented by her owner f...,
Belle is presented by her owner f...,
Belle s owner decides not to bree...
25  cards
Principles of managing dystocia
What are the 3 stages of parturit...,
What is the duration of pregnancy...,
What is the duration of pregnancy...
45  cards
Monkey (not even a monkey) at the clinic
Owner mr norton name monkey speci...,
What are the stages of the oestru...,
What are the differentials for a ...
16  cards
Approach to Examining the Female Tract
Poppy started her first season in...,
What things should you try to get...,
What is some important informatio...
42  cards
Male Castration
Define deep inguinal ring 1,
Define inguinal canal 2,
Define deep superficial inguinal ...
63  cards
Principles of Contraception
Tom is a 3 year old male ferret t...,
How can we surgically control rep...,
How can we surgically control rep...
42  cards
Principles of Neonate Care and Disorders of the Neonate
Let s think about the differences...,
Briefly describe how neonatal hep...,
What is in colostrum that makes i...
37  cards
Principles of therapeutics and anaesthesia in of the neonate and pregnant animal
What is the effect of increased p...,
What is the effect of heart rate ...,
What is the effect of plasma volu...
40  cards
Reproductive Anaesthesia
What is the most likely reason fo...,
What are the aims of premedication 2,
What are some things you should c...
44  cards
Reproductive anaesthesiaCase based seminar
Case 1 pebbles is a 10kg 4 year o...,
How do you prepare pebbles for an...,
How do you prepare pebbles for an...
13  cards
Approach to Examining the Male Reproductive Tract
Trevor is a two year old intact c...,
Why are male reproductive tracts ...,
What do we want to find out with ...
47  cards
Reproductive Exam
What are the clinical signs of or...,
What are the signs of ors in the ...,
When may psuedopregnancy be seen ...
19  cards
Facillitator Cases
What can be seen on this cytology 1,
1 what is the hormone delvosteron...,
1 what is a registered kennel aff...
17  cards
Spay practical notes
Discuss location of the uterus 1,
Discuss the use of the spay hook 2,
Discuss the proper ligament 3
28  cards
The optimal mating time in the bitch
The optimal time for mating is li...,
The lh surge is a good marker of ...,
What would be a good hormone to m...
22  cards
Urinary Incontinence
Define urinary incontinence 1,
What are the causes of urinar inc...,
How do you work up an urinary inc...
30  cards
Clinical Research - Cystic Endometria Hyperplasia
What is cystic endometrial hyperp...,
When is cystic endometrial hyperp...,
What are the effects of ceh 2 3
15  cards
Diagnostic Methods in the Bitch and Queen
What is the physiology of the bit...,
What is the physiology of the que...,
List the diagnostic methods that ...
82  cards
When Will Sasha Have Her Pups?
What is the incidence of pseudopr...,
Is pseudo pregnancy associated wi...,
What is the likely cause of pseud...
31  cards
Abnormalities of pregnancy, parturition and puppies
If there is one dead pup in the l...,
What are the most common causes o...,
What are the most common causes o...
65  cards
Abnormalities and Infertility in Female Small Animals
Daisy is a 9 month old springer s...,
What are common endocrine reprodu...,
What are common infectious reprod...
45  cards
Dystocia Cases
Bumble a 7 year old golden retrie...,
Do you need any further informati...,
On bumbles clinical exam 3
31  cards
Manipulation of Reproduction and Contraception
Tom is a 10 year old neutered jrt...,
Discuss progestogens and common o...,
Discuss adverse effects of proges...
45  cards
Pregnancy Case studies - bitch
4yo fe jrt who escaped from the h...,
5yo fe labradoodle who had two pl...,
5yo fe border collie who was in s...
13  cards
First Opinion Reproduction Cases
Case 1 signalment 2 year old fema...,
Case 2 benji signalment benji is ...,
Case 3 ellie signalment 4 year ol...
4  cards
Unwanted Mating in the Bitch
Agalprostone alizin 1,
Oestradiol 3 benzoate mezalin 2,
Prostaglandins dinoprost syntheti...
10  cards
Pre-pubertal neutering
What is early neutering 1,
Compare benefits of neutering in ...,
Compare prepubertal versus conven...
14  cards
Bitch Spay Complications
Complications of a bitch spay in ...,
Do you stop the haemorrhage or gi...,
How much and what type of fluids ...
21  cards
What is the ovarian pedicle 1,
What does your decision about the...,
When you make a wide pedicle what...
34  cards
Surgery of the Female Reproductive Tract
What are the differentials for ov...,
How does a granuloma present 2,
How do you diagnose a granuloma 3 3
34  cards
Abnormalities of the Mammary Gland
Laila is 4 weeks post whelping an...,
List common conditions of the mam...,
Discuss galactostasis 3
19  cards
Peri-operative management and anaesthesia for pyometra in a dog
In animals with a pyometra what k...,
Bonnie is presented to you during...,
Bonnie is presented to you during...
28  cards
Common Diseases and Surgery in the Male Dog and Cat
Larry is presented to you because...,
What normal expectations of ferti...,
What factors effect fertility 3
37  cards
Reproductive Tract Diagnostic Methods and Prostatic Disease in Males
Charlie brown is a show dog at th...,
What screening do we have for ven...,
What screening do we have for ven...
76  cards
Imaging SA Repro
A 10 year old entire male large c...,
What is the normal radiology of t...,
What can be seen here 3
43  cards
Exotic reproduction
Discuss ferret male reproductive ...,
Discuss ferret female reproductiv...,
Discuss preganncy toxaemia in fer...
44  cards
Repro formative case 1
You are working on a busy thoroug...,
You undertake a general clinical ...,
List three differential diagnoses...
6  cards
Repro formative case 2
You are presented with a 3rd pari...,
These are your findings on rectal...,
The farmer would like to get this...
4  cards
Repro formative MCQ
To which group of hormones does e...,
To which class of drug does clenb...,
You decide to give 01mg kg of pre...
23  cards
Evaluation of urinary tract disease
Describe what soap stands for 1,
What tests can you use to evaluat...,
Discuss plain radiography and its...
54  cards
Renal Physiology
Draw a tubule and mark the osmola...,
How is urine that is more dilute ...,
How is urine that is more concent...
21  cards
Complete the table 1,
Hypoadrenocorticism in dogs can c...,
What test would differentiate bet...
26  cards
Fluid Therapy
What would your fluid therapy app...,
On presentation and following cli...,
A 16 year old cat with well contr...
9  cards
Infectious Diseases
You have been graduated several y...,
Malignant catarrhal fever 2,
Bacillary haemoglobinuria clostri...
7  cards
Drug Choices and Therapeutics
For each of the following clinica...,
For each of the following clinica...,
For each of the following clinica...
21  cards
Blood Results
Define in terms of daily water co...,
What are the practical challenges...,
An 18 year old male cat timmy has...
28  cards
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic renal failure is the 1,
Define acute kidney disease 2,
Every nephron is what 3
79  cards
Acute Kidney Injury
What is included in an acute kidn...,
Define acute kidney injury 2,
What can be done about an acute k...
65  cards
Urinary pathology
What is in the cortex and medulla 1,
What are the weakness of the kidn...,
Urinary system main portals of en...
98  cards
Urinary Imaging
What are the different imaging mo...,
When do we image in a urinary case 2,
What do we call this imaging plan...
112  cards
Fluid therapy in urinary tract disease
Discuss fluid therapy for urinary...,
Fluid therapy for urinary disease...,
What are insensible and sensible ...
56  cards
Diagnostic approach to polyuria and polydipsia (PUPD)
Define polyuria and polydipsia 1,
Most animals with pupd have 2,
Thirst and urination are determin...
48  cards
Neoplasia of Urinary Tract
What are the 3 well there s four ...,
How likely is the kidnye to be a ...,
How likely are primary renal tumu...
62  cards
Congenital And Neonatal Abnormalities
What is the normal embryolical de...,
Where are congenital abnormalitie...,
Why might we not see congenital p...
82  cards
Urinary tract infections
What is the significance of utis 1,
Are utis common in cats and horses 2,
What are the barriers to infectio...
39  cards
Urinary Tract Disease in Reptiles and Birds
Outline avian renal anatomy 1,
What are the two types of nephron...,
Do birds have a urinary bladder 3
85  cards
Q and A with steve and jane
When is urine ph pertinent 1,
What other options for pain relie...,
Pln cases dont always present azo...
3  cards
Small Animal Urinary Tract Imaging Cases
Case 1 a five year old female ent...,
In case 1 what conditions would y...,
Case 2 a 9 year old neutered male...
13  cards
Interpreting Urinalysis Results
Discuss the gross appearance of n...,
Discuss possible abnormal results...,
Discuss possible abnormal results...
48  cards
Haematocrit stuff
What is the pcv 1,
What are the steps for performing...,
How should you read your pcv afte...
5  cards
Crystal quiz
What is this 1,
What is this 2,
What is this 3
9  cards
Pu/Pd toolkit
Brief explanation of pathophysiol...,
Brief explanation of pathophysiol...,
Briefly explain the pathophysiolo...
20  cards
Lower Urinary Tract Disease
What counts as the lower urinary ...,
Define stranguria 2,
Define dysuria 3
60  cards
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, Calculi and Blocked Cats
What is flutd 1,
What are some of the causes of fl...,
What is a urethral plug 3
48  cards
Urinary Tract Surgery
Crusty jones is a 6 month old fem...,
Crusty jones is a 6 month old fem...,
Crusty jones is a 6 month old fem...
11  cards
Is It Incontinent?
Panther breed dsh age 6 years ent...,
Ms thomas and mr campbell have ow...,
Molly breed dsh age 15 years spay...
8  cards
7 year old fn dsh history of recu...,
What do you think the trigger for...,
What can you do about flutd devis...
7  cards
Calculi in Dogs (and Other Pets)
Do you always see crystaluria whe...,
What percentage of uroliths in th...,
Why is it common to get secondary...
18  cards
Hypertension/renal failure CR
What is this cases history and si...,
What did jess s clinical exam show 2,
Do a soap analysis of this case 3
14  cards
Practical urinary pathology
Label this macroscopic image of t...,
Look at this 2,
The nephron is functional unit of...
14  cards
What is this cases history and si...,
What are mbs presenting signs 2,
Create your first soap notes for ...
10  cards
Contrast Radiographs
Case flossie 1,
Case chewbacca 2,
Case nutty 8 year old fn border c...
16  cards
Fluid Therapy In Practice
Describe hypovolaemia what can yo...,
With hypovolaemia how quickly sho...,
What is dehydration how quickly d...
36  cards
Urinary Incontinence COPY
Define incontinence 1,
What is often the clinical presen...,
Name some possible causes of inap...
32  cards
Principles of urinary surgery
List some surgical indications fo...,
List some surgical indications fo...,
List some surgical indications fo...
53  cards
CR Billy the dalmation
Billy is a 6 year old male neuter...,
What did billy s clinical exam sh...,
Use the soap format to record you...
18  cards
Formative MCQ
Acidosis is a feature of acute re...,
On the following transverse image...,
Ethylene glycol toxicity in a cat...
20  cards
Formative clinical reasoning
Benjy is a 5 year old male neuter...,
Construct a list of four most lik...,
List 4 tests you would perform on...
6  cards

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