Surgical Diseases of The Oesophagus Flashcards
Name 4 common FB in oesophagus in dogs (5)
- Bones
- Rawhide
- Toys and balls
- Fish hooks
- Clothing
Name 3 common FBs in the oesophagus of cats (4)
- Needles
- String
- Toys
- Hair
Are oesophageal FB more common in cats or dogs?
More common in dog – they scavenge more and will often swallow quickly
What are the clinical signs of an oesophageal FB (7)
Regurgitation (food & water)
Because of a FB; you may delay investigation = bad
Vomiting (?) (can owner differentiate regurgitation from vomiting?)
Cervical pain
How can you investigate an oesophageal FB? (3)
- Based on a high index of suspicion from clinical history
- Often the O will have witness this and will know they have eaten
- Sometimes the O even feeds it e.g. bone
- Plain radiography (in most instances)
- Endoscopy
Where is common for an oesophageal FB? (2)
Base of the heart and at the diaphragm
What is going on here?

Down the oesophagus but cant get through the lower sphincter – stuck here
Find the FB…. Why did it get so stuck?

The tennis ball…
It is furry so sticks nicely
What is the FB here?

Fish hook
What is different with a fish hook being a FB compared to others?
If you suspect a fish hook, what is different about the radiography?
Include neck and stomach in plain radiography as well as oesophagus
What is the worst type of fish hook to get stuck?
Treble hook and barbed
What would you suspect here?
Rawhide – radiolucent
Will depend on the history
This is a cat, what may you suspect?

Fur balls. Although normally go further to stomach or bowel
= radiolucent
What is this? It is radiolucent, why can you see it?

Kebab stick – radiolucent
Contrast which has coated the outside so you can see
Worry about a perforation in oesophagus. Aspirate into lungs or mediastinal space
Use water soluble which is designed to swallow
What is this?

Potato FB
How can we approach the treatment of an oesophageal FB?
- Fish hook- can be left to the morning
- But yes they are emergencies especially those producing pressure on the wall
- Remove ASAP to minimise the complications
- Bone most common= can be removed orally via a scope or can push into the stomach which is okay as body will natural break it down in24-48hours
- If you not have the facilities you should refer
- In most instances, an emergency requiring immediate removal
- Most can be removed endoscopically using grasping forceps
- Refer to a centre that has the appropriate equipment and expertise
- Approximately 10% cannot be removed orally and are pushed into the stomach; bony FBs will then be digested with no requirement for a gastrotomy
What is this? How is it used?

OFB - rigid endoscope
Means you can remove FB in 5-10mins
Air in it and light. Put forceps down it to grasp the FB
Human colonoscope fits great esp terrier
Bigger dog – may need a longer make your ow
What is this, what do we do?

Bone FB
How gross they are or the smell depends on the time and meat
Would need to remove the gunge before you get to this
Grasp if not too stuck can be removed
What is this? What do we do?

Fish hook
Often have bait on too and is gross
Barbed – have to have a sharp push which will tear but need to
What are these and when do we use?

OFB - grasping forceps
Big chunky ends to them
Need to balance to be hard enough but not too hard
Can remove 85%-90% orally
10%- into stomach. Only gastrotomy if cant dissolve
5%- open surgery
What is this? What do we need to warn the O of? What can we do?

OFB - post removal endoscopy
May stricture at the site as sore – warn O
But not too common
Protectants and antacids can be given too- minimise reflux and protect
What do we give whilst the animal is recovering from an OFB? (3)
- Medical therapy to reduce likelihood of stricture formation
- H2 antagonist
- Proton-pump inhibitor
- sucralfate
- Analgesics
- Feed soft food – gradually introduce normal
What does this show? Why is it not used much?
What can we do to help?

Open surgery – oesophagotomy
Don’t ideally want to do this – does not heal as well
Put in PEG tube at the same time. Can feed the animal and bypass the oesophagus so doesnt distend and breakdown
Oesophagus as no serosal surface – which is in the bowel and allows it to seal
How much do you love Tred?
So so much
Words cannot say