psychodynamic approach ao1 Flashcards
Basic assumptions of psychodynamic app
. Unconscious activity is the key determinate of how we behave
. We posses innate drives (instincts) that motivate behaviour
. Tripartite personality comprised of ID superego and ego
. Childhood has sig importance in determining our personality when we reach adult hood
What is the unconscious
Storehouse of biological drives
Eg Sex hunger sleep
Holds repressed and threatening memeories
Can access these through parapraxes
It’s the driving motivation force behind behaviour and personality
Protects conscious mind from trauma and conflict
Describe ID
Pleasure principle
Driving us to satisfy selfish urges and desires
Exists form birth
Describe superego
Morality principle
Concerned wiht keeping to moral norms and acting in line with societal standards
Develops from years 4-5
Controls ID w feelings of guilt
Describe ego
Acts rationally
According to reality principle
Balancing ID and Superego
Develops 2-4 years
Utilises defence mech to handle conflict bet ID and super ego
What can ego using defense mechanisms over time lead to
Can lead to mental disorders
Distorting reality
3 defense mech
define repression
Burying unpleasant thoughts
Eg childhood trauma repressed so
Define displacement and give example
Emotions directed away from source toward other things
Eg punching the wall
define denial and give example
threataning thoughts ignored or treated as if its not true eg businessman looses business over financial issues but still gets ready for work as if everything is ok.
who came up w psychosexual stages
sigmund freud
backround on psychosexual stages
frued interested on infant sexuality in child dev
what case study did freud focus on and what did is play a key role in
little hans
key role in odedipus complex and castration complex
what did freud think personality dev through
5 psychosexual stages which we progress through
each stage w a particular characteristic beh
name 5 psychosexual stages and the age ranges for each
oral 0 - 1 year
anal 1 year - 3years
phallic 3 - 5 years
latency 6 years - puberty
genital puberty onwards
what does freud think is the most important driving force in dev
expressing sexual energy - libido
why do individuals expirence tension (freud)
as a result of built up sexual energy whereby pleasure comes its discharge
what is a paraprax
slip of tounge / freudian slip
descibe oral stage
0-1 months
sucking beh during breastfeeding
when ID dev
conflict occurs if weaning begins too early
what occurs in weaning begins to early during phallic stage
conflict - can lead to manipulative personality
always chewing gum
describe anal stage
1 months - 3years
pleasure from holding/discarding faeces
and when potty training occurs
if child shouted at they become controlling and obey authority
if child neglected they become messy and disorganised
leads to anally retentive or anally explosive personality
describe phallic stage
3 - 5 years
fixation on genitals
oedipus complex and castration anxiety occurs
penis envy in females
superego formed during this stage after resolvind oedipus complex via identification w father
describe latency stage
age 6 till 12
super ego strengthens
no real conflict
accumlation prev 3 stages
ego develops age 7 years and onwards
when does ego deva
age 7 onwards
describe genetial stage
puberty and adulthood
awakened sexual urges
desires to fit into society occur here
what is fixation
if during dev becoming fixated/stuck on one stage would restrict full dev
results in displaying specific personality symptom eg anally retentive
so they display certain stages of the stage theyre stucjk on even in adult life
what is anally retentive
is one such symptom – he proposed that when conflict occurs over potty training, a person could become fixated on cleanliness and orderliness to an extreme.
defense mech purpose
helps ego decrease anxiety from constant confict superego and ID
what stage does oedipus complex dev in
during phallic stage
3.5 years - 6 years
describe oedipus complex
during phallic stage
aged 3/4 young boy begins to desire mother and compete for her attention
father = rival - wishes he was dead
creates anxiety - fears father will castrate him
how is oedipus complex resolved
via boy idenfying w his father
- takes on gender roles and moral values
superego is then formed
descibe electra complex
girl desires her father and realises she doesn’t have a penis creating penis envy and desire to be a boy / desire for her father
little girls then blame mum for castrated state causing tension
who proposed electra complex and during what stage does it occur
carl jung
phallic stage
how is electra complex resolved
feelings repressed to remove tension
instead girl identifies w mother and internalises gender identify with mothers gender identity so that it becomes her own
replaces desire for penis with desire for baby
what is pre concious
contains thoughts and mem which are not currently in concious awarness but we can access if we desire
what is anally explosive
thoughtless messy disorganised
how did freud support oedipus complex
little hans
boy saw horse fall over and had fear of horses
freud says he displaced his fear of father on horse