the multi store model of memory ao3 Flashcards
strengths of msm - diff bet components
P ; research support for idea that ltm + stm are diff w sep stores proved by baddely 1996 and his research on coding
E; in the coding stufy participants given 1 of 4 words list where acoustically sim words = harder to recall immediately and semantically sim words were harder to recall after 20 mins
E: thus acoustic confusion occured in short therm retrival and thus stm codes acoustically and semantic confusion occured in long term retrival so codes semantically
L: therefore stm and ltm are clearly seperate independent memory stores
counter point to sep mem stores
p: despite support in everyday life we form memories to all types of uselful things eg names faces -
e: studies that support msm use none of these instead artificial stim that have no meaning (word lists in baddely study into coding, digit spans jacob)
l: so msm may not be valid model of how mem works in everyday life we remember more meanigful things and not was req of ppts in studies
weakness of msm PEEL
- outdated model
P; atkinson and shiffrin based model on evidence at the time whereby stm and ltm were seperate from eachother
E: since then research evidence has come out that shows that ltm like stm is not a single store. indtead can be broken down whereby we have one ltm memory store for facts ( we now know to be semantic) and one for memories on how to ride a bike (we now know to be procedural)
l: this combined with research showing that stm is not a unitary store but has slave systems with active processing techniques as per WMM and more than one type of rehersal suggests that msm is outdated and oversimplified
strength of msm - hm and beardsly
P; the HM case study provides support for msm
E; his hippocamus was removed
after this he was unable to encode new ltm but stm was unaffected.
eg: after multiple trials he could trace a star (we now know to be procedural ) but mem of doing trials not intact (episodic)
E: so therefore we can infer hippocampus stores ltm so ltm and stm must be sep stores as diff parts of the brain are responsible for them.
beardsly 1997 - found that prefrontal cortex active during stm but not ltm tasks
futher proving that stores a seperate with different brain reigons implicated in their usage.
L; hence like the msm suggests stm and ltm are separate stores