biological approach ao1 Flashcards
biological approach basic assumptions
everything psychological was first biological
all beh has a biological basis
to understand beh we must look to biological struc and processes
genetic makeup
physical charcteristics shown that have occured due to genses and environemt
true or false - mz twins have different genotypes
flase - mz twins have same genotype
in what instance would a genotype for certain characteristic not be expressed
if optimum conditions not provided expression may not be fufilled
how are reseach on twins studies done
by comparing concoordance rates of a trait in mz and dz twins
why are twin studies
to investigate if behavioural/psychological can be inherited
define concoordance rate
rate of shared beh in twins
what does high concoordance rate show
may be genetic element to whats been studied
what are mz and dz twins
mz - identical
z twins - non identical
example of high condoorfance rate in mz
dev of schizophrenia
reseach on mz twin study - depression
mcgruffin et al 1996
if one mz twin has depression 46% chance other twin does too
who is linked to evolutionary psych and what is there ideac
charles darwin
natural selection
natural selection generally
all living species got to the form they are in now through historical process involving random inheritable changes
in depth natural selection
mutation in makeup = new characteristic/beh change
if this change increases survial chance more likely to be passed on
example of nat selection
passing on of aggression
seen to increase survial in finding resources being attractive to mating partners
thus genes reproduced in offsping
genetic basis of aggression
warrior gene - MAOA found in 1/3 gene
lea et al
list reseach methods in biological app
animal stuides
case stufeies
twin studies
how are animal stfuies used in bio app
investigate biolofical mechasnims that govern beh where ethical guidlines wouldnt allow in humans
how are case stfuies used in bio app
investigating normal beh by observinf abnormal
eg phinneas cage
how are drugs used in bio app
reseach meth
behavioursl changes = change in biochemisry
lead to dev of drugs to improve health
how are scans used in bio app
reseach meth
localisation of brain function - identify func of specifc reigons
brain activity gauged by pet scan mri cat scan
how are twin studies used in bio app
reseach meth
inheritability of beh
using concoordance rates
what does nervous system do
sends messages back n forth bet brain and body
nervous system broken down into…
cns brokwn down into
spinal cord
pns broken down into
somatic nervous sys
autonomic nervous sys
autonomic ns broken down into
parasympathetic ns
sympathetic ns
cns func
sends messages bet brain and spinal cord to the environemt
controls breathinfg anf heartbeat
pns func
sends and recives info to and from cns
connection to rest of body
ns 4 limbs and torso which collects info from environment
eg temp threat pain
autonomic ns
responsibel 4 reac 2 threat amd then return back 2 survival
somatic ns
transmjts sensory info from body 2 brain
then transmists from brain to muscles
it intergrates brain to outside world
via neuro chem mental disoders caused by
imbalances in neurotransmitters
2 neurotransmitters
descibe serotonin
natural mood stabiliser
helps w sleep and digestion
normal levels of serotonin allow you to feel
happier calmer focusedb
describe dopamine and examples
controls brains pleasure
and reward centre
eg gambling winning eating sweets
low levels of dopamine lead to
more prone 2 addiction
high levls of dopamine lesd 2
descibe endocrine sys
maintains hormome levels
done using pituatry gland - master gland