biological approach ao3 Flashcards
irl appliaction of neurotransmitters
understanding them allows 4 dev of drugs 4 mental disorders
influenced treatment of depression w antidepressants by increasing serotonin in synapses
result; ppl can manage symptoms out of hospital and live in society
counter to irl application of neurotransmitters
caparini et al 2018 - compared 21 antidepressants and founf variations in the effects - that they dont work the same for everyone
but theyre more effective than placebos so antidep drugs msut be moderatley effective
counter to irl application of neurotransmitters challenged bio app how
shows taht assumptions that brain chem alone infulences beh is wrong
must be other environmental aspects that lead to eg depression
point strenth for biological - real word app
increased understandinf of neuro chem lesd to irl applications like treating disorder
point for weakness for bio app - causation
P - one limitation of the bio app is that causation if often strongly implied in explanations that focus on brain struc
evidence for weak bio app causation
E - eg one explanation of schizophrenia suggests lack of activty in ventral striatum is linked to neg symptoms like avoliton (lack of motivation)
explanation for weak bio app causation
issue for biological explanations bc such reseach tells us only that there is an assiciation bet brain struc and beh
cannot tell us that reduced activty in area of brain causes beh or beh that causes lower activity in that part of brain
link for weak bio app causation
thus its importsnt to remem that biological explanations often reliant on correlational results which doesnt mean one result causes another
point for weakness bio app - biological determisms
bio explanation of beh can be considered determinstic
evidence for weakness bio app - biological determisms
eg one assumptom of app is that some human beh is as a result of evolution and that our inherited genses are inherited bc they maximise survial and reprofuction and are thus naturally selected and inherited ffrom ancestors
ex for weakness bio app - biological determisms
such evolutionary claims are used to explain variety of gender differences in human beh including agitation and stress
implies humans have little contril over beh and are pre determined to act a certain way regardless of expirences or free will or environment
link for weakness bio app - biological determinsi
this is problematic for tjose who dont follow typical beh and overemphasises natures role on beh
this explanation is unfalsifiable - cannot be disproved and thus incapable of scientfic validation
strenth for bio app
scientiv methfs
scientifc methods of investigation are advantagous in prov app w scientfic credibiliyy
evidence and explanarion strenth bio app - irl app
drug therapies have ben dev for many mental illnesses based on reseach into neurotransmitters
eg treatinf drepression using antideppressants that increase serotonin in synapses
allowed ppl to not live in hospitals and withink soceity
can add caparini counter
link for strenth of bio app
- irl app
understanfinf annormal neurochem activory has been helpful in dev treatments and provide pateints w explanation of illlness thats not their fault
improved their quality of life
evidence for bio app
sceintfifc meth
highly objective meth
eg scanning using mris and ecgs to investiate localisation of function and measure philsiological processes
explanatio for bio app
scientifc meth
thus since scienfvi meth used observale ev and objectivr and realiable data given
advancments in tech can measure neural processes in ways taht arent open to bias
link for bio app
scineitivic methids
thus gives objective data ab internal phisiological pro that would otherwise be unobservable