biological explanation of OCD - ao3 Flashcards
strength of bio app for ocd - supporting ec for genes
P - ev from variety of sources that ppl are vun to ocd as a result of their genetic makeup
E- one of the best sources of ev for sig of genes is twin studies
E- nestadt et al 2010 reviewed prev twin studies and found that 68% of identical twins shared ocd as opposeed to 31% of non identical twins
L; this suggests a genetic influenece on ocd
limitation of bio ex of ocd - issues of causation in neural mechansims
P- theres an issue w understanding neural mechanimsm involved in ocd
E- While theres evidence which suggests that certain neural systems dont function normally in patients with ocd such as ofc research has also identified other areas of the brain that are occasionally involved as well
E - so therefore there is no brain system which has consistently been found to play a role in ocd
L; so although theres ev that neurotrasnmitters and brain struc are implicated it musnt be concluded that there is a cuase and effect relationship since its diff to be certain whether the biological abnormalities seen are a cuase of ocd or a result of disorder