localisation of function ao3 Flashcards
Strength - evidence from brain scans
P: There is plenty of supporting evidence for the localisation of neurological function, particularly in language and memory
E; For example Peterson et al. (1988) used brain scans to demonstrate how Wernicke’s area was active during a listening task and Broca’s area was active during a reading task. Suggesting that these areas have different functions.
E: Similarly, a study of long-term memory by Tulving et al. (1994) revealed that semantic and episodic memory reside in different parts of the prefrontal cortex.
L: Such research, which is conducted using highly sophisticated and objective methods to measure activity in the brain provide sound scientific evidence for the localisation of brain function.
Strength - evidence from case study
P: case study of phineas gage supports localisation of brain function
E: he was a railway worker and was involved in accident whereby a metal pole went through his brain. Causing damage to his frontal lobe.
E: After recovery he went from having a nice, mannered personality to an aggressive and short tempered one.
L: this supports the fact the frontal lobe may be responsible for mood supporting the idea of localisation as if this wasn’t the case after the accident his personality would have remained unchanged
Strength - research support for Broca’s area
P: Paul Broca (1861) met a patient called Patient Tan. He had gotten this name because whenever asked a question the Patient would respond with Tan Tan
E: when this patient died broca performed a post mortem examination which revealed lesions (areas of damage) in his left frontal lobe
E: thus supports the localisation of function in the brain as it suggests that this area (referred to as Broca’s area) is responsible for speech production.
L: So if diagnosed w Brocas aphasia it means one cannot produce speech well due to damage in Broca’s area. Providing evidence for localisation
Counter to Broca’s research - dronkers 2007
P: They conducted a MRI scan on patient tans brain
E: they were able to do this so many years later when broca conducted the post mortem he didn’t dissect the brain but preserved it w alcohol where it was placed in a muesem
E: higher resolution images showed by MRI showed damage to other parts of the brain which may have been involved in patient tans failure to produce speech beyond solely Broca’s area
L: thus these findings raise questions about localisation of function in the brain particularly for language suggesting that a more holistic understanding is needed where perhaps other areas of the brain are involved
issues w case studies
one persons subjective ex cannot be generalised