depression ao1 Flashcards
What is DSM -5
shows Categories of depression
4 major types of depression categorised by the DSM-5
major depressive disorder
persistent depressive disorder
premenstrual dysmorphic disorder
Premenstrual dismorphic disorder
what is major depressive disorder
severe but short term depression
what is persistent depressive disorder
long term and persistent depression
what is disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
chilhood temper tantrums
premenstrual dysphoric disorder
disruption to mood prior and or during menstruation
3 behavioural characteristics of depression
reduced activity levels
distruption to sleep and eating
aggression and self harm
3 emotional characteristics of depression
lowered mood
lowered self esteem
3 cognitive characteristvs of depression
Poor concentration-
person suffering from depression can have poor levels of concentration, where they are unable to stick with a specific task or they find it hard to make decisions
Attending to and dwelling on the negative-
person suffering holds unrealistic expectations about themselves and their relationships
Absolutist thinking
person suffering from depression is likely to think that everything will turn out badly and there is no hope. This is sometimes called ‘black and white thinking.’
2 cognitive explanations of depression and who
becks cognitive theory
ellis abc model
when did beck propose cog triad
3 parts to becks cog triad?
1- faulty information processing
2- negative self schema
3- the negative triad
explain faulty info processcing
This explanation refers to when individuals with depression tend to focus on the negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positive. They are prone to distorting and misinterpreting information, a process known as cognitive bias.
what 2 cog biases did beck specify
over generalisations
give example for overgeneralusations
I’ve failed one end of unit test and therefore I’m going to fail ALL of my AS exams!’
give example for catastrophising
exaggerating a minor setback and believe that it’s a complete disaster, for example: ‘I’ve failed one end of unit test and therefore I am never going to study at University or get a good job!’
explain negative self schema
A schema is a mental shortcut designed to help us deal with the information around us. These schemas develop through life experience.
Self-schema is a mental shortcut of information people have about themselves.
People use schemas to interpret the world around them therefore, if a person has a negative self-schema they interpret the information about themselves in a negative way.
could lead to cognitive biases
describe neg triad
Beck suggested that a person develops a dysfunctional view of themselves because of three types of negative thinking that occur automatically. This happens regardless of the reality. This is called the negative triad.
3 parts of neg triad
Negative view of the world - word is full obstacles .
Negative view of the future. - there is no way the future will get bwtter
Negative view of self. - i am worthless
when did ellis find abc model
what did ellis say caused depression or anxiety
irrational thoughts
3 abc of ellis abc model
activating event
describe activating event
happen when we experience negative events and these trigger irrational beliefs. E’g failing the first exam in AS year 12
describe belief abc model
Ellis identified a range of irrational beliefs that can be associated with the event. He called these ‘musturbation’ ‘I must do….’
consequence in abc model
According to Ellis, rational beliefs lead to healthy emotional outcomes (acceptance), whereas, irrational beliefs lead to unhealthy emotional outcomes, including depression
2 types of cognitive behaviour therapy
becks cognitive therapy
rational emotive behaviour therapy
describe becks cbt
idenify and challenge neg automatic thoughts (irrational thinking) surrondinf neg triad (future self and world) - beh element
Jointly clarify goals w client not patient as beck didnt like the word and put a plan to achieve them.
in becks cbt client is the…
SCIENTIST: CBT helps client test the reality of their negative beliefs. They encourage client to investigate their beliefs.
what are 2 othere elements of becks cbt apart ftom challenging irrational thoughts and neg irrational belifs
future sessions
describe hw in becks cbt
clients might be asked to record when they enjoyed event or when people were nice to them.
describe future sessions in becks cbt
homework is useful in further session. If client falls back into patterns of thought the therapist can use evidence to prove client’s thoughts are incorrect. Reinforcing positive beliefs.
ellis rebt stands for
rational emotive behavioural therapy
what is rebt
cog treatment for depression
extends ellis abc model to abcde
adding in
d - dispute
e - effect
main technique for rebt is to and give an exampke
identify and challenge irrational thoughts
A client might talk about how unlucky they have been or how unfair things seem. REBT therapist would identify these as utopianism and challenge irrational beliefs.
how does dispute part of rebt occur
challenging thoughts by providng one of 3 types of arguments
what are 3 types of arguments ellis identified
what is empirical arugment in ellis rebt
Disputing if there is real evidence to support the irrational belief
what is logical argument in ellis rebt
Disputing if there negative effect follows logically from the facts
what is pragmatic argument in ellis rebt
challenging how helpful or benefits of their thoughts.
another component of ellis rebt
behavioural activation
reason for beh activation
As individuals become depressed, they can tend to increasingly avoid difficult situations and become isolated.
This can maintain and worsen symptoms.
goal of behavioural act
is to work with individuals to gradually decrease their avoidance and isolation.
This should ideally increase their engagement in activities that have been shown to improve mood. E.G. exercise, going out to dinner etc.
Therapist will aim to reinforce such activities.
outline cog treatments for depression
cbt involves both cog and beh elements typically starts w initial assesment in which patient and therapisr identify problems, a set of goals and finally plan of action to achieve goals
despite differences in becks cog t and ellis rebt the aim to identofy and challenge irrational neg thoughts remains the same
eg ellis rebt involves an extention of his abc model to include dispute and effective. the idea is the therapist will dispute patients neg irratonal bel and replace them w rational ones. there are diff kinf of disputes used eg empirical dis - where ther seeks ev for neg thougjts - “where is ev that your belifs are true”
following any kind of cbt session the thearpist may set their patient hw. this could take various forms eg becks cog therpay would encourgae the patient to test their own irrational bel and prove them wrong which results in their bel begining to change. patient could also be given beh hw wg going out to do some excercise which would be reinforced by therapisrr
explain how findings of psych reserach into treatment of depression could have implications for the economy
psychological research findings into psychopathology may lead to improvements in
psychological health/treatment programmes which may mean that people manage
their health better and take less time off work. This would reduce costs to the
* psychological research findings may lead to better ways of managing people who
are prone to mental health issues whilst they are at work which could improve their
individual productivity, again boosting the economy overall