Forensics: Behaviour Modification AO3 Flashcards
Easy to implement
•Can be easily implemented
•No need for expertise or specialist professionals as there would be for anger management programmes
•They are cost effective and easy to follow
Counter point to easy to implement
•The use of these systems depend on a consistent approach from prison staff
Bassett (1977)
•Found the benefits of the system were lost if staff were not consistent
Little Rehabilitative Value
•Any positive changes in behaviour in prison tend to be lost once the offender is released
•TCS is at its best when establishing good conduct in an actual prison
•Law-abiding behaviour is not always reinforced from the outside or the offender receives rewards for breaking the law such as group status
Ethical Issues
•Not allowing an offender to have contact with a loved one or lack of exercise as a form of punishment is deemed unethical
Passive token learning
•It only deals with surface behaviour and encourages a passive form of learning
•No reflection on their offences
•Therefore will not reform their character
•Offenders just tend to play along with system to get their rewards
Long term effects
Cohen and Filipczak (1971)
•Showed that in an adult prison a token economy group showed more desirable behaviour than a control group
•Those who took part in the programme less likely to reoffend in two year but in three years there was no difference
•Suggest TCS may just delay recidivism