behaviourist approach ao1 Flashcards
Who theorised behaviourist approach
Why did behaviourist approach come about
Due to critsicms of Wilhelm Wundt
Introspection to vauge and subjective
basic assumptions of behaviourist approach
everyone born as blank slate whereby mind is black box learning behaviours from environment an experiences
only interested in what is observable and measurable
importance of control and objectivity using lab studies
humans and animals act the same so used animal expiriments
who theriosed classical coditioning and what is it
ivan pavlov
learning through assocation
unconditional stim (US)def
things around us that always make us react eg loud bang
what does US lead to
Unconditional response (UR)
if US and neutral stim paired over time….
neutral stim –> conditioned stim prod conditioned response
pavolvs study is called
pavolvs dog
2 ways of learning
classical and operant conditioning
what is US + UR in study
makes dog automatically salivate
what did pavolv then do
he gave dog food whilst ringing bell
what kind of stim was bell
neutral stim
prod no (neutral response)
what did pavolv do next and what did this lead to
he paired both neutral (bell) with uncondiotionesd (food) overtime
this lead to dog automatically salivating @ sound of bell w no food
what has neutral stim bell now become and what response
conditioned stim
prod condidtioned res of salivation
what other study tested classical cond and who conducted it
little albert study
watson and raynor
what did Watson and rayner do first
introdudced white rat to albert
albert had no res - wasnt scared
so rat is a what stim
so loud bang is a what stim
who tested operant conditioning and what was the expirment called
skinners box
what is operant conditioning
learning through consequences
3 types of consequences skinner found
positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
what is punishment
something bad (getting fined)
what is postive reinforcement
adding a pleasnt consequence
eg giving dog a treat when it sits
what is negative reinforcement
removing negative consequence
eg spraying a cat with water until it stops scratching
if behaviour is reinforced it will be ….
repeated and learned
if behaviour is punished it will ….
die out
describe skinners box
rat in box
box has lever - when lever pressed food pellet released - rat would accidentally touch and then be rewarded
describes skinners box
positive rein
via positive rein - bc rat woulf get a food pellet it learnt to press lever so food pellet pleasant consequence
how could skinners rat box work via punishment
every time rat presses lever it gets shocked so behaviour dies out