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Psych Aqa
> Issues And Debates Ao1 > Flashcards
Issues And Debates Ao1 Flashcards
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Psych Aqa
(160 decks)
definitions of abnormality ao1
definitions of abnormality A03
phobias ao1
behaviourist explanation of phobias ao3
behaviourist treatment of phobias - ao3
depression ao1
cognitive explanations of depression - ao3
cognitive treatments of depression - ao3
ocd ao1
biological explanation of OCD - ao3
biological treatments of ODC - ao3
origins of psychology ao1
origins of psychology ao3
behaviourist approach ao1
behaviourist approach ao3
social learning theory ao1
social learning theory ao3
cognitive approach ao1
cognitive approach ao3
biological approach ao1
biological approach ao3
psychodynamic approach ao1
psychodynamic approach ao3
humanistic approach ao1
humanistic approach ao3
ainsworths strange situation ao1
ainsworths strange situation ao3
role of the father ao3
role of the father ao1
cultural variations in attachment ao1
caregiver-infant interaction ao1
caregiver-infant interactions ao3
schaffers stages of attachment ao1
animal studies of attachment ao1
animal studies ao3
explanations of attachment: learning theory ao1
explanations of attachment: learning theory ao3
explanations of attachment: bowlbys theory ao1
explanations of attachment: bowlbys theory ao3
bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation ao1
bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation - ao3
romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation ao1
romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation ao3
influence of early attachment on later relationships ao1
influence of early attachment on later relationships ao3
coding, capacity and duration ao1
coding, capacity and duration ao3
the multi store model of memory ao1
the multi store model of memory ao3
types of long term memory ao1
types of long term memory ao3
working memory model ao1
working memory model ao3
interference ao1
interference ao3
retrieval failure ao1
retrieval failure ao3
factors affecting accuracy of ewt - misleading information ao3
factors affecting accuracy of ewt - anxiety ao1
factors affecting accuracy of ewt - misleading information ao1
factors affecting accuracy of ewt - anxiety ao3
conformity : social roles (SPE) ao1
conformity: types and explanations ao3
conformity types and explanations ao1
conformity: social roles (SPE) ao3
obedience: milgrams research ao1
obedience : milgrams research ao3
obedience: situational variables ao1
conformity: aschs research ao1
conformity: aschs research ao3
obedience: situational variables ao3
obedience: situational explanations ao1
obedience: situational explanations ao3
obedience: dipositional explanation ao1
obedience: dispositional explanations ao3
resistance to social influence: ao1
resistance to social influence: ao3
minority influence + social change: ao1
minority influence: ao3
schizophrenia: diagnosis and classification ao1
schizophrenia: diagnosis and classification ao3
schizophrenia: biological explanations ao1
schizophrenia: biological explanations ao3
schizophrenia: psycholgical explanations ao1
schizophrenia: psycholgical explanations ao3
schizophrenia: biological therapies ao1
schizophrenia: biological therapies ao3
schizophrenia: psychological therapies ao1
schizophrenia: psychological therapies ao3
schizophrenia : the interactionist approach ao1
schizophrenia : the interactionist approach ao3
Issues In Diagnosing Schiz
neurons and synaptic transmission ao1
nervous System and endo ao1
localisation of function ao1
localisation of function ao3
plasticity and functional recovery ao1
plasticity and functional recovery ao3
split brain research and hemispheric lateralisation ao1
split brain research and hemispheric lateralisation ao3
ways of investigating the brain ao1
ways of investigating the brain ao3
biological rhythms : circaidian rhythms ao1
biological rhythms : circaidian rhythms ao3
Offender Profiling Ao1
Offender Profiling Ao3
Biological Approach Forensics Ao1
Biological Approach Forensics Ao3
experimental method - rm
research issues - rm
experimental designs - rm
types of experiment - rm
sampling - rm
ethical issues and ways of dealing with them - rm
pilot studies (and more) - rm
observational techniques - rm
observational design - rm
self report techniques - rm
self report design - rm
correlations - rm
types of data - rm
measures of central tendency and dispersion - rm
presentation of quantitative data - rm
Psychological Explanations: Forensics Ao1
Psych Explantions Ao1 Forensics Cogntive
Psych Explanations Ao3 - Cognitive
Psychological Explanations Forensics Psychodynamic Ao1
Psychological Approahch Forensics Psychodynamic Ao3
Psychological Explantions: Eysencks Theory Ao1
Dealing With Offending Behaviour
Psychological Effects Of Prison
Relationships Phys Attractiveness Ao1
Relationships Phys Attractivness Ao3
Relationships: Filter Theory Ao1
Relationships: Filter Theory AO3
relationships: evolutionary explanations for partner preferences ao1
Anger Managment Forensics
Forensics: Behaviour Modification Ao1
Forensics: Behaviour Modification AO3
Forensics: Restorative Justice Ao1
schaffers stages of attachment: ao3
Issues And Debates: Free Will And Determinism
Reliability - Rm
relationships: factors affecting attraction ao1
cultural variations in attachment ao3
Issues And Debates: Ethical Implications Of Research Studies And Theory
Relationships: Social Exchange Theory Ao1
Issues And Debates: Idiographic And Nomothetic
Issues And Debates Gender Bias
Relationships: Invesment Model
Relationships: Social Exchange Theory Ao3
Issues And Debates: Holism And Reductionisim
relationships EQ
schiz EQ
forensics EQ
memory EQ
Issues And Debates Holism And Reductionsim Ao3
Issues And Debates Ao1
Issues And Debates: Nature Vs Nurture
Relationships: Ducks Phase Mode Ao1