PS: Hexaco Flashcards
- Honesty/ Humility
- Emotionality
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscioutisness
- Openness
Signs of High H
- avoid manipulating others for personal gain
- feel little temptation to break rules
- are uninterested in lavish wealth and luxuries
- feel no special entitlement to elevated social status.
Signs of Low H
- flatter others to get what they want
- are inclined to break rules for personal profit
- are motivated by material gain, and feel a strong sense of self-importance
Signs of High E
- experience fear of physical dangers
- experience anxiety in response to life’s stresses
- feel a need for emotional support from others
- and feel empathy and sentimental attachments with others
Signs of Low E
- not deterred by the prospect of physical harm
- feel little worry even in stressful situations
- have little need to share their concerns with others
- and feel emotionally detached from others
Signs of High X
- feel positively about themselves
- feel confident when leading or addressing groups of people
- enjoy social gatherings and interactions
- and experience positive feelings of enthusiasm and energy
Signs of Low X
- consider themselves unpopular
- feel awkward when they are the center of social attention
- are indifferent to social activities
- and feel less lively and optimistic than others do.
Signs of High A
- forgive the wrongs that they suffered
- are lenient in judging others
- are willing to compromise and cooperate with others
- and can easily control their temper
Signs of Low A
- hold grudges against those who have harmed them
- are rather critical of others’ shortcomings
- are stubborn in defending their point of view
- and feel anger readily in response to mistreatment.
Signs of High C
- organize their time and their physical surroundings
- work in a disciplined way toward their goals
- strive for accuracy and perfection in their tasks
- and deliberate carefully when making decisions
Signs of Low C
- tend to be unconcerned with orderly surroundings or schedules
- avoid difficult tasks or challenging goals
- are satisfied with work that contains some errors
- and make decisions on impulse or with little reflection
Signs of High O
- become absorbed in the beauty of art and nature
- are inquisitive about various domains of knowledge
- use their imagination freely in everyday life
- and take an interest in unusual ideas or people
Signs of Low O
- are rather unimpressed by most works of art
- feel little intellectual curiosity
- avoid creative pursuits
- and feel little attraction toward ideas that may seem radical or unconventional.
Honesty-Humility Domain
- Sincerity
- Fairness
- Greed Avoidance
- Modesty
Emotionality Domain
- Fearfulness
- Anxiety
- Dependence
- Sentimentality
Extraversion Domain
- Social Self-esteem
- Social boldness
- Sociability
- Liveliness
Agreeableness Domain
- Forgivingness
- Gentleness
- Flexibility
- Patience
Conscientiousness Domain
- Organization
- Diligence
- Perfectionism
- Prudence
Openness to Experience Domain
- Aesthetic Appreciation
- Inquisitiveness
- Creativity
- Unconventionality
The Sincerity scale
assesses a tendency to be genuine in interpersonal relations. Low scorers will flatter others or pretend to like them in order to obtain favors, whereas high scorers are unwilling to manipulate others.
The Fairness scale
assesses a tendency to avoid fraud and corruption. Low scorers are willing to gain by cheating or stealing, whereas high scorers are unwilling to take advantage of other individuals or of society at large.
The Greed Avoidance scale
assesses a tendency to be uninterested in possessing lavish wealth, luxury goods, and signs of high social status. Low scorers want to enjoy and to display wealth and privilege, whereas high scorers are not especially motivated by monetary or social-status considerations.
The Modesty scale
assesses a tendency to be modest and unassuming. Low scorers consider themselves as superior and as entitled to privileges that others do not have, whereas high scorers view themselves as ordinary people without any claim to special treatment.
The Fearfulness scale
assesses a tendency to experience fear. Low scorers feel little fear of injury and are relatively tough, brave, and insensitive to physical pain, whereas high scorers are strongly inclined to avoid physical harm.
The Anxiety scale
assesses a tendency to worry in a variety of contexts. Low scorers feel little stress in response to difficulties, whereas high scorers tend to become preoccupied even by relatively minor problems.
The Dependence scale
assesses one’s need for emotional support from others. Low scorers feel self-assured and able to deal with problems without any help or advice, whereas high scorers want to share their difficulties with those who will provide encouragement and comfort.
The Sentimentality scale
assesses a tendency to feel strong emotional bonds with others. Low scorers feel little emotion when saying good-bye or in reaction to the concerns of others, whereas high scorers feel strong emotional attachments and an empathic sensitivity to the feelings of others.
The Social Self-Esteem scale
assesses a tendency to have positive self-regard, particularly in social contexts. High scorers are generally satisfied with themselves and consider themselves to have likable qualities, whereas low scorers tend to have a sense of personal worthlessness and to see themselves as unpopular.
The Social Boldness
scale assesses one’s comfort or confidence within a variety of social situations. Low scorers feel shy or awkward in positions of leadership or when speaking in public, whereas high scorers are willing to approach strangers and are willing to speak up within group settings.
The Sociability scale
assesses a tendency to enjoy conversation, social interaction, and parties. Low scorers generally prefer solitary activities and do not seek out conversation, whereas high scorers enjoy talking, visiting, and celebrating with others.
The Liveliness
scale assesses one’s typical enthusiasm and energy. Low scorers tend not to feel especially cheerful or dynamic, whereas high scorers usually experience a sense of optimism and high spirits.
The Forgivingness scale
assesses one’s willingness to feel trust and liking toward those who may have caused one harm. Low scorers tend “hold a grudge” against those who have offended them, whereas high scorers are usually ready to trust others again and to re-establish friendly relations after having been treated badly.
The Gentleness scale
assesses a tendency to be mild and lenient in dealings with other people. Low scorers tend to be critical in their evaluations of others, whereas high scorers are reluctant to judge others harshly.
The Flexibility scale
assesses one’s willingness to compromise and cooperate with others. Low scorers are seen as stubborn and are willing to argue, whereas high scorers avoid arguments and accommodate others’ suggestions, even when these may be unreasonable.
The Patience scale
assesses a tendency to remain calm rather than to become angry. Low scorers tend to lose their tempers quickly, whereas high scorers have a high threshold for feeling or expressing anger.
The Organization scale
assesses a tendency to seek order, particularly in one’s physical surroundings. Low scorers tend to be sloppy and haphazard, whereas high scorers keep things tidy and prefer a structured approach to tasks.
The Diligence scale
assesses a tendency to work hard. Low scorers have little self-discipline and are not strongly motivated to achieve, whereas high scorers have a strong “‘work ethic” and are willing to exert themselves.
The Perfectionism scale
assesses a tendency to be thorough and concerned with details. Low scorers tolerate some errors in their work and tend to neglect details, whereas high scorers check carefully for mistakes and potential improvements.
The Prudence scale
assesses a tendency to deliberate carefully and to inhibit impulses. Low scorers act on impulse and tend not to consider consequences, whereas high scorers consider their options carefully and tend to be cautious and self-controlled.
The Aesthetic Appreciation scale
assesses one’s enjoyment of beauty in art and in nature. Low scorers tend not to become absorbed in works of art or in natural wonders, whereas high scorers have a strong appreciation of various art forms and of natural wonders.
The Inquisitiveness scale
assesses a tendency to seek information about, and experience with, the natural and human world. Low scorers have little curiosity about the natural or social sciences, whereas high scorers read widely and are interested in travel.
The Creativity scale
assesses one’s preference for innovation and experiment. Low scorers have little inclination for original thought, whereas high scorers actively seek new solutions to problems and express themselves in art.
The Unconventionality scale
assesses a tendency to accept the unusual. Low scorers avoid eccentric or nonconforming persons, whereas high scorers are receptive to ideas that might seem strange or radical.
Wie unterscheiden sich das HEXACO, das Big-5 und das Five-Factor Model
- Unkorreliertheit von Big-5 und Hexaco
- Korreliertheit von H-Faktor und Agreeableness des Five-Factor Modells
- X, C, O gleich in Hexaco und Big5
- E und A dafür etwas unterschiedlich
Gender Differences - Persönlichkeit
Women: - more agreeable
- less emotionally stable - bit more H as well
2 Items: H-factor
- I wouldn’t use flattery to get a raise or promotion at work, even if I thought it would succeed
- Having a lot of money is not especially important to me
2 Items: E-factor
- I would feel afraid if I had to travel in bad weather conditions
- I sometimes can’t help worrying about little things
2 Items: X-factor
- I feel reasonably satisfied with myself overall
- I prefer jobs that involve active social interaction to those that involve working alone
2 Items: A-factor
- I tend to be lenient in judging other people
- I am usually quite flexible in my opinions when people disagree with me
2 Items: C-factor
- I plan ahead and organize things, to avoid scrambling at the last minute
- I often push myself very hard when trying to achieve a goal
2 Items: O-factor
- I would enjoy creating a work of art, such as a novel, a song, or a painting
- If I had the opportunity, I would like to attend a classical music concert
Zusatzartikel: Welche Fragen wurden gestellt und wie wurden diese beantwortet:
Are Liars Less Forthcoming Than Truth Tellers?
- erzählen kürzer und weniger detailliert
Do Liars Tell Less Compelling Tales Than Truth Tellers?
- weniger logisch strukturiert, nicht plausibel, ambivalent, verbal uncertainty
Are Liars Less Positive and Pleasant Than Truth Tellers?
- weniger kooperativ, äußern sich negativer
Are Liars More Tense Than Truth Tellers?
- Lügner sind angespannter, Pupillen weiten sich
Do Lies Include Fewer Ordinary Imperfections and Unusual Contents Than Truths?
- weniger spontane Korrekturen, weniger zugeben, das man sich nicht erinnern kann
Was macht das Hexaco-Modell potentiell besser als die anderen beiden?
- Es erfasst mehr Facetten: Facetten wie Fairness und Greed Avoidance werden bei keinem anderen Inventar erhoben
- Hexaco kann deceptive behavior erfassen: H-Faktor war stark related mit sexual harrasment und work place deviance
- Erreicht bessere “predicitive validity” Werte: Da die Facetten muteinbezogen werden (Domänen unterteilt in jeweils 4 Facetten)