Page Twenty Two Flashcards
interrogabant eum dic ergo sebboleth quod interpretatur spica qui respondebat tebboleth eadem littera spicam exprimere non valens statimque adprehensum iugulabant in ipso Iordanis transitu et ceciderunt in illo tempore de Ephraim quadraginta duo milia
They asked him (interrogabant eum): Say, therefore, Sebboleth (dic ergo sebboleth), which is interpreted as an ear of grain (quod interpretatur spica). He responded, Tebboleth (qui respondebat tebboleth), not being strong/prevailing (non valens) to express/pronounce (exprimere) an ear of grain by the same letter (eadem littera spicam). And at once, seizing [him] (statimque adprehensum), they killed him/cut his throat in the actual passage of the Jordan (iugulabant in ipso Iordanis transitu) and they killed in that time of Ephraim (ceciderunt in illo tempore de Ephraim) forty two thousand (quadraginta duo milia).
iudicavitque Iepthae Galaadites Israhel sex annis et mortuus est ac sepultus in civitate sua Galaad
And Jephte of the Galaadites judged (iudicavitque Iepthae Galaadite) Israel six years and he was dead (Israhel sex annis et mortuus est), and was buried in his city of Galaad (ac sepultus in civitate sua Galaad).
post hunc iudicavit Israhel Abessan de Bethleem
After this (post hunc), Abessan of Bethlehem judged Israel (iudicavit Israhel Abessan de Bethleem).
qui habuit triginta filios et totidem filias quas emittens foras maritis dedit et eiusdem numeri filiis suis accepit uxores introducens in domum suam qui septem annis iudicavit Israhel
Who/he had thirty sons and as many daughters (qui habuit triginta filios et totidem filias) who he sent out of doors/abroad (quas emittens foras). He gave husbands (maritis dedit) and of the same number (et eiusdem numeri) he accepted wives for his sons (filiis suis accepit uxores), introducing/bringing [them] into his own house (introducens in domum suam). He judged Israel (qui…iudicavit israhel) seven years (septem annis),
mortuusque est ac sepultus in Bethleem
And he was dead and buried in Bethlehem (mortuusque est ac sepultus in Bethleem).
cui successit Ahialon Zabulonites et iudicavit Israhelem decem annis
Who was succeeded [by] Ahialon of the Zabulonites (cui successit Ahialon Zabulonites), and he judged Israel (et iudicavit Israhelem) ten years (decem annis).
mortuusque est ac sepultus in Zabulon
And he was dead and buried in Zabulon (mortuusque est ac sepultus in Zabulon).
post hunc iudicavit in Israhel Abdon filius Hellel Farathonites
After this (post hunc), Abdon, son of Hellel of the Farathonites (Abdon filius Hellel Farathonites) judged in Israel (iudicavit in Israhel).
qui habuit quadraginta filios et triginta ex eis nepotes ascendentes super septuaginta pullos asinarum et iudicavit in Israhel octo annis
He had forty sons and out of them, thirty grandsons (qui habuit quadraginta filios et triginta ex eis nepotes), mounted upon (ascendentes super) seventy dark colored asses (septuaginta pullos asinarum) and he judged in Israel (et iudicavit in Israhel) eight years (octo annis).
mortuusque est ac sepultus in Farathon terrae Ephraim in monte Amalech
And he was dead and buried (mortuusque est ac sepultus) in Farathon, in the land of Ephraim (in Farathon terrae Ephraim), in mount Amalech (in monte Amalech).
rursumque filii Israhel fecerunt malum in conspectu Domini qui tradidit eos in manus Philisthinorum quadraginta annis
And again (rursumque) the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord (filii Israhel fecerunt malum in conspectus Domini), who delivered them into the hands (qui tradidit eos in manus) of the Philistines for forty years (Philisthinorum quadraginta annis).
erat autem vir quidam de Saraa et de stirpe Dan nomine Manue habens uxorem sterilem
But there was a certain man (erat autem vir quidam) of Saraa and of the lineage of Dan (et de stirpe Dan), having the name Manue (nomine Manue habens). [His] wife was barren/sterile (uxorem sterilem).
cui apparuit angelus Domini et dixit ad eam sterilis es et absque liberis sed concipies et paries filium
To whom (cui—no idea—Duhy Rheams translates it as “and”—no dictionary I have lists that as an option) an angel of the Lord appeared (apparuit angelus Domini) and it/he said to her (et dixit ad eam): You are barren/sterile (sterilis eS) and without children (et absque liberis), but you will conceive and bear a child/son (sed concipies et paries filium).
cave ergo ne vinum bibas ac siceram ne inmundum quicquam comedas
Therefore beware (cave ergo). Drink not wine and strong drink (ne vinum bibas ac siceram), nor consume anything unclean/foul (ne inmundum quicquam comedas—inmundum is “foul/unclean”).
quia concipies et paries filium cuius non tanget caput novacula erit enim nazareus Dei ab infantia sua et ex matris utero et ipse incipiet liberare Israhel de manu Philisthinorum
Because you will conceive and bear a son (quia concipies et paries filium), whose head (cuius…caput) razor will not touch (non tanget…novacula—novacula is razor). He will indeed be a Nazarite of God (erit enim nazareus Dei) from his infancy (ab infantia sua) and out of the womb of the mother (et ex matris utero). And he himself will begin to free Israel (et ipse incipiet liberare Israhel) from the hands of the Philistines (de manu Philisthinorum).
quae cum venisset ad maritum dixit ei vir Dei venit ad me habens vultum angelicum terribilis nimis quem cum interrogassem quis esset et unde venisset et quo nomine vocaretur noluit mihi dicere
Who, when she had come to to her husband, she said to him (quae cum venisset ad maritum dixit ei): A man of God came to me (vir Dei venit ad me), having the face of an angel, exceedingly frightful (habens vultum angelicum terribilis nimis). Who, when I asked who he was (quem cum interrogassem quis esset) and from whence he had come (et unde venisset) and what name he was called (et quo nomine vocaretur), he was unwilling to say/tell me (noluit mihi dicere).
sed hoc respondit ecce concipies et paries filium cave ne vinum bibas et siceram et ne aliquo vescaris inmundo erit enim puer nazareus Dei ab infantia sua et ex utero matris usque ad diem mortis suae
But he responded this (sed hoc respondit): Behold, you will conceive and bear a son (ecce concipies et paries filium). Beware (cave) you drink no wine and strong drink (ne vinum bibaS et siceram) and eat not any other unclean [thing] (et ne aliquo vescariS inmundo—inmundo is unclean). The boy will indeed be (erit enim puer) a Nazarite of God (nazareus Dei) from his infancy and out of the womb of the mother (ab infantia sua et ex utero matris) all the way to the day of his death (usque ad diem mortis suae).
oravit itaque Manue Deum et ait obsecro Domine ut vir Dei quem misisti veniat iterum et doceat nos quid debeamus facere de puero qui nasciturus est
And thus, Manue prayed to God (oravit itaque Manue Deum) and said (et ait): I beseech [thee] Lord, that the man of God (obsecro Domine ut vir Dei) whom you sent (quem misisti) may come a second time (veniat iterum) and teach us (et doceat nos) what we ought (quid debeamus) to do of/about the boy (facere de puero) who is about to be born (qui nasciturus est).
exaudivitque Dominus precantem Manue et apparuit rursum angelus Domini uxori eius sedenti in agro Manue autem maritus eius non erat cum ea quae cum vidisset angelum
And the Lord heard from afar (exaudivitque Dominus) the prayer of Manue (precantem Manue), and the Angel of the Lord appeared again (et apparuit rursum angelus Domini) to his wife (uxori eius), sitting in a field (sedenti in agro). But Manue, her husband (Manue autem maritus eius) was not with her (non erat cum ea). Who, when she had seen the angel (quae cum vidisset angelum),
festinavit et cucurrit ad virum suum nuntiavitque ei dicens ecce apparuit mihi vir quem ante videram
She hastened and ran to her man/husband (festinavit et cucurrit ad virum suum), and reported to him, saying (nuntiavitque ei dicens): behold, the man has appeared to me (ecce apparuit mihi vir) whom I had seen before (quem ante videram).
qui surrexit et secutus est uxorem suam veniensque ad virum dixit ei tu es qui locutus es mulieri et ille respondit ego sum
He rose up and followed his wife (qui surrexit et secutus est uxorem suam), and coming to the man (veniensque ad virum), he said to him (dixit ei): Are you he who spoke to the woman (tu es qui locutus es mulieri)? And he responded that I am (et ille respondit ego sum).