Page Thirty Six Flashcards
regressi autem filii Israhel omnes reliquias civitatis a viris usque ad iumenta gladio percusserunt cunctasque urbes et viculos Beniamin vorax flamma consumpsit
The sons of Israel, however, returning (regressi autem filii Israhel), beat all the remains of the city (omnes reliquias civitatis…percusserunt), from the men all the way to the mules (a viris usque ad iumenta) with the sword (gladio). And all the cities and villages of Benjamin (cunctasque urbes et viculos Beniamin) was consumed (it seems like it should be “were” but this is not a plural form…) by ravenous flames (vorax flamma consumpsit).
iuraverunt quoque filii Israhel in Maspha et dixerunt nullus nostrum dabit filiis Beniamin de filiabus suis uxorem
The sons of Israel also swore in Maspha (iuraverunt quoque filii Israhel in Maspha), and they said (et dixerunt), None of us will give (nullus nostrum dabit) of his own daughters (de filiabus sui) to the sons of Benjamin as wife (filiis Beniamin…uxorem).
veneruntque omnes ad domum Dei in Silo et in conspectu eius sedentes usque ad vesperam levaverunt vocem et magno ululatu coeperunt flere dicentes
And they all came to the house of God in Silo (veneruntque omnes ad domum Dei in Silo) and sitting in his sight all the way to night (et in conspectu eius sedentes usque ad vesperam), they lifted up [their] voices (levaverunt vocem) and, greatly howling (et magno ululatu), they began to weep, saying (coeperunt flere dicentes),
quare Domine Deus Israhel factum est hoc malum in populo tuo ut hodie una tribus auferretur ex nobis
Why, O Lord, God of Israel (quare Domine Deus Israhel) is this evil done (factum est hoc malum) in your people (in populo tuo) that today, one tribe should be taken/removed (ut hodie una tribus auferretur) out of us (ex nobis)?
altera autem die diluculo consurgentes extruxerunt altare obtuleruntque ibi holocausta et pacificas victimas et dixerunt
Early on another/the next day, however (altera autem die diluculo), rising (consurgentes), they built up an alter (extruxerunt altare) and they offered there holocausts (obtuleruntque ibi holocausta) and sacrificial animals in appeasement (et pacificas victimas) and they said (et dixerunt):
quis non ascendit in exercitu Domini de universis tribubus Israhel grandi enim se iuramento constrinxerant cum essent in Maspha interfici eos qui defuissent
Who, of all the tribes of Israel (quis…de universis tribubus Israhel) did not rise in the army of the Lord (non ascendit in exercitu Domini)? With a great oath indeed (grandi enim…iuramento) they had bound themselves (se…constrinxerant) when they were in Maspha (cum essent in Maspha): They who were were wanting (eos qui defuissent) should be killed (interfici).
ductique paenitentia filii Israhel super fratre suo Beniamin coeperunt dicere ablata est una tribus de Israhel
And being led by repentance (ductique paenitentia) upon their brother Benjamin (super fratre suo Beniamin), the sons of Israel began to say (filii Israhel…coeperunt dicere), one tribe is taken from Israel (ablata est una tribus de Israhel).
unde uxores accipient omnes enim in commune iuravimus non daturos nos his filias nostras
From whence will they take wives (unde uxores accipient)? We all, indeed have in general sworn (omnes enim in commune iuravimus) we will not give our daughters (non daturos nos…filias nostras—daturos is future) to these [men]/them (his).
idcirco dixerunt quis est de universis tribubus Israhel qui non ascendit ad Dominum in Maspha et ecce inventi sunt habitatores Iabisgalaad in illo exercitu non fuisse
Therefore they said (idcirco dixerunt), who is [there], of all the tribes of Israel (quis est de universis tribubus Israhel) who did not rise to the Lord in Maspha (qui non ascendit ad Dominum in Maspha)? And behold, the inhabitants of Jabes Galaad were found (et ecce inventi sunt habitatores Iabisgalaad) not to be in that army (in illo exercitu non fuisse).
eo quoque tempore cum essent in Silo nullus ex eis ibi reppertus est
Therefore, also at that time (eo quoque tempore), when they were in Silo (cum essent in Silo), none out of them was discovered there (nullus ex eis ibi reppertus est).
miserunt itaque decem milia viros robustissimos et praeceperunt eis ite et percutite habitatores Iabisgalaad in ore gladii tam uxores quam parvulos eorum
And so they sent ten thousand most robust men (miserunt itaque decem milia viros robustissimos) and they ordered them to go and beat the inhabitants of Jabes Galaad in the face with swords (et praeceperunt eis ite et percutite habitatores Iabisgalaad in ore gladii) so much their wives, their small children (sense—“Along with their wives and small children”) (tam uxores quam parvulos eorum).
et hoc erit quod observare debetis omne generis masculini et mulieres quae cognoverunt viros interficite
And this is what you ought to observe/heed (et hoc erit quod observare debetis): all the race of men, and women who have become acquainted with men (omne generis masculini et mulieres quae cognoverunt viros), kill (interficite).
inventaeque sunt de Iabisgalaad quadringentae virgines quae nescierunt viri torum et adduxerunt eas in castra in Silo in terra Chanaan
And they discovered of Jabes Galaad 400 virgins (inventaeque sunt de Iabisgalaad quadringentae virgines), who did not know the bed/swelling protuberance of a man (quae nescierunt viri torum), and they led them into the camp in Silo (et adduxerunt eas in castra in Silo) in the land of Chanaan (in terra Chanaan).
miseruntque nuntios ad filios Beniamin qui erant in petra Remmon et praeceperunt eis ut eos in pace susciperent
And they sent messengers to the sons of Benjamin who were in the rock of Remmon (miseruntque nuntios ad filios Beniamin qui erant in petra Remmon), and they ordered them (et praeceperunt eis) that they, in peace would receive [them] (ut eos in pace susciperent).
veneruntque filii Beniamin in illo tempore et datae sunt eis uxores de filiabus Iabisgalaad alias autem non reppererunt quas simili modo traderent
And the sons of Benjamin came in that time (veneruntque filii Beniamin in illo tempore) and wives were given to them (et datae sunt eis uxores) of the daughters of Jabes Galaad (de filiabus Iabisgalaad), but they did not discover/obtain others (alias autem non reppererunt) who they might give/deliver (quas…traderent) in similar/like manner (simili modo).
universusque Israhel valde doluit et egit paenitudinem super interfectione unius tribus ex Israhel
And all of Israel was greatly sorry (universusque Israhel valde doluit), and delivered repentance upon/for killing (et egit paenitudinem super interfectione) one tribe out of Israel (unius tribus ex Israhel).
dixeruntque maiores natu quid faciemus reliquis qui non acceperunt uxores omnes in Beniamin feminae conciderunt
And the very old said (dixeruntque maiores natu) what will we do with the rest (quid faciemus reliquis) who have not taken wives (qui non acceperunt uxores)? All the women in Benjamin are killed (omnes in Beniamis feminae conciderunt).
et magna nobis cura ingentique studio providendum est ne una tribus deleatur ex Israhel
And we, with great care (et magna nobis cura) and mighty enthusiasm/devotion (ingentique studio) shoud provide (providendum est), lest one tribe be erased out of Israel (ne una tribus deleatur ex Israhel).
filias nostras eis dare non possumus constricti iuramento et maledictione qua diximus maledictus qui dederit de filiabus suis uxorem Beniamin
We are not able to give our daughters to them (filias nostras eis dare non possumus), bound fast by an oath and a curse (constricti iuramento et maledictione), at which we said (qua diximus), cursed be he who will give (maledictus qui dederit) of his own daughters to Benjamin as wife (de filiabus suis uxorem Beniamin).