Page Nineteen Flashcards
itaque filii Ammon conclamantes in Galaad fixere tentoria contra quos congregati filii Israhel in Maspha castrametati sunt
And so the sons of Ammon shouting out to fix their tents in Galaad (itaque filii Ammon conclamantes in Galaad fixere tentoria). Against whom (contra quos), the sons of Israel assembled/gathered together in Maspha (congregati filii Israhel in Maspha). They encamped (castrametati sunt).
dixeruntque principes Galaad singuli ad proximos suos qui primus e nobis contra filios Ammon coeperit dimicare erit dux populi Galaad
And the princes of Galaad said one each to his neighbor (dixeruntque principes Galaad singuli ad proximos): Whoever [is] first out of us (qui primus e nobis) against the sons of Ammon (contra filios Ammon) begins to fight (coeperit dimicare), he will be leader to the people of Galaad (erit dux populi Galaad).
fuit illo tempore Iepthae Galaadites vir fortissimus atque pugnator filius meretricis mulieris qui natus est de Galaad
At that time (illo tempore), Jephte of the Galaadites was a most powerful man (fuit…Iephthae Galaadites vir fortissimus) and fighter (atque pugnator), son of a harlot woman (filius meretricis mulieris), who was born (qui natus est) of Galaad (de Galaad).
habuit autem Galaad uxorem de qua suscepit filios qui postquam creverant eiecerunt Iepthae dicentes heres in domo patris nostri esse non poteris quia de altera matre generatus es
But Galaad had a wife (habuit autem Galaad uxorem) from whom (de qua) he received sons (suscepit filios) who, after they had grown (qui postquam creverant), they cast out Jephte, saying (eiecerunt Iephthae dicentes): You are not able to be heir (heres…esse non poteris) in the house of our father (in domo patris nostri) because you are begotten (quia…generatus es) from another mother (de altera matre).
quos ille fugiens atque devitans habitavit in terra Tob congregatique sunt ad eum viri inopes et latrocinantes et quasi principem sequebantur
Who (Jephte) fled and avoided them (quos…fugiens atque devitans…ille). He lived in the land of Tob and they were gathered to him (habitavit in terra Tob congregatique sunt ad eum) helpless men and pirates (viri inopes et latrocinantes) and they followed [him] as if a prince (et quasi principem sequebantur).
in illis diebus pugnabant filii Ammon contra Israhel
In those days (in illis diebus) the children of Ammon (filii Ammon) fought against Israel (pugnabant…contra Israhel).
quibus acriter instantibus perrexerunt maiores natu de Galaad ut tollerent in auxilium sui Iepthae de terra Tob
Who, fiercely threatened (quibus, acriter instantibus), the elderly (maiores natu—means older in years) of Galaad proceeded (de Galaad perrexerunt) that they might raise Jephthae (ut tollerent…Iephthae) from the land of Tob (de terra Tob) to help them (in auxilium sui).
dixeruntque ad eum veni et esto princeps noster et pugna contra filios Ammon
And they said to him (dixeruntque ad eum), come and be (veni et esto) our Prince, and fight against the sons of Ammon (princeps noster et pugna contra filios Ammon)
quibus ille respondit nonne vos estis qui odistis me et eiecistis de domo patris mei et nunc venistis ad me necessitate conpulsi
Who answered them (quibus ille respondit), was it not you who hated me (nonne vos estis qui odistis me) and cast me from the house of my father (et eiecistis de domo patris mei) and now you come to me (et nunc venistis ad me), compelled by need (necessitate conpulsi).
dixeruntque principes Galaad ad Iepthae ob hanc igitur causam nunc ad te venimus ut proficiscaris nobiscum et pugnes contra filios Ammon sisque dux omnium qui habitant in Galaad
And the princes of Galaad said to Jeptha (dixeruntque principes Galaad ad Iepthae), for the sake of this cause we therefore now come to you (ob hanc igitur causam nunc ad te venimus), that you might proceed with us (ut proficiscaris nobiscum) and fight against the sons of Ammon (et pugnes contra filios Ammon) and be leader/general of all qho live in Galaad (sisque dux omnium qui habitant in Galaad).
Iepthae quoque dixit eis si vere venistis ad me ut pugnem pro vobis contra filios Ammon tradideritque eos Dominus in manus meas ego ero princeps vester
Jeptha also said to them (Iepthae quoque dixit eis), if, in truth, you all come to me (si vere venistis ad me) that I mayfight for you against the sons of Ammon (ut pugnem pro vobis contra filios Ammon), and the Lord shall deliver them into my hands (tradideritque eos Dominus in manus meas), I will be (ego ero) your prince (princeps vester).
qui responderunt ei Dominus qui haec audit ipse mediator ac testis est quod nostra promissa faciamus
Who answered him (qui responderunt ei), the Lord, who hears these things (Dominus qui haec audit), he himself is mediator and witness (ipse mediator ac testis est) that we will make/do (quod…faciamus) our promise (nostra promissa).
abiit itaque Iepthae cum principibus Galaad fecitque eum omnis populus principem sui locutusque est Iepthae omnes sermones suos coram Domino in Maspha
Thus Jephte went with the princes of Galaad (abiit itaque Iepthae cum principibus Galaad) and all the people made him their prince (fecitque eum omnis populus principem sui), and Jephte spoke all his sermons/speech (locutusque est Iepthae omnes sermones suos) before the Lord in Maspha (coram Domino in Maspha).
et misit nuntios ad regem filiorum Ammon qui ex persona sua dicerent quid mihi et tibi est quia venisti contra me ut vastares terram meam
And he sent messengers to the king of the sons of Ammon (et misit nuntios ad regem filiorum Ammon), who said out of his own character (qui ex persona sua dicerent—essentially “in his name”), what is it to me and to you (quid mihi et tibi est—essentially “what do you have to do with me), because you come against me that you might destroy my land?
quibus ille respondit quia tulit Israhel terram meam quando ascendit de Aegypto a finibus Arnon usque Iaboc atque Iordanem nunc igitur cum pace redde mihi eam
Who answered them (quibus ille respondit), because Israel received/took my land (quia tulis Israhel terram meam) when it rose from Egypt (quando ascendit de Aegypto), from the borders of Arnon all the way to Jaboc and the Jordan (a finibus Arnon usque Iaboc atque Iordanem). Now, therefore, with peace (nunc, igitur, cum pace) return it to me (redde mihi eam).
per quos rursum mandavit Iepthae et imperavit eis ut dicerent regi Ammon
Through whom Jephte again (per quos rursum…Iepthae) commissioned (mandavit—sense is “Commissioned” them, the messengers) and ordered them that they might say (et imperavit eis ut dicerent) to the King of Ammon (regi Ammon):
haec dicit Iepthae non tulit Israhel terram Moab nec terram filiorum Ammon
Jephte said this (haec dicit Iepthae): Israel did not carry off the land of Moab (non tulit Israhel terram Moab), nor the land of the sons of Ammon (nec terram filiorum Ammon).
sed quando de Aegypto conscenderunt ambulavit per solitudinem usque ad mare Rubrum et venit in Cades
But when they rose up from Egypt (sed quando de Aegypto conscenderunt), he walked through loneliness (per solitudinem) all the way to the Red Sea (usque ad mare Rubrum) and he came into Cades (et venit in Cades).