Page Thirteen Flashcards
quibus ille respondit quid enim tale facere potui quale vos fecistis nonne melior est racemus Ephraim vindemiis Abiezer
Who responded that (quibus respondit ille), what, in fact (quid enim), was I able to do (facere potui) so great/such (tale) what you have done (Quale vos fecistis)? Is not a bunch of grapes of Ephraim better (est none racemus Ephraim melior) than the vinyard production (vindemiis) of Abiezer (Abiezer)?
in manus vestras tradidit Dominus principes Madian Oreb et Zeb quid tale facere potui quale vos fecistis quod cum locutus esset requievit spiritus eorum quo tumebant contra eum
Into your hands, the Lord delivered (in manus vestras Dominus tradidit) the princes of Madian, Oreb and Zeb (principes Madian Oreb et Zeb). What was I able to do (quid potui facere) so great/such (tale) to what you have done (quale vos fecistis)—(what could I have done like to what you have done)? And when (quod cum) he said [this] (locutus esset), their spirit quieted down (eorum spiritus requievit), with which they swelled (quo tumebant) against him (contra eum).
cumque venisset Gedeon ad Iordanem transivit eum cum trecentis viris qui secum erant et prae lassitudine fugientes persequi non poterant
And when Gedeon had come to Jordan (cumque Gedeon venisset ad Iordanem), he crossed it with three hundred men (transivit eum cum trecentis viris) that were with him (qui secum erant). And in view of exhaustion (et prae lassitudine), they were not able (non poterant) to pursue (persequi) those who fled (fugientes).
dixitque ad viros Soccoth date obsecro panes populo qui mecum est quia valde defecerunt ut possimus persequi Zebee et Salmana reges Madian
And he said to the men of Soccoth (dixitque ad viros Soccoth), give, I implore you (date obsecro), bread to the population (people?) that is with me (panes populo qui mecum est), because they have grown very weak/faint (quia valde—very— defecerunt), in order that we may be able to pursue (ut possiMUS persequi) Zebee and Salmana, the kings of Madian (Zebee et Salmana reges Madian).
responderunt principes Soccoth forsitan palmae manuum Zebee et Salmana in manu tua sunt et idcirco postulas ut demus exercitui tuo panes
The princes of Soccoth responded (responderunt principes Soccoth): Perhaps (forsitan) the palms of the hands of Zebee and Salmana (palmae manuum Zebee et Salmana) are in your hand (sunt in manu tua), and therefore (et idcirco) you demand (postulaS) that we should surrender (ut demus) bread to your army (panes exercitui tuo).
quibus ille ait cum ergo tradiderit Dominus Zebee et Salmana in manus meas conteram carnes vestras cum spinis tribulisque deserti
After (?) that (quibus ille) he said: when, therefore, the Lord will have delivered (ait cum ergo Dominus tradidERIT) Zebee and Salmana into my hands (Zebee et Salmana in manus meas), I will crush (contERAM) your flesh (carnes vestras) with thorns (cum spinis) and spiny plants (tribulisque) of the desert (deserti).
et inde conscendens venit in Phanuhel locutusque est ad viros eius loci similia cui et illi responderunt sicut responderant viri Soccoth
And from thence (et inde) climbing up (conscendens), he came into Phanuhel (venit in Phanuhel) and he said the like (locutusque est similia) to the men of this place (ad viros eius loci).
(fuck if I know what cui does)
And they responded to that (et responderunt illi) just as the men of Soccoth had responded (sicut viri Soccoth responderant).
dixit itaque et eis cum reversus fuero victor in pace destruam turrem hanc
He said, accordingly (dixit itaque), also to them (et eis): When I will return (cum fuero reversus) a conqueror in peace (victor in pace), I will destroy this tower (destruam hanc turrem).
Zebee autem et Salmana requiescebant cum omni exercitu suo quindecim milia enim viri remanserant ex omnibus turmis orientalium populorum caesis centum viginti milibus bellatorum et educentium gladium
Zebee, however, and Salmana were resting with all their army (Zebee autem et Salmana requiescebant cum omni exervitu suo). Fifteen thousand men, in fact, remained (quindecim milia viri, enim, remanserant) out of all the troops of the eastern population (ex omnibus turmis orientalium populorum). One hundred and twenty thousand soldiers (centum viginti milibus bellatorum) were hewn (slain?) and they drew up the sword (caesis et educentium gladium)
ascendensque Gedeon per viam eorum qui in tabernaculis morabantur ad orientalem partem Nobee et Iecbaa percussit castra hostium qui securi erant et nihil adversi suspicabantur
And Gedeon rose by the way of them (Gedeon ascendensque per viam eorum) that were delaying/staying (qui morabantur) in tents (in tabernaculis) to the eastern region of Nobee and Jecbaa (ad orientalem partem Nobee et Iecbaa).
He beat the camp of the enemies (percussit castra hostium), who were secure (qui securi erant) and suspected (et suspicabantur) no obstacle (nihil adversi).
fugeruntque Zebee et Salmana quos persequens Gedeon conprehendit turbato omni exercitu eorum
And Zebee and Salmana fled (fugeruntque Zebee et Salmana), who Gedeon pursued (quos Gedeon persequens). He seized [them], throwing all their armies into confusion (conprehendit, turbato omni exercitu eorum).
revertensque de bello ante solis ortum
And returning from the war (revertensque de bello) before the sun rising (ante solis ortum),
adprehendit puerum de viris Soccoth interrogavitque eum nomina principum et seniorum Soccoth et descripsit septuaginta septem viros
He seized a boy from the men of Soccoth, and asked him (adprehendit puerum de viris Soccoth interrogavitque eum) the names of the princes (nomina principum) and the elderly of Soccoth (et seniorum Soccoth) and he described (et descripsit) seventy-seven men (septuaginta septem viros).
venitque ad Soccoth et dixit eis en Zebee et Salmana super quibus exprobrastis mihi dicentes forsitan manus Zebee et Salmana in manibus tuis sunt et idcirco postulas ut demus viris qui lassi sunt et defecerunt panes
And he came to Soccoth (venitque ad Soccoth) and he said to them (et dixit eis): Behold (en) Zebee and Salmana, above any (Zebee et Salmana, super quibus) who reproached me (exprobrastis mihi), saying (dicentes): Perhaps (forsitan) the hands of Zebee and Salmana are in your hands (manus Zebee et Salmana sunt in manibus tuis) and therefore (et idcirco) you demand that we should give (postulaS ut demus) bread to the men who (panes viris qui) are tired and faint (lassi sunt et defecerunt).
tulit ergo seniores civitatis et spinas deserti ac tribulos et contrivit cum eis atque comminuit viros Soccoth
He brought, therefore (tulit ergo), the aged of the civilization (seniores civitatis) and thorns and spiny plants of the desert (et spinas ac tribulos deserti) and he ground [them] with them (et contrivit cum eis) and he broke into pieces (atque comminuit) the men of Soccoth (viros Soccoth).
turrem quoque Phanuhel subvertit occisis habitatoribus civitatis
And he destroyed the tower (quoque subvertit turrem) of Phanuel (Phanuhel). He killed (occisis) the inhabitants of the city (habitatoribus civitatis).
dixitque ad Zebee et Salmana quales fuerunt viri quos occidistis in Thabor qui responderunt similes tui et unus ex eis quasi filius regis
And he said to Zebee and Salmana (dixitque ad Zebee et Salmana), what kind of men were they (quales viri fueruNT) whom you killed in Thabor (quos occidisTIS in Thabor)? They responded (qui responderunt), [they were] resembling you (similes tui) and one out of them (et unus ex eis) just as the son of a king (quasi filius regis).
quibus ille ait fratres mei fuerunt filii matris meae vivit Dominus si servassetis eos non vos occiderem
He said to them (quibus ait ille), they were my brothers (fuerunt fratres mei), the sons of my mother (filii matris meae). The Lord lives (as the Lord lives?—vivit Dominus), if you had saved them (si servasseTIS eos) I would not kill you (non occiderem vos).