Page Four Flashcards
et ego non delebo gentes quas dimisit Iosue et mortuus est
And I will not destroy (et ego non delebo) the people who Joshua left (gentes quas dimisit Josue) and (when?—et) he died (mortuus est).
ut in ipsis experiar Israhel utrum custodiant viam Domini et ambulent in ea sicut custodierunt patres eorum an non
In order that in them, I may test Israel (Ut in ipsis experiar Israhel), whether (utrum) they will preserve (custodiant) the way/road (viam) of the Lord (Domini), and walk in it (ambulant in ea), just as (sicut) their fathers (patres eorum) preserved it (custodierunt), or not (an non).
dimisit ergo Dominus omnes has nationes et cito subvertere noluit nec tradidit in manibus Iosue
The Lord, therefore, abandoned all these nations (dimisit omnes has nationes), and was unwilling (noluit) to quickly overthrow (cito subvertere) them (implied), nor (nec) deliver them (tradidit) into the hands of Joshua (in minibus Josue).
hae sunt gentes quas Dominus dereliquit ut erudiret in eis Israhelem et omnes qui non noverant bella Chananeorum
These are (hae sunt) people/communities (gentes) which the Lord left (quas Dominus dereliquit), so that (ut) through them (in eis) he would educate (erudiret—future?) Israel, and all who had not known (et omnes qui non noverant) the war (bella) with the Chanaanites:
et postea discerent filii eorum certare cum hostibus et habere consuetudinem proeliandi
And afterwards (postea—after this) their sons would learn (discerent—future of disco/discere) to vie/struggle (certare) with their enemies (cum hostibus), and to have (habere) habit/tradition/experience (consuetudinem) to fight (proeliandi):
quinque satrapas Philisthinorum omnemque Chananeum et Sidonium atque Eveum qui habitabat in monte Libano de monte Baalhermon usque ad introitum Emath
Five governors/viceroys (quinque satrapas) of the Philistines, and all the Chanaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hevites (Eveum) that were living (habitabat) in Mount Libanus, from (de) Mount Baal Hermon all the way up to (usque ad) the entrance (introitum) into Emath.
dimisitque eos ut in ipsis experiretur Israhelem utrum audiret mandata Domini quae praeceperat patribus eorum per manum Mosi an non
And he left them (dimisitque eos), so that (ut) Israel itself (ipsis Israhelem) could be put to the test (experiretur—passive). Whether (utrum) it would hear (audiret—3rd singular future—it has to be referring to Israel) the mandate/laws/commandments of the Lord (the Lord’s mandate? Domini seems to be dative), which (quae) he had warned (praeceperat) their fathers, by the hand of Moses (per manum Mosi), or not (an non).
itaque filii Israhel habitaverunt in medio Chananei et Hetthei et Amorrei et Ferezei et Evei et Iebusei
And so (itaque) the sons of Israel (filii Israhel) lived in the middle of the Chanaanite (in medio Chananei), and the Hethite, and the Amorrhite, and the Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite:
et duxerunt uxores filias eorum ipsique filias suas eorum filiis tradiderunt et servierunt diis eorum
And they commanded/led (duxerunt) their daughters (eorum filias—accusative feminine) wives (as wives? to be their wives? Uxores), and they themselves (ipsique) handed over (tradiderunt) to their sons (eorum filiis) their own daughters (filias suas), and they served (et servierunt) their gods (diis eorum).
feceruntque malum in conspectu Domini et obliti sunt Dei sui servientes Baalim et Astharoth
And they did evil (feceruntque malum) in the sight of the Lord (in conspectu Domini), and they forgot (et obliti sunt) their own God (Dei sui), serving (servientes—present active?) Baalim and Astaroth.
iratusque Dominus contra Israhel tradidit eos in manus Chusanrasathaim regis Mesopotamiae servieruntque ei octo annis
And being angry with Israel (iratusque contra Israhel), the Lord surrendered/delivered (Dominus tradidit) them (eos) into the hands of Chusan Rasathaim, king of Mesopotamia (regis Mesopotamiae), and they served him (servieruntque ei) eight years.
et clamaverunt ad Dominum qui suscitavit eis salvatorem et liberavit eos Othonihel videlicet filium Cenez fratrem Chaleb minorem
And they shouted out (et clamaverunt) to the Lord (ad Dominum), who raised (roused? suscitavit) them (eis) a saviour (salvatorem), and freed/liberated them (liberavit eos): Othoniel, clearly (videlicet) the son of Cenez, the younger brother (fratrEM minorEM) of Caleb:
fuitque in eo spiritus Domini et iudicavit Israhel egressusque est ad pugnam et tradidit Dominus in manu eius Chusanrasathaim regem Syriae et oppressit eum
And the spirit of the Lord was in him (spiritus Domini fuitque in eo), and he judged Israel (et iudicavit Israhel). And he marched out (confused—I think egressus est is perfect passive, but “he was marched out” sounds stupid) to battle/fight (ad pugnam), and the Lord delivered/surrendered (et Dominus tradidit) into their hands (in manu eius) Chusan Rasathaim, king of Syria (regem Syriae), and he overthrew him (et oppressit eum):
quievitque terra quadraginta annis et mortuus est Othonihel filius Cenez
And the land rested/was at peace (quievitque terra) forty years (quadraginta annis), and Othoniel, the son of Cenez, died (mortuus est).
addiderunt autem filii Israhel facere malum in conspectu Domini qui confortavit adversum eos Eglon regem Moab quia fecerunt malum in conspectu eius
I have no idea what/where addiderunt (they added/inserted) is supposed to be doing here…
But (autem) the children of Israel to make (facere) evil in the sight of the Lord (filii Israhel malum in conspectu Domini): who fortified (qui confortavit) against them (adversum eos) Eglon, king of Moab: because (quia) they did evil in his sight (fecerunt malum in conspectu eius).
et copulavit ei filios Ammon et Amalech abiitque et percussit Israhel atque possedit urbem Palmarum
And he connected (et copulavit—sense: alliance? I think this is Moab) to him (ei) the sons of Ammon, and Amalec (filios Ammon et Amalech): and he went and beat Israel (abiitque et percussit Israhel), and seized (atque possedit) the city of palms (urbem Palmarum).
servieruntque filii Israhel Eglon regi Moab decem et octo annis
And the children of Israel served Eglon (filii Israhel servieruntque Eglon), king of Moab (regi Moab), eighteen years (decem et octo annis).
et postea clamaverunt ad Dominum qui suscitavit eis salvatorem vocabulo Ahoth filium Gera filii Iemini qui utraque manu utebatur pro dextera miseruntque filii Israhel per illum munera Eglon regi Moab
And afterwards (et postea) they shouted out (clamaverunt) to the Lord (ad Dominum), who raised (roused?? suscitavit) them a saviour (salvatorem), called (vocabulo) Aod, the son of Cera, the son of Jemini, who, no matter which (utraque) hand was being used (manu utebatur—passive), [it was] like (pro) the right hand (dextera). And the children of Israel, during that time (per illum) sent presents/duty (filii Israhel per illum miseruntque munera) to Eglon, king of Moab.
qui fecit sibi gladium ancipitem habentem in medio capulum longitudinis palmae manus et accinctus est eo subter sagum in dextro femore
Who himself made (qui sibi fecit) a two-headed sword (gladium ancipitem), that had (habentem?) in the middle (in medio) of the length (longitudinis) of the palm of a hand (palmae manus) a sword hilt (capulum), and it was surrounded/equipped (accinctus est) there (eo), under his cloak (subter sagum) on the right hand (in dextro) of his thigh (femore)