Page Eighteen Flashcards
qui vocavit cito armigerum suum et ait ad eum evagina gladium tuum et percute me ne forte dicatur quod a femina interfectus sim qui iussa perficiens interfecit eum
Who quickly called his armor bearer/squire (qui vocavit cito armigerum suum) and said to him (et ait ad eum), unsheath your sword (evagina gladium tuum) and strike me (et percute me), lest by chance it be said (ne forte dicatur) that I was killed by a woman (quod a femina interfectus sim). He completed/finished as ordered (qui iussa perficiens). He killed him (interfecit eum).
illoque mortuo omnes qui cum eo erant de Israhel reversi sunt in sedes suas
And there he was dead (illoque mortuo). All who were with him from Israel returned (omnes qui cum eo erant de Israhel reversi sunt) to their homes (in sedes—home/settlement—suas)
et reddidit Deus malum quod fecerat Abimelech contra patrem suum interfectis septuaginta fratribus suis
And God paid back the evil that Abimelech had done against his father (et reddidit Deus malum quod fecerat Abimelech contra patrem suum), killing seventy of his brothers (interfectis septuaginta fratribus suis).
Sycimitis quoque quod operati erant retributum est et venit super eos maledictio Ioatham filii Hierobbaal
The Sichemites who worked [?] also were rewarded (Sycimitis quoque quod operati erant retributum est) and the curse of Joatham, son of Jerobaal, came upon them (et venit super eos maledictio Ioatham filii Hierobbaal).
post Abimelech surrexit dux in Israhel Thola filius Phoa patrui Abimelech vir de Isachar qui habitavit in Sanir montis Ephraim
After Abimelech, there rose a leader in Israel (post Abimelech surrexit dux in Israhel), Thola, son of Phoa, paternal uncle of Abimelech (Thola filius Phoa patrui Abimelech), a man of Isachar who lived in Sanir on Mount Ephraim (vir de Isachar qui habitavit in Sanir montis Ephraim).
et iudicavit Israhel viginti et tribus annis mortuusque ac sepultus est in Sanir
And he judged Israel twenty and three years (et iudicavit Israhel viginti et tribus annis), and he died and was buried in Sanir (mortuusque ac sepultus est in Sanir).
huic successit Iair Galaadites qui iudicavit Israhel per viginti et duos annos
This (huic—to him?) succeeded Jair, the Galaadite (successit Iair Galaadites), who judged Israel for twenty and two years (qui iudicavit Israhel per viginti et duos annos).
habens triginta filios sedentes super triginta pullos asinarum et principes triginta civitatum quae ex nomine eius appellatae sunt Avothiair id est oppida Iair usque in praesentem diem in terra Galaad
Having thirty sons sitting upon thirty dark-colored asses (habens triginta filios sedentes super triginta pullos asinarum) and princes of thirty cities (et principes triginta civitatum) which, out of his name were called (quae ex nomine eius appellatae sunt) Avothiair. It is the towns of Jair (id est oppida Iair) all the way into the present day in the land of Galaad (usque in praesentem diem in terra Galaad).
mortuusque est Iair ac sepultus in loco cui est vocabulum Camon
And Jair died, and was buried (mortuusque est Iair ac sepultus) in the place which was called Camon (in loco cui est vocabulum Camon).
filii autem Israhel peccatis veteribus iungentes nova fecerunt malum in conspectu Domini et servierunt idolis Baalim et Astharoth et diis Syriae ac Sidonis et Moab et filiorum Ammon et Philisthim dimiseruntque Dominum et non colebant eum
The sons of Israel, however (filii autem Israhel), joining old sins to new (peccatis veteribus iungentes nova), did evil in the sight of the Lord and served the idols of Baalim and Astharoth (fecerunt malum in conspectu Domini et servierunt idolis Baalim et Astharoth) and the gods of Syria and Sidon and Moab and of the sons of Ammon, and of the Philistines (et diis Syriae ac Sidonis et Moab et filiorum Ammon et Philisthim) and they abandoned the Lord (dimiseruntque Dominum) and they did not worship him (et non colebant eum).
contra quos iratus tradidit eos in manu Philisthim et filiorum Ammon
Being angry against them (contra quos iratus), he delivered them (tradidit eos—the Lord is the he) into the hands of the Philistines and the sons of Ammon (in manu Philisthim et filiorum Ammon)
adflictique sunt et vehementer oppressi per annos decem et octo omnes qui habitabant trans Iordanem in terra Amorrei quae est in Galaad
And they were afflicted and vehemently oppressed for ten and eight years (adflictique sunt et vehementer oppressi per annos decem et octo), all they who lived (omnes qui havitabaNT) across the Jordan in the land of the Amorrhite (trans Iordanem in terra Amorrei), which is in Galaad (quae est in Galaad).
in tantum ut filii Ammon Iordane transmisso vastarent Iudam et Beniamin et Ephraim adflictusque est Israhel nimis
Insomuch (in tantum—tantum is so’s weird) that the sons of Ammon, crossing the Jordan (ut filii Ammon Iordane transmisso), devastated Juda and Benjamin and Ephraim (vastarent Iudam et Beniamen et Ephraim) and Israel was exceedingly afflicted (adflictusque est Israhel nimis)
et clamantes ad Dominum dixerunt peccavimus tibi quia dereliquimus Deum nostrum et servivimus Baalim
And, crying to the Lord, they said (et clamantes ad Dominum dixerunt): we have sinned [against] you (peccavimus tibi—against is understood), because we all have abandoned our God (quia dereliquimus Deum nostrum) and we have served Baalim (et servivimus Baalim).
quibus locutus est Dominus numquid non Aegyptii et Amorrei filiique Ammon et Philisthim
Which/and the Lord said (quibus locutus est Dominus): is it not possible that (numquid non) the Egyptians and the Amorrhites, and the sons of Ammon and the Philistines (Aegyptii et Amorrei filiique Ammon et Philisthim)
Sidonii quoque et Amalech et Chanaan oppresserunt vos et clamastis ad me et erui vos de manu eorum
The Sidonians also and Amalech and Chanaan (Sidonii quoque et Amalech et Chanaan) oppressed you and you cried to me (oppresserunt vos et clamastis ad me) and I plucked you (et erui vos) from their hand (de manu eorum)?
et tamen reliquistis me et coluistis deos alienos idcirco non addam ut ultra vos liberem
And yet (et tamen) you have left me and worshipped alien gods (reliquistis me et coluistis deos alienos). Therefore (idcirco), I will not free you (non…vos liberem) more (ultra. I have “addam ut” left over and it is really confusing. It’s literally add/insert/bring/in addition)
ite et invocate deos quos elegistis ipsi vos liberent in tempore angustiae
Go and call upon the gods (ite et invocate deos) which you all have chosen (quos elegistis). They themselves will free you (ipsi vos libereNT) in this time of difficulties (in tempore angustiae).
dixeruntque filii Israhel ad Dominum peccavimus redde tu nobis quicquid tibi placet tantum nunc libera nos
And the sons of Israel said to the Lord (dixeruntque filii Israhel ad Dominum): We all have sinned (peccavimus). You render to us (redde tu nobis) whatsoever placates you (quicquid tibi placet). Only free us now (tantum nunc libera nos—Tantum can mean “only”).
quae dicentes omnia de finibus suis alienorum deorum idola proiecerunt et servierunt Deo qui doluit super miseriis eorum
Who, saying all [these things] (quae dicentes omnia), they threw down (proiecerunt) the idols of their alien gods from their borders/land (de finibus suis alienorum deorum idola) and they served God, who was grieved upon/concerning their miseries (qui doluit super miseriis eorum)