Page Nine Flashcards
et apud eos figentes tentoria sicut erant in herbis cuncta vastabant usque ad introitum Gazae nihilque omnino ad vitam pertinens relinquebant in Israhel non oves non boves non asinos
And among them (et apud eos), establishing tents (figentes tentoria), they ravaged all [things] (Vastabant cuncta) as if they were in the grass (sicut erant in herbis) all the way to the entrance of Gaza (usque ad introitum Gazae): and they left entirely nothing behind (relinquebant omnino nihilque) in Israel related to life (in Israhel pertinens ad vitam): Not sheep, not oxen, not asses (non oves, non boves, non asinos).
ipsi enim et universi greges eorum veniebant cum tabernaculis et instar lucustarum universa conplebant innumera multitudo hominum et camelorum quicquid tetigerant devastantes
In fact, they themselves and their entire flock (enim ipsi et eorum universi greges) came with their tents (veniebant cum tabernaculis) and in the image of locusts, they finished/filled all (et instar lucustarum, conplebant universa), an innumerable multitude of men (innumera multitudo hominum), and of camels (et camelorum), laying waste (devastantes) to whatever they touched (quicquid tetigerant).
humiliatusque est Israhel valde in conspectu Madian
And Israel was humiliated/humbled intensely (Israhel humiliatusque est valde) in the sight of Madian (in conspectu Madian).
et clamavit ad Dominum postulans auxilium contra Madianitas
And he cried out to the Lord (et clamavit ad Dominum), praying for help against the Madianites (postulans auxilium contra Madianitas).
qui misit ad eos virum prophetam et locutus est haec dicit Dominus Deus Israhel ego vos feci conscendere de Aegypto et eduxi de domo servitutis
Whereby He sent to them a man, a prophet, (qui misit ad eos virum, prophetam) and he spoke (et locutus est): The Lord, God of Israel, said this (Dominus, Deus Israhel, dicit haec): I made you to climb up (ego feci vos conscendERE) out of Egypt and led you out of the house of slavery/servitude (de Aegypto et educi do domo servitutis).
et liberavi de manu Aegyptiorum et omnium inimicorum qui adfligebant vos eiecique eos ad introitum vestrum et tradidi vobis terram eorum
And freed/liberated [you] from the hands of the Egyptians (et liberavi de many Aegyptiorum) and all of the enemies that afflicted you (et omnium inimicorum qui adfligebant vos): And I cast them out at your entrance and delivered you their land (eiecique eos ad introitum vestrum et tradidi vobis terram eorum).
et dixi ego Dominus Deus vester ne timeatis deos Amorreorum in quorum terra habitatis et noluistis audire vocem meam
And I said: I am the Lord, your God (et dixi: ego Dominus Deus vester), you (pl) do not fear the gods of the Amorrhites (ne timeaTIS deos Amorreorum), in whose land you live (in quorum terra habitatis). And you all were unwilling to hear my voice (et noluisTIS audire meam vocem).
venit autem angelus Domini et sedit sub quercu quae erat in Ephra et pertinebat ad Ioas patrem familiae Ezri cumque Gedeon filius eius excuteret atque purgaret frumenta in torculari ut fugeret Madian
However (autem) an angel of the Lord came and sat (angelus Domini venit et sedit) under an oak tree (sub quercu) which was in Ephra (quae erat in Ephra) and was related to (belonged to?) Joas (et pertinebat ad Ioas), father of the family of Ezri (patrem familiae Ezri), and when (cumque) Gedeon, his son, was shaking out and purging grain/crops (Gedeon, eius filius, excuteret atque purgaret frumenta) in the pressing room (in torculari) to run away from Madian (ut fugeret Madian),
apparuit ei et ait Dominus tecum virorum fortissime
He appeared to him (apparuit ei) and said (et ait) the Lord [is] with you, most mighty of men (Dominus tecum, fortissime virorum).
dixitque ei Gedeon obsecro Domine si Dominus nobiscum est cur adprehenderunt nos haec omnia ubi sunt mirabilia eius quae narraverunt patres nostri atque dixerunt de Aegypto eduxit nos Dominus nunc autem dereliquit nos et tradidit in manibus Madian
And Gedeon said to him (Gedeon dixitque ei), I implore [you] (obsecro), Lord (Domine), if the Lord is with us (si Dominus est nobiscum), why (cur) have all these (omnia haec—bad things? Implied?) overtaken us (adprehenderunt nos)? Where are (ubi sunt) his miracles (eius mirabilia), which our fathers narrated to us (quae patres narraverunt nostri) and they said, the Lord lead us out of Egypt (atque dixerunt Dominus eduxit nos de Aegypto), but (autem) now he abandonded us (nunc dereliquit nos) and delivered [us] into the hand of Madian (et tradidit in minibus Madian).
respexitque ad eum Dominus et ait vade in hac fortitudine tua et liberabis Israhel de manu Madian scito quod miserim te
And the Lord looked back to him (Dominus respexitque ad eum) and he said, go (et ait vade), in this your strength/courage (in hac tua fortitudine), and you will free Israel (et liberaBIS Israhel) from the hand of Madian (de manu Madrian). Know that I have sent you (scito quod miseriM te).
qui respondens ait obsecro Domine mi in quo liberabo Israhel ecce familia mea infima est in Manasse et ego minimus in domo patris mei
He answered and said (respondens qui ait), I beseech, my Lord (obsecro mi Domine), In where (in quo—where/how?) will I free Israel? Behold (ecce), my family is the lowest (mea familia infima est) in Manassas (in manasse) and I am the smallest in the house of my father (et ego minimus in mei patris domo).
dixitque ei Dominus ego ero tecum et percuties Madian quasi unum virum
And the Lord said to him (dixitque ei Dominus), I will be with you (eg ero tecum—ero is future to be), and you shall beat (percuties) Madian just as if (quasi) [it were?] one man (unum virum).
et ille si inveni inquit gratiam coram te da mihi signum quod tu sis qui loquaris ad me
And [implied he said?] that (et ille) if I have discovered (si inveni—I at the end is nominative?) favor/esteem, it is said (?) (inquit gratiam) before you (coram te), give me a sign (da mihi signum) that it is you (quod sis tu) who speaks to me (loquaris—passive—ad me).
ne recedas hinc donec revertar ad te portans sacrificium et offerens tibi qui respondit ego praestolabor adventum tuum
Go not back (ne recedas), henceforth (hinc), until I return to you (donec revertar ad te). Bring a sacrifice and present yourself (portans sacrificium et offerens tibi). And he responded (qui respondit), I will wait (ego praestolabor) your arrival (tuum adventum).
ingressus est itaque Gedeon et coxit hedum et de farinae modio azymos panes carnesque ponens in canistro et ius carnium mittens in ollam tulit omnia sub quercum et obtulit ei
And so Gedeon entered (itaque Gedeon ingressus est), and cooked a young goat (et coxit hedum) and from flour (et de farinae) [made] a peck of unleavened bread (modio azymos panes). And, putting the meat (ponens carnesque) into a wicker basket (in canistro) and the broth of the meat (et ius carnium) cast into a pot (mittens in ollam), he brought all under the oak tree and offered it to him (Tulit omnia sub quercum et obtulit ei)
cui dixit angelus Domini tolle carnes et panes azymos et pone super petram illam et ius desuper funde cumque fecisset ita
And (no fucking idea how—Cui doesn’t translate as that, but what it DOES translate as makes no sense with what’s left) the angel of the Lord said (angelus Domini dixit), lift the meat (tolle carnes), and the unleavened bread (et azymos panes) and place [them] above (et pone super) that rock (petram illam) and the broth pour from above (et ius funde desuper). And when he had done thus (cumque fecisset ita),