Page Seven Flashcards
dixitque Sisara ad eam sta ante ostium tabernaculi et cum venerit aliquis interrogans te et dicens numquid hic est aliquis respondebis nullus est
And Sisara said to her (Sisara dixitque ad eam), stand before the doorway of the tent (sta ante ostium tabernaculi), and when (et cum) anyone will come (aliquis venerit) asking of you and saying (interrogans te et dicens), “Is it possible (numquid) another man is here (aliquis est hic)?” Answer, “There is none” (respondebis nullus est).
tulit itaque Iahel uxor Aber clavum tabernaculi
adsumens pariter malleum et ingressa abscondite et cum silentio posuit supra tempus capitis eius clavum percussumque malleo defixit in cerebrum usque ad terram qui soporem morti socians defecit et mortuus est
And so (itaque) Jahel, wife of Haber, brought a nail of the tent (Iahel, uxor Aber, tulit—brought—clavum—nail—tabernaculi). Using together a mallet (adsummens pariter malleum), and advancing concealed and with silence (et ingressa abscondite et cum silentio), she put the nail above the temples of his head (Posuit clavum supra tempus eius capitis) and, striking with the mallet (percussumque malleo), buried it in his brain (defixit in cerebrum) all the way to the ground (usque ad terram). Whereby joining deep sleep and death (qui socians soporem morti), he waned (defecit) and was dead (et mortuus est).
et ecce Barac sequens Sisaram veniebat egressaque Iahel in occursum eius dixit ei veni et ostendam tibi virum quem quaeris qui cum intrasset ad eam vidit Sisaram iacentem mortuum et clavum infixum in tempore eius
And behold (et ecce)! Barac came following Sisara (Barac veniebat sequens Sisaram). And Jahel went out (Iahel egressaque) to meet him (occursum eius). She said to him, come and I will show you (dixit ei veni et ostendam tibi) the man whom you seek (virum quem quaeris—search for or seek). Whereby (qui), when he entered into her (cum intrasset ad eam—into her tent? Is tent understood here?), he saw Sisara, lying dead (vidit Sisaram iacentem mortuum) and the nail fastened in his temples (et clavum infixium in tempore eius)
humiliavit ergo Deus in die illo Iabin regem Chanaan coram filiis Israhel
God, therefore, humbled (Deus ergo humiliavit) Jabin, King of Chanaan (Iabin regem Chanaan) on that day (in die illo) before the sons of Israel (coram filiis Israhel),
qui crescebant cotidie et forti manu opprimebant Iabin regem Chanaan donec delerent eum
Who thrived daily (qui crescebant cotidie) and with a strong hand (et forti manu), they overthrew Jabin, king of Chanaan (opprimebant Iabin regem Chanaan) until (donec) they destroyed him (delerent eum).
cecineruntque Debbora et Barac filius Abinoem in die illo dicentes
And Debbora and Barac, son of Abinoem sang/celebrated (Debbora et Barac filius Abinoem cecineruntque) on that day (in die illo), saying (dicentes—tense?)
qui sponte obtulistis de Israhel animas vestras ad periculum benedicite Domino
You of Israel, that voluntarily offered (de Israhel qui sponte obtulistis—you all because of TIS) your souls/lives (animas vestras) to danger (ad periculum), bless/praise the Lord (benedicite Domino).
audite reges percipite auribus principes
ego sum ego sum quae Domino canam psallam Domino Deo Israhel
Hear (audite—the te makes it imperative), kings, perceive with ear, princes (percipite auribus, principes): It is I, It is I (ego sum ego sum) who will sing the psalms to the Lord (quae canam psallam Domino), the Lord, God of Israel (Domino Deo Israhel).
Domine cum exires de Seir et transires per regiones Edom terra mota est caelique ac nubes stillaverunt aquis
Lord, when you moved out of Seir (Domine, cum exireS de Seir) and crossed through the regions of Edom (et transires per regiones Edom), the earth shook (terra mota est) and heaven and the clouds (caelique ac nubes) dropped water (stillaverunt aquis).
montes fluxerunt a facie Domini et Sinai a facie Domini Dei Israhel
The mountains flowed (montes fluxerunt—melted?) before the face of the Lord (a facie Domini) and Sinai before the face of the Lord, God of Israel (et Sinai a facie Domini Dei Israhel).
in diebus Samgar filii Anath in diebus Iahel quieverunt semitae et qui ingrediebantur per eas ambulaverunt per calles devios
In the days of Samgar, the son of Anath (In diebus Samgar filii Anath), in the days of Jahel (in diebus Iahel), the paths were at peace (semitae quieverunt): and they that advanced (et qui ingrediebantur) by them (per eas), walked through straying mountain passes (ambulaverunt per devios calles).
cessaverunt fortes in Israhel et quieverunt donec surgeret Debbora surgeret mater in Israhel
Powerful [men] held back/ceased (fortes cessaverunt) in Israel, and they rested while Debbora rose/grew (et quieverunt donec Debbora surgeret), a mother rose/grew in Israel (mater surgeret in Israhel).
nova bella elegit Dominus et portas hostium ipse subvertit clypeus et hasta si apparuerint in quadraginta milibus Israhel
The Lord picked out new wars (Dominus elegit nova bella) and he himself (et ipse) overthrew the gates of the enemies (subvertit portas hostium). An embossed shield and spear was not visible (clypeus et hasta si apparuerint—I have no idea why “Si” is “not”, but a few translations made it seem thus) in forty thousand of Israel (in quadraginta milibus Israhel).
cor meum diligit principes Israhel qui propria voluntate obtulistis vos discrimini benedicite Domino
My heart loves (meum cor diligit) the Princes of Israel (principes Israhel), that, of your own good will (qui propria voluntate), offered yourselves (obtulisTIS vos—plural 2nd person) to crisis/division (discrimini), bless the Lord (benedicite Domino).
qui ascenditis super nitentes asinos et sedetis in iudicio et ambulatis in via loquimini
You that climb up (qui ascendiTIS) upon glittering asses (super nitentes asinos) and you that sit in judgement (et sedeTIS iudicio) and you that walk in the way (et ambulaTIS in via), Speak.
ubi conlisi sunt currus et hostium est suffocatus exercitus ibi narrentur iustitiae Domini et clementia in fortes Israhel tunc descendit populus Domini ad portas et obtinuit principatum
Where the chariots were dashed together (ubi currus conlisi sunt), and the army of the enemies (et exercitus hostium) was strangled (est suffocatus), there the justices of the Lord were told (ibi iustitiae Domini narrentur), and mercy to the powerful men of Israel (et clementia in fortes Israhel). At that time (tunc), the people of the Lord went down to the gates (populus Domini descendit ad portas) and obtained the rule/first place (et obtinuit principatum).
surge surge Debbora surge surge et loquere canticum surge Barac et adprehende captivos tuos fili Abinoem
Arise, arise, Debbora, arise, arise (surge surge Debbora surge surge), and speak a canticle/song (et loquere canticum). Arise, Barac, and seize upon your prisoners of war (surge Barac et adprehende tuos captivos), son of Abinoem (fili abinoem).
salvatae sunt reliquiae populi Dominus in fortibus dimicavit
The remains of the people (reliquiae populi) are saved (salvatae sunt), the Lord had fought (Dominus dimicavit) among the powerful (in fortibus).
ex Ephraim delevit eos in Amalech et post eum ex Beniamin in populos tuos o Amalech de Machir principes descenderunt et de Zabulon qui exercitum ducerent ad bellandum
Out of Ephraim he destroyed them in Amalec (ex Ephraim dlevit eos in Amalech), and after him out of Benjamin in your people, O Amalec (et post eum ex Beniamin in populos tuos O Amalech): Away from Machir, princes came down (de Machir, principes descenderunt), and away from Zabulon that they led (et de Zabulon qui ducerent) the army to wage war (exercitum ad bellandum).