Page Twenty Nine Flashcards
interrogatus est ab eo unde venis qui respondit Levita sum de Bethleem Iuda et vado ut habitem ubi potuero et utile mihi esse perspexero
He was asked by him (interrogatus est ab eo), from whence do you come (unde veniS)? Who responded, I am a Levite of Bethlehem Juda (qui respondit Levita sum de Bethleem Iuda), and I come that I might live where I am able (et vado ut habitem ubi potuero) and observe to be (esse perspexero) advantageous to me (utile mihi).
mane inquit apud me et esto mihi parens ac sacerdos daboque tibi per annos singulos decem argenteos ac vestem duplicem et quae ad victum necessaria sunt
He said remain near me (mane inquit apud me) and be to me parent and priest (et esto mihi parens ac sacerdos) and I will give to you each single year (daboque tibi per annos singulos) ten silver pieces (decem argenteos) and double garments (ac vestem duplicem) and whatever is/are necessary to life (et quae ad victum necessaria sunt).
adquievit et mansit apud hominem fuitque illi quasi unus de filiis
He was quiet and remained near the man (adquievit et mansit apud hominem) and he was that just as one of [his] sons (fuitque illi quasi unus de filiis).
implevitque Micha manum eius et habuit apud se puerum sacerdotem
And Micha filled his hand (implevitque Micha manum eius) and he had the boy near himself as priest (et habuit apud se puerum sacerdotem)
nunc scio dicens quod bene mihi faciat Deus habenti levitici generis sacerdotem
Saying that (dicens quod) now I know God will do good to me (nunc scio…bene mihi faciat Deus), having a priest (habenti…sacerdotem) of the race of the Levites (levitici generis).
in diebus illis non erat rex in Israhel et tribus Dan quaerebat possessionem sibi ut habitaret in ea usque ad illum enim diem inter ceteras tribus sortem non acceperat
In those days, there was no king in Israel, and the Tribe of Dan sought (in diebus illis non erat rex in Israhel et tribus Dan quaerebat) possession/property for itself (possessionem sibi) that it might live in it (ut habitaret in ea). Indeed, all the way to that day (usque ad illum enim diem), it had not received its lot (sortem non acceperat) among the other tribes (inter ceteras tribus).
miserunt igitur filii Dan stirpis et familiae suae quinque viros fortissimos de Saraa et Esthaol ut explorarent terram et diligenter inspicerent dixeruntque eis ite et considerate terram qui cum pergentes venissent in montem Ephraim et intrassent domum Micha requieverunt ibi
The sons of Dan therefore sent (miserunt igitur filii Dan) five most brave men (quinque viros fortissimos) of their race and family (stirpis et familiae suae) from Saraa and Esthaol (de Saraa et Esthaol) that they might explore the land and diligently inspect [it] (ut explorarent terram et diligenter inspicerent). And they said to them (dixeruntque eis) go and examine the land (ite et considerate terram). Who, when proceeding, came into Mount Ephraim (qui cum pergentes venissent in montem Ephraim) and entered the house of Micha (et intrassent domum Micha). They rested there (requieverunt ibi).
et agnoscentes vocem adulescentis Levitae utentesque illius diversorio dixerunt ad eum quis te huc adduxit quid hic agis quam ob causam huc venire voluisti
And recognizing the voice of the youth (et agnoscentes vocem adulescentis) the Levite, and enjoying the friendship of (Levitae utentesque) that inn/lodging house (illius diversorio), they said to him, who brought you here (dixerunt ad eum quis te huc adduxit)? What urged this (quid hic agis)? For the sake of what cause (quam ob causam) were you willing to come here (huc venire voluisti)?
qui respondit eis haec et haec praestitit mihi Michas et me mercede conduxit ut sim ei sacerdos
Who answered them (qui respondit eis), Michas has supplied (praestitit…Michas) this and that to me (haec et haec…mihi), and, in recompense (et…mercede), he has employed me (me…conduxit) that I might be priest to him (ut sim ei sacerdos)
rogaveruntque eum ut consuleret Dominum et scire possent an prospero itinere pergerent et res haberet effectum
And they asked him that he might consult the Lord (rogaveruntque eum ut consuleret Dominum) and they would be able to know (et scire possEnt) whether (an) they would proceed on a prosperous journey (prospero itinere pergerent) and the thing would have effect (et res haberet effectum).
qui respondit eis ite cum pace Dominus respicit viam vestram et iter quo pergitis
Who responded to them (qui respondit eis), go with peace (ite cum pace). The Lord looks [back?] on your road/way (Dominus respicit viam vestram), and the journey on which you proceed (et iter quo pergitis).
euntes itaque quinque viri venerunt Lais videruntque populum habitantem in ea absque ullo timore iuxta Sidoniorum consuetudinem securum et quietum nullo eis penitus resistente magnarumque opum et procul a Sidone atque a cunctis hominibus separatum
And thus advancing (euntes itaque), the five men came to Lais (quinque viri venerunt Lais). And they saw the people living in it without any fear (videruntque populum habitantem in ea absque ullo timore), next to the custom of the Sidonians (iuxta Sidoniorum consuetudinem), secure and quiet (securum et quietum), nobody inside to resist them (nullo eis penitus resistente), and great in power (magnarumque opum). And separated (et…separatum) at a distance from Sidon and from all men (procul a Sidone atque a cunctis hominibus).
reversique ad fratres suos in Saraa et Esthaol et quid egissent sciscitantibus responderunt
And returning to their brothers in Saraa and Esthaol (reversique ad fratres suos in Saraa et Esthaol), and they urged (et quid egissent) questioning [what they had done?—this one is really confusing] (sciscitantibus). They responded (responderunt):
surgite et ascendamus ad eos vidimus enim terram valde opulentam et uberem nolite neglegere nolite cessare eamus et possideamus eam nullus erit labor
Rise, and let us climb up to them (surgite et ascendamus—subjunctive—ad eos). We have indeed seen a land greatly wealthy/opulent and fertile (vidimus enim terram valde opulentam et uberem). Be unwilling to disregard, unwilling to delay (nolite neglegere nolite cessare). Let us go and seize it (eamus et possideamus eam—interesting translation note—Possideamus can also be translated as “inherit.”). There will be no effort/hardship (nullus erit labor).
intrabimus ad securos in regionem latissimam tradetque nobis Dominus locum in quo nullius rei est penuria eorum quae gignuntur in terra
We will enter into a region to untroubled, spacious [country] (intrabimus ad securos in regionem latissimam). And the Lord will deliver that place to us (tradEtque nobis Dominus locum) in which there is no want of any thing (in quo nullius rei est penuria eorum—penuria is “want”) that is brought forth from the land (quae gignuntur in terra).
profecti igitur sunt de cognatione Dan id est de Saraa et Esthaol sescenti viri accincti armis bellicis
They departed, therefore from the blood relations of Dan (profecti igitur sunt de cognatione Dan), it was, from Saraa and Esthaol (id est de Saraa et Esthaol) six hundred men, well girded with arms of war (sescenti viri accincti armis bellicis).
ascendentesque manserunt in Cariathiarim Iudae qui locus ex eo tempore castrorum Dan nomen accepit et est post tergum Cariathiarim
And rising up, they waited in Cariathiarim of Juda (ascenentesque manserunt in Cariathiarim IudaE), that place, out of that time (qui locus ex eo tempore) received the name the camp of Dan (castrorum Dan nomen accepit) and it was behind the far side of Cariathiarim (et est post—behind—tergum—far side–Cariathiarim).
inde transierunt in montem Ephraim cumque venissent ad domum Micha
From thence, they crossed into Mount Ephraim (inde transierunt in montem Ephraim), and when they came to the house of Micha (cumque venissent ad domum Micha)…