Page Fifteen Flashcards
locutique sunt fratres matris eius de eo ad omnes viros Sychem universos sermones istos et inclinaverunt cor eorum post Abimelech dicentes frater noster est
And his mother’s brethren spoke (locutique sunt fraters matris eius) of him to all the men of Sichem (de eo ad omnes viros Sychem), all those words (universos sermons istos), and they inclined their hearts (et inclinaverunt cor eorum) after Abimelech, saying: He is our brother (post Abimelech dicentes frater noster est):
dederuntque illi septuaginta pondo argenti de fano Baalbrith qui conduxit sibi ex eo viros inopes et vagos secutique sunt eum
And they gave that [man] (dederuntque illi) seventy by weight of silver (septuaginta pondo argenti) from the temple (de fano) of Baalbrith. Whereby he employed/hired to himself (qui conduxit sibi) out of them (ex eo) men [that were] weak/needy (viros inopes) and wandering (et vagos) and they followed him (secutique sunt eum).
et venit in domum patris sui Ephra et occidit fratres suos filios Hierobbaal septuaginta viros super lapidem unum remansitque Ioatham filius Hierobbaal minimus et absconditus est
And he came into his own father’s house in Ephra (et venit in domum patris sui Ephra), and he killed his own brothers, the sons of Jerobaal (et occidit fratres suos filios Hierobbaal), seventy men, upon one stone (septuaginta viros super lapidem unum). And there remained Joatham, youngest son of Hierobbaal (remansitque Ioatham filius Hierobbaal minimus), and he was hidden (et absconditus est.)
congregati sunt autem omnes viri Sychem et universae familiae urbis Mello abieruntque et constituerunt regem Abimelech iuxta quercum quae stabat in Sychem
However, all the men of Sichem were gathered together (autem, omnes viri Sychem congregati sunt) and all the families of the city of Mello (et universae familiae urbis Mello). And they departed and decreed Abimelech king (abieruntque et constituerunt regem Abimelech), next to the oak tree that stood in Sichem (iuxta quercum quae stabat in Sychem).
quod cum nuntiatum esset Ioatham ivit et stetit in vertice montis Garizim elevataque voce clamavit et dixit audite me viri Sychem ita audiat vos Deus
And when (quod cum) it was announced to Joatham (nuntiatum esset Ioatham), he went and he stood (ivit et stetit) on the summit of Mount Garizim (in vertice montis Garizim). And lifting up his voice (elevataque voce), he cried and he said, hear me, men of Sichem (clamavit et dixit audite me viri Sychem), thus/so (ita) God may hear you (audiat vos Deus).
ierunt ligna ut unguerent super se regem dixeruntque olivae impera nobis
The trees marched (ierunt ligna) that they might annoint (ut unguerent) a king over themselves (super se regem), and they said to the olive tree (dixeruntque olivae), rule over us (impera nobis).
quae respondit numquid possum deserere pinguedinem meam qua et dii utuntur et homines et venire ut inter ligna promovear
It responded (quae respondit), is it possible that I will be able to leave/abandon (numquid possum deserere) my fatness (pinguedinem meam), which both (qua et) gods and men use/enjoy (dii et hominess utuntur), to come that I might be promoted (moved forward) (ut…promovear) between/among the trees (inter ligna)?
dixeruntque ligna ad arborem ficum veni et super nos regnum accipe
And the trees said to the fig tree (dixeruntque ligna ad arborem ficum), come and accept/take (veni et accipe) reign over us (super nos regnum).
quae respondit eis numquid possum deserere dulcedinem meam fructusque suavissimos et ire ut inter cetera ligna commovear
It responded to them (quae respondit eis): is it possible I am able to leave (numquid possum deserere) my sweetness (dulcedinem meam) and my sweet fruit (fructusque suavissimos) and go that I might agitate (et ire ut commovear) among the other trees (inter cetera ligna)?
locuta sunt quoque ligna ad vitem veni et impera nobis
Therefore the trees (quoque ligna) said to the vine (locuta sunt ad vitem): come and rule over us (veni et impera nobis).
quae respondit numquid possum deserere vinum meum quod laetificat Deum et homines et inter ligna cetera commoveri
It responded (quae respondit), is it possible I am able to leave (numquid possum deserere) my wine (vinum meum), which delights God and men (quod laetificat Deum et homines) and be raised (et commoveri) among the other trees (inter ligna cetera)?
dixeruntque omnia ligna ad ramnum veni et impera super nos
And all the trees said to the bramble (dixeruntque omnia ligna ad ramnum), come and rule over us (veni et impera super nos).
quae respondit eis si vere me regem vobis constituitis venite et sub mea umbra requiescite
sin autem non vultis egrediatur ignis de ramno et devoret cedros Libani
It responded to them (quae respondit eis): if, truly, you will establish (si, vere, vobis constituitis) me [as] king (me regem), come and rest (venite et requiescite) under my shade (sub mea umbra). But if, however, you are not willing (sin autem non vultis), let fire come out (egrediatur ignis) from the bramble (de ramno) and devour/consume the cedars of Libanus (et devoret cedros Libani).
nunc igitur si recte et absque peccato constituistis super vos regem Abimelech et bene egistis cum Hierobbaal et cum domo eius et reddidistis vicem beneficiis eius qui pugnavit pro vobis
Now, therefore, if [you are] virtuous (nunc, igitur, si recte) and without sin (et absque peccato), you ordained (constituistis) Abimelech king over you (super vos regem Abimelech) and you have conducted well with Jerobaal (et bene egistis cum Hierobbaal) and with his house (et cum domo eius) and you have delivered a [suitable] exchange (et reddidistis vicem) for the services of him (beneficiis eius) who fought for you (qui pugnavit pro vobis),
et animam suam dedit periculis ut erueret vos de manu Madian
And gave his life (et animam suam dedit) to dangers so that he could pluck you (periculis ut erueret vos) from the hand of Madian (de manu Madian),
qui nunc surrexistis contra domum patris mei et interfecistis filios eius septuaginta viros super unum lapidem et constituistis regem Abimelech filium ancillae eius super habitatores Sychem eo quod frater vester sit
You, who now have risen (qui nunc surrexistis) against the house of my father (contra domum patris mei) and you have killed his sons (et interfecistis filios eius), seventy men (septuaginta viros) upon one stone (super unum lapidem), and you have ordained Abimelech (et constituistis Abimelech), the son of his handmaid (filium ancillae eius), king over the inhabitants of Sichem (regem…super habitatores Sychem), because he is (quod eo sit) your brother (frater vester).
si ergo recte et absque vitio egistis cum Hierobbaal et domo eius hodie laetamini in Abimelech et ille laetetur in vobis
If, therefore (si ergo) you have conducted virtuously (recte…egistis) and without fault (et absque vitio) with Jerobaal and his house (cum Hierobbaal et domo eius), today you will rejoice in Abimelech (hodie laetamini in Abimelech) and that he may rejoice (et ille laetetur) in you (in vobis).