Page Eight Flashcards
duces Isachar fuere cum Debbora et Barac vestigia sunt secuti qui quasi in praeceps ac baratrum se discrimini dedit diviso contra se Ruben magnanimorum repperta contentio est
The leaders of Issachar were with Debbora (duces Isachar fuere cum Debbora), and they followed the steps of Barac (et secuti—followed—vestigial sunt—footsteps—Barac), who gave himself (qui dedit se) to crisis/danger (discrimini), just as (quasi) head first and into hell (praeceps ac baratrum). Ruben, divided against himself (Ruben, diviso contra se), tension was discovered among brave [men] (contentio est repperta magnanimorum).
quare habitas inter duos terminos ut audias sibilos gregum diviso contra se Ruben magnanimorum repperta contentio est
How do you live between two boundaries/borders (quare habitaS inter duos terminos), that you may hear the hissing of the crowd (ut audias sibilos gregum)? Ruben, divided against himself (Ruben diviso contra se), tension was discovered among brave [men] (contentio est repperta magnanimorum).
Galaad trans Iordanem quiescebat et Dan vacabat navibus Aser habitabat in litore maris et in portibus morabatur
Galaad, across the Jordan, rested, and Dan was unoccupied with ships (Galaad trans Iordanem quiescebat, et Dan vacabat navibus). Aser lived on the shore of the sea (Aser habitabat in litore maris) and was staying (et morabatur) in the port/harbor (in portibus).
Zabulon vero et Nepthalim obtulerunt animas suas morti in regione Merome
Zabulon, in truth, and Nephthali offered their own lives/spirits (Zabulon, vero, et Nephthalim obtulerunt animas suas) to death in the region of Merome (morti in regione Merome).
venerunt reges et pugnaverunt pugnaverunt reges Chanaan in Thanach iuxta aquas Mageddo et tamen nihil tulere praedantes
Kings came and they fought (reges venerunt et pugnaverunt). The kings of Chanaan fought (reges Chanaan pugnaverunt) in Thanach next to the waters of Mageddo (in Thanach iuxta aquas Megeddo) and yet they pillaged (et tamen praedantes) nothing to bring (nihil tulere)?—they took nothing? Not sure how tulere fits.
de caelo dimicatum est contra eos stellae manentes in ordine et cursu suo adversum Sisaram pugnaverunt
A fight was made (dimicatum est) against them (contra eos) from the heavens (de caelo). Stars, remaining in row and their run (stellae, manentes in ordine et suo cursu), fought the foe/against (pugnaverunt adversum) Sisaram.
torrens Cison traxit cadavera eorum torrens Cadumim torrens Cison conculca anima mea robustos
The torrent of Cison dragged their corpses (torrens Cison traxit eorum cadavera), the torrent of Cadumim, the torrent of Cison: trample upon (torrens Cadumim, torrens Cison, conculca), my soul (mea anima), the robust/durable men (robustos).
ungulae equorum ceciderunt fugientibus impetu et per praeceps ruentibus fortissimis hostium
The hoofs of the horses were dropping (ungulae equorum ceciderunt) [while] the strongest enemies (fortissimis hostium) fled the attack (fugientibus impetu) and headlong were overthrown (et per praeceps ruentibus).
maledicite terrae Meroz dixit angelus Domini maledicite habitatoribus eius quia non venerunt ad auxilium Domini in adiutorium fortissimorum eius
Curse you, land of Meroz, said the Angel of the Lord (Maledicite terrae Meroz dixit angelus Domini), curse they that live [there] (maledicite eius habitatoribus), because they did not come to assist (quia non venerunt ad auxilium) the Lord in assistance/to help his most mighty [men] (Domini in adiutorium fortissimorum eius).
benedicta inter mulieres Iahel uxor Aber Cinei benedicatur in tabernaculo suo
Blessed among women (benedicta inter mulieres) [is] Jahel, wife of Aber the Cinite (Iahel, uxor Aber Cinei). She is blessed in her own tent (benedicatur in tabernaculo suo).
aquam petenti lac dedit et in fiala principum obtulit butyrum
He begged for water (petenti aquam), she gave milk (dedit lac), and, in a drinking plate for princes (et, in fiala principum), she offered butter (obtulit butyrum).
sinistram manum misit ad clavum et dexteram ad fabrorum malleos percussitque Sisaram quaerens in capite vulneri locum et tempus valide perforans
She sent her left hand to the nail/spike (Misit sinistram manum ad clavum), and her right hand to the workman’s mallet (et dexteram ad fabrorum malleos), and she hit Sisara (percussitque Sisaram), searching un his head for (quaerens in capite) the place of the wound (locum vulneri), and powerfully piercing (et valide perforans) his temples (tempus).
inter pedes eius ruit defecit et mortuus est ante pedes illius volvebatur et iacebat exanimis et miserabilis
Between her feet he was ruined (inter pedes eius ruit), he faltered (defecit), and he died (et mortuus est). He was rolled before those feet (volvebatur ante illius pedes), and he lay [there] lifeless and miserable (et iacebat exanimis et miserabilis).
per fenestram prospiciens ululabat mater eius et de cenaculo loquebatur cur moratur regredi currus eius quare tardaverunt pedes quadrigarum illius
His mother (eius mater), seeing far off (prospiciens) through a window (per fenestram), howled (ululabat), and from the attic/garret (de cenaculo), she had spoken (loquebatur—not sure how the passive works here): Why is his chariot (cur eius currus) delayed in returning (moratur regredi)? Why are the feet (quare pedes) of that four-horse chariot (illius quadrigarum) checked/hindered (tardaverunt)?
una sapientior ceteris uxoribus eius haec socrui verba respondit
One, wiser than the rest of his wives (una, sapientior ceteris eius uxoribus), answered this word (respondit eius verba) to [her] mother in law (socrui):
forsitan nunc dividit spolia et pulcherrima feminarum eligitur ei vestes diversorum colorum Sisarae traduntur in praedam et supellex varia ad ornanda colla congeritur
Perhaps he is now dividing the plunder/spoils (forsitan dividit nunc spolia), and the most beautiful of the women is chosen to him (et pulcherrima feminarum eligitur—chosen—ei). Clothing of opposite/diverse colors (vestes diversorum colorum) are surrendered to Sisara (traduntur Sisarae) for/as loot/spoils (in praedam), and various furniture (et varia supellex) is collected together (congeritur) to decorate (ad ornanda) necks/throats (colla).
sic pereant omnes inimici tui Domine qui autem diligunt te sicut sol in ortu suo splendet ita rutilent
Thus, let all your enemies (sic, omnes tui inimici) be destroyed (pereant—subjunctive to get the “let”), Lord (Domine). But any that love you (autem qui diligunt te), just as the sun in its own rising (sicut sol in suo ortu), thus they will redden and will shine (Ita rutilent splendet).
quievitque terra per quadraginta annos
And the land was at peace (terra quievitque) for forty years (per quadraginta annos).
fecerunt autem filii Israhel malum in conspectu Domini qui tradidit eos in manu Madian septem annis
However, the children of Israel [again] did evil in the sight of the Lord (autem filii Israhel fecerunt malum in conspectus Domini): Whereby he delivered them into the hand of Madian [for] seven years (qui tradidit eos in manu Madian septem annis),
et oppressi sunt valde ab eis feceruntque sibi antra et speluncas in montibus et munitissima ad repugnandum loca
And they were greatly oppessed by them (et valde oppressi sunt ab eis). And they made themselves (feceruntque sibi) caverns and caves (antra et speluncas) in the mountains and protected places (et munitissima loca) to fight back (ad repugnandum).
cumque sevisset Israhel ascendebat Madian et Amalech et ceteri orientalium nationum
And when Israel had planted (cumque Israhel sevisset), Madian and Amalec and the rest of the the eastern nations, rose up (Madian et Amalech et ceteri orientalium nationum ascendebat):