Page One Flashcards
post mortem Iosue consuluerunt filii Israhel Dominum dicentes quis ascendet ante nos contra Chananeum et erit dux belli
After the death of Joshua, the sons/children of Israel met, saying to/asking the Lord who will rise before us against the Canaanites and be the leader of the war.
dixitque Dominus Iudas ascendet ecce tradidi terram in manus eius
And the Lord said Judas will rise. Behold (Ecce), I have delivered (tradidi) the land into his hands.
et ait Iudas Symeoni fratri suo ascende mecum in sorte mea et pugna contra Chananeum ut et ego pergam tecum in sorte tua et abiit cum eo Symeon
And Judas confirmed/affirmed (ait) to his own brother (fratri suo) Symeon, rise with me (mecum) in my fate (sorte) and fight against the Canaanites so that (ut) even I (et ego) may proceed with you in your fate. And Symeon went (abiit) with him.
ascenditque Iudas et tradidit Dominus Chananeum ac Ferezeum in manus eorum et percusserunt in Bezec decem milia virorum
And Judas rose and the lord handed over/delivered (tradidit) the Canaanites and Ferezeum into their hands and they beat ten thousands of men in Bezec.
inveneruntque Adonibezec in Bezec et pugnaverunt contra eum ac percusserunt Chananeum et Ferezeum
And they discovered (inveneruntque) Adonibezec in Bezec and fought against him and beat the Canaanites and Ferezeum.
fugit autem Adonibezec quem secuti conprehenderunt caesis summitatibus manuum eius ac pedum
Adonibezec, however, fled (fugit), whom they had followed (secuti) and seized (conprehenderunt), cutting (caesis) off the highest part of his hands and feet.
dixitque Adonibezec septuaginta reges amputatis manuum ac pedum summitatibus colligebant sub mensa mea ciborum reliquias sicut feci ita reddidit mihi Deus adduxeruntque eum in Hierusalem et ibi mortuus est
And Adonibezec said: 70 (septuaginta) kings, having the highest part of hands and feet cut off (amputatis), begged (colligebant) for the remnants (reliquias) of food under my table. In the same way (sicut) I have done (Feci), thus God has restored to me. And they brought him in Jerusalem and there he is dead.
obpugnantes ergo filii Iuda Hierusalem ceperunt eam et percusserunt in ore gladii tradentes cunctam incendio civitatem
The sons of Juda went to fight in Jerusalem. They seized it (ceperunt) and they beat it in the face with swords? (gladii is dative, no?), and set (tradentes) all (cunctam) civilization on fire.
et postea descendentes pugnaverunt contra Chananeum qui habitabat in montanis et ad meridiem et in campestribus
And afterwards (et postea), they went down and fought against the Canaanites who were living in the mountains and to the middle (south?–meridiem) and in the plains (campestribus).
pergensque Iudas contra Chananeum qui habitabat in Hebron cui nomen fuit antiquitus Cariatharbe percussit Sisai et Ahiman et Tholmai
And Juda proceeded (pergens) against the Canaanites who were living in Hebron—the name was formerly CariathArbe (cui nomen fuit antiquitus Cariatharbe)—he beat Sisai and Ahiman and Tholmai.
atque inde profectus abiit ad habitatores Dabir cuius nomen vetus erat Cariathsepher id est civitas Litterarum
And departing (profectus) from thence (inde), he went (abiit) to those living in Dabir whose old (vetus) name was Cariath Sepher (nomen vetus erat Cariathsepher)—it is the community of letters.
dixitque Chaleb qui percusserit Cariathsepher et vastaverit eam dabo ei Axam filiam meam uxorem
And Caleb said (dixitque Chaleb): Anyone (qui) that will beat (percusserit) CariathSepher and devastate it (vastaverit eam), I will give (dabo) him (ei) Axam, my daughter (filiam meam), as wife (uxorem).
cumque cepisset eam Othonihel filius Cenez frater Chaleb minor dedit ei filiam suam coniugem
And at that time (cum que), Othoniel, son of Cenez, Younger brother of Caleb, having taken/seized it (cepisset), he gave him his own (suam) daughter to join in marriage (coniugem).
quam pergentem in itinere monuit vir suus ut peteret a patre suo agrum quae cum suspirasset sedens asino dixit ei Chaleb quid habes
Who (quam), proceeding (pergentem) in her journey (in itinere), her (suus) man/husband (vir) advised (monuit) to beg (ut peteret) from her own father (a patre suo) a field (agrum). Who (quae) after she sighed (suspirasset), sitting (sedens) with an ass (cum asino), Caleb said to her (ei) what (quid) do you have (hebes)?
at illa respondit da mihi benedictionem quia terram arentem dedisti mihi da et inriguam aquis dedit ergo ei Chaleb inriguum superius et inriguum inferius
At that (at illa), she replied (respondit), give (da) me (mihi) blessing (benedictionem) because (quia) you have given me (dedisti mihi) parched land (arentem terram). Give (da) also (et) watering water??? (inriguam aquis—“watery land” but I don’t see land). Caleb therefore gave her (dedit ei) the highest watering and the lowest watering (inriguum superius et etc etc—“the upper and nether watery ground”).
filii autem Cinei cognati Mosi ascenderunt de civitate Palmarum cum filiis Iuda in desertum sortis eius quod est ad meridiem Arad et habitaverunt cum eo
However (Autem), the sons of Cinei, related by blood (cognati) to Moses (Mosi), rose from the community of palms (civitate Palmarum) with the sons of Juda in the lonliness (desertum) ofhis fate (eius sortis), which (quod) is near (ad) the lesser (meridiem) of Arad and they lived (habitaverunt) with him (cum eo).
abiit autem Iudas cum Symeone fratre suo et percusserunt simul Chananeum qui habitabat in Sephath et interfecerunt eum vocatumque est nomen urbis Horma id est anathema
Juda, however (autem), went (abiit) with his own brother (fratre suo) Symeon and they beat at the same time (simul—together?) the Canaanites who were living in Sephath and they killed them (interfecerunt eum). And the name of the city is/was (est) called (vocatum) Horma. It is a sacrifice (anathema)??
cepitque Iudas Gazam cum finibus suis et Ascalonem atque Accaron cum terminis suis
And Juda seized (cepit) Gaza with its boundaries (finibus) and Ascalon and Accaron with their boundaries.