Page Three Flashcards
quam ob rem nolui delere eos a facie vestra ut habeatis hostes et dii eorum sint vobis in ruinam
How (quam) on account of this fact (ob rem) I was unwilling (nolui) to destroy them (delere eos) from your face (a facie vestra); In order that (ut) you will have (habeatis) enemies (hostes) and their gods (et dii eorum) will be (sint) your ruin (vobis ruinam).
cumque loqueretur angelus Domini verba haec ad omnes filios Israhel elevaverunt vocem suam et fleverunt
And when (cumque) the angel of the lord (angelus domini) had spoken (loqueretur) these words (verba haec) to all the sons of Israel (ad omnes filios Israhel), they lifted up (elevaverunt) their own voices (vocem suam) and wept (et fleverunt).
et vocatum est nomen loci illius Flentium sive Lacrimarum immolaveruntque ibi hostias Domino
And the name of that place (et nomen loci illius) was called (vocatum est) [the place of] weepers or of (sive) tears (flentium Lacrimarum—place of?). And there (ibi) they offered sacrifices (immolaveruntque hostias) to the Lord (Domino—dative).
dimisit ergo Iosue populum et abierunt filii Israhel unusquisque in possessionem suam ut obtinerent eam
Joshua, therefore (ergo) sent away (dimisit) the people (populum) and the sons of Israel (filii Israhel) went (abierunt) each one (unusquisque) to his own (suam) possessions (duh) to maintain (ut obtinerent) it (eam).
servieruntque Domino cunctis diebus eius et seniorum qui longo post eum vixerunt tempore et noverant omnia opera Domini quae fecerat cum Israhel
And they served the Lord (servieruntque Domino) all (cunctis) his days (diebus eius), and [the days] of the elderly (seniorum) who a long time after him lived (qui longo post eum vixerunt tempore), and they knew (et noverant) all the work (omnia opera) of the Lord (Domini) which (quae) he had done (fecerat) with Israel (cum Israhel).
mortuus est autem Iosue filius Nun famulus Domini centum et decem annorum
But Joshua (Autem Josue), son of Nun (filius Nun), servant of the Lord (famulus Domini), was/is dead (mortuus est), [after] one hundred and ten years (centum et decem annorum).
et sepelierunt eum in finibus possessionis suae in Thamnathsare in monte Ephraim a septentrionali plaga montis Gaas
And they buried him (et sepelierunt eum) in the country/boundaries (in finibus) of his own possession (possessionis suae) in Thamnathsare, in Mount Ephraim on the northern part/region (septentrionali plaga) of Mount Gaas (montis Gaas).
omnisque illa generatio congregata est ad patres suos et surrexerunt alii qui non noverant Dominum et opera quae fecerat cum Israhel
And all that generation (Omnisque illa generatio), was gathered (congregata est) to their own fathers (ad patres suos) and others rose (et alii surrexerunt) who (qui) did not know (non noverant) the Lord (Dominum) and the work (opera) which (quae) He made/did (fecerat) with Israel.
feceruntque filii Israhel malum in conspectu Domini et servierunt Baalim
And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and they served Baalim.
ac dimiserunt Dominum Deum patrum suorum qui eduxerat eos de terra Aegypti et secuti sunt deos alienos deos quoque populorum qui habitabant in circuitu eorum et adoraverunt eos et ad iracundiam concitaverunt Dominum
And so (Ac) they abandoned (dimiserunt) the Lord (Dominum), God of their fathers (Deum partum suorum), who had brought (qui eduxerat) them (eos) from the land of Egypt (de terra Aegypti) and they obeyed/followed (et secuti sunt) foreign Gods (Deos alienos), Gods of the people (Deos popularum) who were living in their borders (sense—around them? Qui habitabant in circuitu eorum), and they worshipped them (et adoraverunt eos) and they stirred up (et concitaverunt) the Lord (Dominum) to anger/irascibility (ad iracundiam).
dimittentes eum et servientes Baal et Astharoth
Abandoning him (dimittentes eum) and serving Baal and Astharoth.
iratusque Dominus contra Israhel tradidit eos in manibus diripientium qui ceperunt eos et vendiderunt hostibus qui habitabant per gyrum nec potuerunt resistere adversariis suis
And the Lord, being angry against Israel, delivered them (tradidit eos) into the hands of plunderers (diripientium), who seized them (qui ceperunt eos) and sold them (vendiderunt) to their enemies (hostibus) who lived through the circle (sense—lived around them? Per gyrum). Nor (Nec) were they able to resist (potuerunt risistere) their enemies (adversariis suis).
sed quocumque pergere voluissent manus Domini erat super eos sicut locutus est et iuravit eis et vehementer adflicti sunt
But whithersoever (Sed quocumque) they wished to go (voluissent pergere), the hand of the Lord (manus Domini) was above them (erat super eos), just as (sicut) he had spoken (locutus est) and he had sworn (et iuravit) to them (eis) and they were vehemently afflicted (et vehementer adflicti sunt).
suscitavitque Dominus iudices qui liberarent eos de vastantium manibus sed nec illos audire voluerunt
And the Lord roused (sense—raised?? Suscitavitque Dominus) judges (iudices) who released them (qui liberarent eos) from the hands of the ravagers (de vastantium manibus): but they were not willing (sed nec voluerunt) to hear them (illos audire).
fornicantes cum diis alienis et adorantes eos cito deseruerunt viam per quam ingressi fuerant patres eorum et audientes mandata Domini omnia fecere contraria
Fornicating with alien gods and adoring them (fornicantes cum diis alienis et adorantes eos), they quickly deserted (cito deseruerunt) the road (viam) through which (per quam) their fathers (patres eorum) had walked (ingressi fuerant) and hearing (audientes) the orders of the Lord (mandata Domini) they did all things to make contrary (omnia fecere contraria).
cumque Dominus iudices suscitaret in diebus eorum flectebatur misericordia et audiebat adflictorum gemitus et liberabat eos de caede vastantium
And when (cumque) the Lord roused up (suscitaret) Judges in their days (in diebus eorum), He was bended/persuaded (flectebatur) to pity (misericordia) and heard (audiebat) the lament/moans (gemitus) of the afflicted (adflictorum) and released them (et liberabat eos) from the slaughter (de caede) of the oppressors (vastantium).
postquam autem mortuus esset iudex revertebantur et multo maiora faciebant quam fecerant patres sui sequentes deos alienos et servientes eis et adorantes illos non dimiserunt adinventiones suas et viam durissimam per quam ambulare consueverant
But after (postquam autem) the judge was dead (mortuus esset iudex), they were returned (revertebantur), and did (faciebant) many large things (multo maiora—sense: Larger things? Worse things?) than (quam) their fathers had done (fecerant patres sui), following alien gods (sequentes deos alienos), and serving them (servientes eis), and adoring them (et adorantes). They did not send away (non dimiserunt) their own inventions (adinventiones suas) and the cruel way (et viam durissimam) through which (by which? Per quam) they were accustomed (consueverant) to walk (ambulare).
iratusque est furor Domini in Israhel et ait quia irritum fecit gens ista pactum meum quod pepigeram cum patribus eorum et vocem meam audire contempsit
And the anger of the Lord (iratusqu Domini) was enraged (sense—kindled??—est furor) in Israel, and he said (et ait): Because (quia) this nation of yours (gens ista) has made worthless (irritum fecit) my pact/covenant (pactum meum), which (quod) I composed (pepigeram) with your fathers (cum patribus eorum) and has looked down upon/scorned (contempsit) to hear my call/voice (vocem meam audire).