Page Twenty Three Flashcards
cui Manue quando inquit sermo tuus fuerit expletus quid vis ut faciat puer aut a quo se observare debebit
At that (cui) Manue said (Manue…inquit): when your speech will complete (quando…sermo tuus fuerit expletus—sense is “when your word will come to pass), what do you wish that the boy should do (quid viS ut faciat puer)? Or from what ought (aut a quo…debebit) he to watch himself (se observare—sense is “what should he keep himself from”)?
dixitque angelus Domini ad Manue ab omnibus quae locutus sum uxori tuae abstineat se
And the angel of the Lord said to Manue (dixitque angelus Domini ad Manue): from all the things (ab omnibus quae) I have spoken to your wife (locutus sum uxori tuae), let her withhold herself (abstineat se).
et quicquid ex vinea nascitur non comedat vinum et siceram non bibat nullo vescatur inmundo et quod ei praecepi impleat atque custodiat
And let her not eat anything (et quicquid…non comedat) that is born out of the vine (ex vinea nascitur). Let her not drink wine and strong drink (vinum et siceram non bibat). Let her eat (vescatur) no unclean/impure thing (nullo…inmundo). And what I have warned/taught to her (et quod ei praecepi), let her satisfy and take heed (impleat atque custodiat).
dixitque Manue ad angelum Domini obsecro te ut adquiescas precibus meis et faciamus tibi hedum de capris
And Manue said to the angel of the Lord (dixitque Manue ad angelum Domini), I beseech you that you assent to my prayer (obsecro te ut adquiescaS precibus meis) and we may make a kid from a she goat for you (et faciamus tibi hedum de capris)
cui respondit angelus si me cogis non comedam panes tuos sin autem vis holocaustum facere offer illud Domino et nesciebat Manue quod angelus Dei esset
At that (cui) the angel responded (respondit angelus): if you compel me (si me cogiS), I will not eat of your bread (non comedam panes tuos), but if, however, you are willing (sin autem viS) to make a holocaust (holocaustum facere), offer that to the Lord (offer illud Domino). And Manue was ignorant that it was the angel of the Lord (et nesciebat Manue quod angelus Dei esset).
dixitque ad eum quod est tibi nomen ut si sermo tuus fuerit expletus honoremus te
And he said to him (dixitque ad eum), what is your name (quod est tibi nomen), that if your speech will complete/finish (ut si sermo tuus fuerit expletus—sense of expletus is “come to pass”), we may honor you (honoreMUS te).
cui ille respondit cur quaeris nomen meum quod est mirabile
Who responded that (cui ille respondit): why do you seek my name (cur quaeris nomen meum), which is wonderful (quod est mirabile)?
tulit itaque Manue hedum de capris et libamenta et posuit super petram offerens Domino qui facit mirabilia ipse autem et uxor eius intuebantur
And so Manue brought a kid of a she-goat (tulit itaque Manue hedum de capris) and libations and put them upon a rock (et libamenta et posuit super petram), offering to the Lord (offerens Domino), who did wonderful [things] (qui facit mirabilia). He himself, however, and his wife, looked at [it] (ipse autem et uxor eius intuebantur).
cumque ascenderet flamma altaris in caelum angelus Domini in flamma pariter ascendit quod cum vidisset Manue et uxor eius proni ceciderunt in terram
And when the flame rise from the altar into the sky (cumque ascenderet flamma altaris in caelum), the angel of the Lord rose together in the flame (angelus Domini in flamma pariter ascendit). Who, when he had seen [this] (quod cum vidisset), Manue and his wife fell prone (Manue et uxor eius proni ceciderunt) to the ground (in terram).
et ultra non eis apparuit angelus Domini statimque intellexit Manue angelum esse Domini
And besides (et ultra), the angel of the Lord did not appear to them [any more] (non eis apparuit angelus Domini), and at once, Manue understood (statimque intellexit Manue) it was an angel of the Lord (angelum esse Domini).
et dixit ad uxorem suam morte moriemur quia vidimus Deum
And he said to his wife (et dixit ad uxorem suam), we will decay and die (morte moriemur) because we have seen God (quia vidimus Deum).
cui respondit mulier si Dominus nos vellet occidere de manibus nostris holocaustum et libamenta non suscepisset nec ostendisset nobis haec omnia neque ea quae sunt ventura dixisset
At that (cui) his woman/wife responded (respondit mulier), if the Lord wished to kill us (si Dominus nos vellet occidere), he would not have accepted (non suscepisset) a holocaust and libations from our hands (de minibus nostris holocaustum et libamenta). Nor would he have revealed to us (nec ostendisset nobis) all these things (nobis haec omnia), nor would he say these things which are (neque ea quae sunt…dixisset) to come (ventura).
peperit itaque filium et vocavit nomen eius Samson crevitque puer et benedixit ei Dominus
And so she bore a son and called his name Samson (peperit itaque filium et vocavit nomen eius Samson) and the boy grew and the Lord blessed him (crevitque puer et benedixit ei Dominus).
coepitque spiritus Domini esse cum eo in castris Dan inter Saraa et Esthaol
And the spirit of the Lord began to be with him in the camp of Dan between Saraa and Esthaol (coepitque spiritus Domini esse cum eo in castris Dan inter Saraa et Esthaol).
descendit igitur Samson in Thamnatha vidensque ibi mulierem de filiabus Philisthim
Samson descended, therefore (descendit igitur Samson) into Thamnatha, and seeing there (in Thamnatha vidensque ibi) a woman of the daughters of the Philistines (mulierem de filiabus Philisthim),
ascendit et nuntiavit patri suo et matri dicens vidi mulierem in Thamnatha de filiabus Philisthinorum quam quaeso ut mihi accipiatis uxorem
He rose and announced (ascendit et nuntiavit) to his father and mother (patri suo et matri), saying, I saw a woman in Thamnatha of the daughters of the Philistines (dicens vidi mulierem in Thamnatha de filiabus Philisthinorum). How I beg (quam quaeso) that you take [her] to me as wife (ut mihi accipiatis uxorem).
cui dixerunt pater et mater sua numquid non est mulier in filiabus fratrum tuorum et in omni populo meo quia vis accipere uxorem de Philisthim qui incircumcisi sunt dixitque Samson ad patrem suum hanc mihi accipe quia placuit oculis meis
At that (cui), his father and mother said (dixerunt pater et mater sua), is it possible there is no woman (numquid non est mulier) in the daughters of your brothers (in filiabus fratrum tuorum) and in all my people (et in omni populo meo)? Because you are willing to take a wife of the Philistines (quia viS accipere uxorem de Philisthim), who are uncircumcised (qui incircumcisi sunt)? And Samson said to his father (dixitque Samson ad patrem suum), take this [woman] for me (hanc mihi accipe), because she has pleased my eye (quia placuit oculis meis).
parentes autem eius nesciebant quod res a Domino fieret et quaereret occasionem contra Philisthim eo enim tempore Philisthim dominabantur Israheli
His parents, however, were unaware that the thing was done by the Lord (parentes autem eius nesciebant quod res a Domino fieret). And he searched for an opportunity/occasion against the Philistines (et quaereret occasionem contra Philisthim). For indeed at that time (eo enim tempore), the Philistines were masters to Israel (Philisthim dominabantur Israheli)