Page Ten Flashcards
extendit angelus Domini summitatem virgae quam tenebat in manu et tetigit carnes et azymos panes ascenditque ignis de petra et carnes azymosque consumpsit angelus autem Domini evanuit ex oculis eius
The angel of the Lord thrust out (angelus Domini extendit) the summit of the staff which he held in his hand (summitatem virgae quam tenebat in manu), and he touched the meat and unleavened bread (et tetigit carnes et azymos panes). And a fire arose from the rock (ascenditque ignis de petra) and the meat and it burned up/consumed the meat and unleavened [bread] (et consumpsit carnes azymosque). The angel of the Lord, however/also (angelus Domini autem), vanished out of his sight (evanuit ex oculis eius).
vidensque Gedeon quod esset angelus Domini ait heu mihi Domine Deus quia vidi angelum Domini facie ad faciem
And Gedeon, seeing that it was the angel of the Lord, said (Gedeon, vidensque quod esset angelus Domini ait): Alas, my Lord God, because (heu mihi Domine Deus quia) I have seen (vidi) the angel of the Lord face to face (angelum Domini facie ad faciem).
dixitque ei Dominus pax tecum ne timeas non morieris
And the Lord said to him (Dominus dixitque ei), peace [be] with you (pax tecum). Do not fear (ne timeas). You will not die (non morieRIS).
aedificavit ergo ibi Gedeon altare Domino vocavitque illud Domini pax usque in praesentem diem cum adhuc esset in Ephra quae est familiae Ezri
Therefore, Gedeon built there an altar to the Lord (ergo Gedeon aedificavit ibi altare Domino), and he called it (vocavitque illud) the peace of the Lord (pax Domini), up to the present day (usque in praesentem diem). When he was hitherto (cum esset adhuc) in Ephra, which is of the family of Ezri (in Ephra, quae est familiae Ezri),
nocte illa dixit Dominus ad eum tolle taurum patris tui et alterum taurum annorum septem destruesque aram Baal quae est patris tui et nemus quod circa aram est succide
That night (nocte illa) the Lord said to him (Dominus dixit ad eum), remove (tolle) a bull of your father (taurum patris tui) and another bull of seven years (et alterum taurum annorum septem), and you will destroy (destruesque) the altar of Baal, which is your father’s (aram Baal quae est patris tui) and cut down (et succide) the forest that is around (nemus quod circa est) the altar (aram).
et aedificabis altare Domino Deo tuo in summitate petrae huius super quam sacrificium ante posuisti tollesque taurum secundum et offeres holocaustum super lignorum struem quae de nemore succideris
And you will build and altar (et aedificabis altare) to the Lord, your God on the summit of this rock (Domino Deo tuo in summitate petrae huis), over which (super quam) you placed the sacrifice before (sacrificium ante posuisti), and you will take the second bull (tolleSque taurum secundum) and you will offer a holocaust (et offeres holocaustum) on top of a heap of wood (super struem lignorum) which you will cut (quae succideRIS) down from the forest (de nemore).
adsumptis igitur Gedeon decem viris de servis suis fecit sicut praeceperat Dominus timens autem domum patris sui et homines illius civitatis per diem facere noluit sed omnia nocte conplevit
Gedeon, therefore, taking ten men from his own servants (Gedeon igitur, adsumptis decem viris de suis servis), did just as (fecit sicut) the Lord had instructed (Dominus praeceperat). Fearing, however the house of his father (timens autem domum patris sui) and the men of that city (et hominess illius civitatis), he was unwilling to do [it] by day (noluit facere per diem), but he completed all night (sed conplevit omnia nocte).
cumque surrexissent viri oppidi eius mane viderunt destructam aram Baal lucumque succisum et taurum alterum inpositum super altare quod tunc aedificatum erat
And when the men of that town (cumque viri eius oppidi) were risen in the morning (surrexissent mane), they saw destroyed the altar of Baal (viderunt destructam aram Baal), and the grove (lucumque) cut down (succisum) and the second bull put upon (et taurum alterum inpositum) the top of the altar (super altare) which at that time was built (quod tunc aedificatum erat).
dixeruntque ad invicem quis hoc fecit cumque perquirerent auctorem facti dictum est Gedeon filius Ioas fecit haec Omnia
And they said to each other (dixeruntque ad invicem—literally “in turn, mutually”), who has done this (quis fecit hoc)? And when they searched everywhere for (perquirerent) the authority of the creation (auctorem facti?) it was said Gedeon, son of Joas, did all this (dictum est Gedeon, filius Ioas fecit haec Omnia).
et dixerunt ad Ioas produc filium tuum ut moriatur quia destruxit aram Baal et succidit nemus
And they said to Joas (et dixerunt ad Ioas), produce your son (produc—literally “lead forward/bring out”—filium tuum) so that he may die (ut moriatur), because he has destroyed (quia destruxit) the altar of Baal and he has cut down his forest (aram Baal et succidit nemus).
quibus ille respondit numquid ultores estis Baal et pugnatis pro eo qui adversarius eius est moriatur antequam lux crastina veniat si deus est vindicet se de eo qui suffodit aram eius
Who [Joas?] answered that (quibus respondit ille): Is it possible (numquid) you are the avengers (esTIS ultores) of Baal and you fight for him (Baal et pugnaTIS pro eo)? Any that is his adversary (qui est eius adversarius), let him die (moriaTUR) before the light of tomorrow comes (antequam lux crastina veniat). If he is a god (si est deus), let him avenge himself (vindicet se) on him (de eo—de doesn’t translate that way, but it’s all that makes sense) who undermined his altar (qui suffodit aram eius).
ex illo die vocatus est Gedeon Hierobbaal eo quod dixisset Ioas ulciscatur se de eo Baal qui suffodit altare eius
Out of that day (from that day? Ex illo die), Gedeon was called Jerobaal (Gedeon vocatus est Hierobbaal), because Joas had said (quod Ioas dixisset) let Baal avenge himself (Baal ulciscatur se) on him (de eo) who undermined his altar (qui suffodit eius altare).
Can’t quite figure out what the first eo is doing.
igitur omnis Madian et Amalech et orientales populi congregati sunt simul et transeuntes Iordanem castrametati sunt in valle Iezrahel
Therefore, all Madian and Amalec and the eastern people were gathered at the same time (igitur, omnis Madian et Amalech et orientales populi congregati sunt simul), and going over the Jordan (et transeuntes Iordanem), they encamped (castrametati sunt) in the valley of Jezrael (in valle Iesrahel).
spiritus autem Domini induit Gedeon qui clangens bucina convocavit domum Abiezer ut sequeretur
But the spirit of the Lord covered Gedeon (autem spiritus Domini induit Gedeon), who sounded a bugle (qui clangens bucina), [and] called together (convocavit) the house of Abiezer (domum abiezer) to follow [him] (ut sequeretur).
misitque nuntios in universum Manassen qui et ipse secutus est eum et alios nuntios in Aser et Zabulon et Nepthalim qui occurrerunt ei
And he sent messengers into the whole of Manasses (misitque nuntios in universum Manassen) and they themselves followed him (et ipse secutus est eum) and other messengers into Aser and Zabulon and Nepthalim, who ran to meet him (et alios nuntios in Aser et Zabulon et Nepthalim qui occurrerunt ei).
Leftover Qui—not sure what it’s doing.
dixitque Gedeon ad Dominum si salvum facis per manum meam Israhel sicut locutus es
And Gedeon said to God (dixitque Gedeon ad Dominum), if you will save (si faciS salvum) Israel by my hand (Israhel per meam manum) as you have spoken (sicut es locutus),